Design and Limitations in Polymer Cracking Fluidized Beds for Energy Recovery’
Time, friendship and ‘collective intimacy’: the point of view of a co-devisor from within Little Bulb Theatre.
Love and incomprehensibility: The hermeneutic labour of caring for and understanding a loved one with psychosis
A Survey on Fault Tolerance Techniques for Wireless Vehicular Networks
Efficient Computer Forensic Analysis Using Machine Learning Approaches
Domestic Violence and the role of the midwife
Categorizing Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy: A Perspective of Legitimacy Management
Organizational Responsibility Development: What it is and Why it Happens
Zinc complexes for PLA formation and chemical recycling
Poly(lactic acid) Degradation into Methyl Lactate Catalyzed by a Well-Defined Zn(II) Complex
PET/MRI attenuation estimation in the lung: A review of past, present, and potential techniques
Thermal performance of a mine refuge chamber with human body heat sources under ventilation
Carotid Bifurcation With Tandem Stenosis—A Patient-Specific Case Study Combined in vivo Imaging, in vitro Histology and in silico Simulation
Prediction of atherosclerotic plaque life – Perceptions from fatigue analysis
3D-printing based Transducer Holder for Robotic Assisted Ultrasound Guided HIFU
Using drawing, model making and metaphorical representations to increase students’ engagement with reflections
Teaching for 3 Cs: centering imagination in teacher education
"Listen to your gut": a reflexive approach to data analysis
Emerging researcher perspectives: Finding your people: My challenge of developing a creative research methods network
Exploring the roles of physical effort and visual salience within the proximity effect
The lived experience of being ill and/or disabled in academia
Identity boxes: using materials and metaphors to elicit experiences
Partnership in learning: how staff-student collaboration can innovate teaching
Embodied reflection ‐ exploring creative routes to teaching reflective practice within dance training
Materialising resistance against rape culture online: The phenomenon of SlutWalks
An investigation into the effectiveness of assessment for learning on students’ academic performance and learning experience
Corporate Governance Code Comparison and Compliance for South Asian Economies
Political advertising effectiveness in war-time Syria
Mitigation of Extreme Heat and Sustainable Cooling
Universal Basic Income
Diversifying the Role of Distributed Generation Grid-Side Converters for Improving the Power Quality of Distribution Networks Using Advanced Control Techniques
Total Quality Management Boosters and Blockers in a Humanitarian Setting: An Exploratory Investigation
Assessing Patients’ Perception of Health Care Service Quality Offered by COHSASA-Accredited Hospitals in Nigeria
Email is Evil! Behavioural Responses towards Permission-based Direct Email Marketing and Gender Differences
Towards resolving mechanisms of particle shrinking during biomass pyrolysis via micro-computed tomography and in-situ radiography
Study of char morphology during biomass pyrolysis and gasification via micro-computed tomography
Influence of Reactor Design on Product Distributions from Biomass Pyrolysis
Approaching the Analysis of the Spectatorship of AI in
The Story of Bonehead Merkle: Appraising the Fictional Component of Sports
The development of sports: A comparative analysis of the early institutionalization of traditional sports and e-sports
A comprehensive characterization of chronic norovirus infection in immunodeficient hosts.
Seronegative patients vaccinated with cytomegalovirus gB-MF59 vaccine have evidence of neutralising antibody responses against gB early post-transplantation
Depth and breadth of knowledge and the governance of technology alliances.
CHME Hospitality Leadership in Universities and the Public Sector A New Programme for a New Audience
An Evaluation of the Return to Practice Programme (Nursing) at City University of London (2017-2018)
CFD Modelling of Finned-tube CO2 Gas Cooler for Refrigeration Systems
The dataset for validation of customer inspiration construct in Malaysian context
Does religiosity matter in the era of industrial revolution 4.0?
Role of real-time information-sharing through SaaS: An industry 4.0 perspective
Affective Organizational Commitment in Global Strategic Partnerships: The Role of Individual-Level Microfoundations and Social Change
Economic Policy and Food Security in Ethiopia
The Urban Food Question in the Context of Inequality and Dietary Change: A Study of Schoolchildren in Accra
Law & Critique: Technology elsewhere, (yet) phantasmically present
Characterising the Pore Space of Selected Sandstone Samples using Multiple Approaches
An Acoustic Emission Technique for Monitoring the Liquefied Natural Gas Cargo Tank
Between interventions and systems: A proposal for ‘real world’ logic models
Developing, implementing and evaluating the Yorkshire Patient Experience Toolkit (PET): How process evaluation can strengthen action research
Dialectical thinking and the 'economic determinants' of performance: What Marxism can contribute to health services research in an age of complexity
Design and Development of a Mobile Climbing Robot for Wind Turbine Inspection
Beyond Being Handed The Ipad: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study Of Lecturers’ Lived Experiences Of Ipad Adoption
Determining Safety Parameters for Small Scale Passive Hydrogen Venting Schemes[Fuel Cell and Nuclear Enclosures]
Features affecting the quality of Sustainability Reporting: Theoretically informed insights and empirical evidence from the Global Fortune 100 (2011-2015)
Different Perspectives on Strategizing - Theory and Practical Use of Strategy Tools
National Patient Safety Alerts: An Exploration of How Trusts Coordinate their Responses
Experimental studies on the noise properties of the harmonics from a passively mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser
Teachers’ Conflict-Inducing Attitudes and Their Repercussions on Students’ Psychological Health and Learning Outcomes
The Defining Role of Environmental Self-Identity among Consumption Values and Behavioral Intention to Consume Organic Food
Projecting at the project-level: MMC supply chain integration roadmap for small housebuilders
Categorizing Foreign Direct Investment Protection Mechanisms
The Legal Allocation of Currency Exchange Risk in Foreign Direct Investment
This Girl Can: An Ecological Approach to Investigating Physical Activity in Urban Females
Congenital heart disease: issues with screening at the newborn physical examination
Conceptualising Green Awareness as Moderator in Technology Acceptance Model for Green IS/IT
Enterprise Education for Engineers with the Technology Evaluation and Commercialisation Framework
The effects of IPO firms’ characteristics on SEC reviews of IPO registration statement
De-burdening the IPO approval process: SEC reviews under the JOBS Act
Tolerance in the Peer Review of Interdisciplinary Research in Architectural Journal Publishing
Using patient experience data to develop a patient experience toolkit to improve hospital care: a mixed-methods study
Steering, Knowledge and the Challenge of Governance Evaluation: The Case of National Health Service Governance and Reform in England
Improving Patient Experience in Hospital Settings: Assessing the Role of Toolkits and Action Research through a Process Evaluation of a Complex Intervention
Advancing Complexity Theory in Health Services Research: The Logic of Logic Models
Choice under risk: How occupation influences preferences
Flexible emotion regulation: How situational demands and individual differences influence the effectiveness of regulatory strategies
From gloom to doom: Financial loss and negative affect prime risk averse preferences
The use of information in online healthcare provider choice
Human resources management practice, job satisfaction and affective organisational commitment relationships: The effects of ethnic similarity and difference
India’s Approach to China’s Belt and Road Initiative—Opportunities and Concerns
The Impact of Click and Collect’s Service Quality on Customer Emotion and Purchase Decision: A Case Study of Mobile World in Vietnam
Double-Tuned Surface 1 H–23 Na Radio Frequency Coils at 7 T: Comparison of Three Decoupling Methods
Sperm transfer through hyper-elongated beetle penises – morphology and theoretical approaches
In Vivo Skin Characterizations by Using Opto-Thermal Depth-Resolved Detection Spectra
Improving coding and primary care management for patients with chronic kidney disease: An observational controlled study in East London
Chronic Low Back Pain Beliefs and Management Practices in Africa: Time for a Re-think?
Ultra-Low Temperature CO Oxidation Activity of Octahedral Site Cobalt Species in Co3O4 Based Catalysts: Unravelling the Origin of Unique Catalytic Property
Benchmarking of several material constitutive models for tribology, wear, and other mechanical deformation simulations of Ti6Al4V
Modelling of a sustainable refugee camp drainage system for stormwater management
On the Undecidability of Legal and Technological Regulation
‘It was like a lightning bolt hitting my world’: Feeling shattered in a first crisis in psychosis
Non-parametric Regression Model for Continuous-time Day Ahead Load Forecasting with Bernstein Polynomial
Pegging Levels
Femoral neck cortical bone distribution of dryopithecin apes and the evolution of hominid locomotion
Neuroprotection, Aging, and the Gut–Brain Axis
Gendered wording in UK health promotion Study 3
Gendered wording and endorsers gender in UK
Mechanism of salinity change and hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in the Machile-Zambezi Basin, South-western Zambia
Solidification of sand by Pb(II)-tolerant bacteria for capping mine waste to control metallic dust: Case of the abandoned Kabwe Mine, Zambia
Efficacy of biocementation of lead mine waste from the Kabwe Mine site evaluated using Pararhodobacter sp.
Cellulose-metallothionein biosorbent for removal of Pb(II) and Zn(II) from polluted water
Reduction in Economic Cost and Production Time for Development of a 3D Printer and its effect on market Economic
‘Making space for waste: Fractal re-production of unsustainable environments
Multi-Sensory Ethnography and Vertical Urban Transformation: Ascending the Peckham Skyline’. Social & Cultural Geography
Full-Field Strain Analysis of Bone–Biomaterial Systems Produced by the Implantation of Osteoregenerative Biomaterials in an Ovine Model
Quantitative Methods
Are the "autistic traits" and "broader autism phenotype" concepts real or mythical?
What about the other side of double empathy? A response to Alkhaldi, Sheppard and Mitchell's article concerning mind-reading difficulties in autism
Demystifying the concept of offsite manufacturing method: Towards a robust definition and classification system
Irremediable impacts and unaccountable contributors: the possibility of a trust fund for victims to remedy large-scale human rights impacts
Any Act, Any Harm, to Anyone: The Transformative Potential of'Human Rights Impacts' under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
Human rights on the altar of the market: the Blackstone letters and the financialisation of housing
Statement on Responsible Use of Research Metrics
Temporal change in maternal dietary intake during pregnancy and lactation between and within 2 pregnancy cohorts assembled in the United Kingdom
Opportunities for integrating underground railways into low carbon urban energy networks: A review
Waste heat recovery from urban electrical cable tunnels
Unchecked box Heat from Underground Energy London (Heat FUEL)
Climb every Montaigne: a citation rhapsody
Improving the Clinical Application of Natural Killer Cells by Modulating Signals Signal from Target Cells
The coordinated action of VCP/p97 and GCN2 regulates cancer cell metabolism and proteostasis during nutrient limitation
Evaluation of the drivers of bim implementation to support the delivery of client requirements (crs) among the early bim adopters
To formulate a conceptual model for innovation: Reframing theoretical constructs of bim adoption within sme organisations
Scientometric analysis and mapping of digital technologies used in cultural heritage field
Politics of Neutrality, Human Rights and Armed Struggles: The Turkey Example
Seismo‐Mechanical Response of Anisotropic Rocks Under Hydraulic Fracture Conditions: New Experimental Insights
A cat-and-Maus game: the politics of truth and reconciliation in post-conflict comics
Particle swarm optimization and spiral dynamic algorithm-based interval type-2 fuzzy logic control of triple-link inverted pendulum system: A comparative assessment
Exploring student nurses’ and their link lecturers’ experiences of reasonable adjustments in clinical placement
Gait-initiation onset estimation during sit-towalk: Recommended methods suitable for healthy individuals and ambulatory community-dwelling stroke survivors
Book Review: Ravet, J. Supporting Change in Autism Services: Bridging the Gap Between Theory & Practice
Optical analysis of RF sputtering plasma through colour characterization
Ambient stable, hydrophobic, electrically conductive porphyrin hole-extracting materials for printable perovskite solar cells
Cryomilling: An environment friendly approach of preparation large quantity ultra refined pure aluminium nanoparticles
Stabilization of a Highly Concentrated Colloidal Suspension of Pristine Metallic Nanoparticles
The Effect of Configurational Entropy of Mixing on the Design and Development of Novel Materials
Erratum: Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 84 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017 (The Lancet (2018) 392(10159) (1923–1994), (S0140673618322256), (10.1016/S0140-6736(18)32225-6))
Exploring the lived experience of Dementia Friends Champions: Reflections on the Doctoral Journey
Scales of Resistance
Carnival of invention
Blockchain-Empowered Decentralized Storage in Air-to-Ground Industrial Networks
An improved neuroendocrine–proportional–integral–derivative controller with sigmoid-based secretion rate for nonlinear multi-input–multi-output crane systems
Sticking to Their Guns: The United Nations’ Failure to See the Potential of Islamic Feminism in the Promotion of Women’s Rights in Afghanistan
#Metoo—has the ‘sisterhood’ finally become global or just another product of neoliberal feminism?
A framework to predict energy related key performance indicators of manufacturing systems at early design phase
A Framework for Pilot Line Scale-up using Digital Manufacturing
An experimental investigation on the relationship between perceived assembly complexity and product design complexity
A virtual engineering based approach to verify structural complexity of component-based automation systems in early design phase
The Brutalist Playground - portfolio
The performance and durability of single-layer sol-gel anti-reflection coatings applied to solar module cover glass
Carving Out a Space for Critical Pedagogies in the Secondary School Classroom
The Role of Munificence-Hostility on Decision-making Logic of Internationalizing SMEs: A Comparative Study
Conducting sexualities research: An outline of emergent issues and case studies from ten wellcome-funded projects [version 1; peer review: 3 approved]
Sexuality, risk, and organisational misbehaviour in a secure mental healthcare facility in England
3D FEM of a pipeline with defect using MFL testing under extreme conditions
Application of Bayesian Belief Networks to assess hydrogen gas retention hazards and equipment reliability in nuclear chemical plants
Managing Hydrogen Gas Hazard Uncertainty
Smart and Green Infrastructure for Future Cities
Mobility, Migration and the Sustainable Development Goals
Mind the Gap! Documentation
Taking the Lead: Why we need more female bosses in the film & TV industries to close the real-life gender gap
Introduction: Studying War and Games
A review of the valorization and management of industrial spent catalyst waste in the context of sustainable practice: The case of the State of Kuwait in parallel to European industry
Tsunami Scour and Forces at Onshore Structures
Between Light and Dark Archiving
Capturing online cultures, or storytelling as method
Archiving Complex Digital Artworks
Accountability and Relationship-Definition Among Food Banks Partnerships
Relationship between specific energy consumption and size of supermarket stores
Networked Co-Curation: An Exploration of the Socio-Technical Specificities of Online Curation
An Updated Interest Based Account (Monotropism theory) & a Demand Avoidance Phenomenon discussion.
Demand Avoidance Phenomena (Pathological Demand Avoidance): an ethical challenge to its orthodoxy.
An Updated Interest Based Account (Monotropism theory): A Developmental Model and Demand Avoidance Phenomena.
Demand Avoidance Phenomena (Pathological Demand Avoidance): Core Issues, Attachment, Trauma & Looked After Children.
Is the concept of Demand Avoidance Phenomena (Pathological Demand Avoidance) real or mythical?
A demand to avoid demand avoidance?
“Tentacular Worlding” an Assemblage of Dance, Technology and Lived Experience Through Embodied Relational Biofeedback and Materials of the Human and Non-Humankind
Reflecting on the Experience the Self in the Smart City
Conspiracy Archives a process archive of an archival process
Retrofitting the existing domestic housing stock with the energy-efficient smart window technologies
Smart Vacuum Glazing invented with Energy-Efficient Fusion Seal for the Solar Thermal Transmittance Control in Buildings
Empathy and a Personalised Approach in Autism
Demand avoidance phenomena: circularity, integrity and validity – a commentary on the 2018 National Autistic Society PDA Conference
Pathological Demand Avoidance: Is it time to move beyond the pathological need to not to develop more inclusive pedagogical practices?
Life cycle carbon emissions and comparative evaluation of selected open source UK embodied carbon counting tools
Neural responses to criticism and praise vary with schizotypy and perceived emotional support
Sensitivity to criticism and praise predicts schizotypy in the non-clinical population: The role of affect and perceived expressed emotion
Deciphering reward-based decision making in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis and behavioral modelling of the Iowa Gambling Task
Developing and maintaining the teacher-student relationship in one to one alternative provision: the tutor’s experience
Slug flow monitoring in pipes using a novel non intrusive optical infrared sensing technology
Experimental Study of Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Methods in Sandstone Core Samples: Effect of Salinity and Divalent Cations.
Development of high temperature and underwater sensor for permanent magnet corrosion monitoring system
Whats new in CAH?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Case Study. What happens next?
Short stature, growth hormone deficiency and primary IGF-1 deficiency
Advanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing
Genetic Competencies for Effective Pediatric Endocrine Nursing Practice
Suitability mapping for rice cultivation in Benue State, Nigeria using satellite data
Mentalizing in value-based social decision-making: shaping expectations and social norms
The Therapeutic Engagement Questionnaire (TEQ): a service user-focused mental health nursing outcome metric
How do acupuncture practitioners use pattern identification – An international web-based survey?
The influence of ice rubble on sea ice friction
Advancing Clinical Practice in Mental Health
Assessment of Autophagy as Possible Mechanism of the Antitumor Effects of Arsenic Trioxide and/or Cisplatin on Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma Model.
Combination of arsenic trioxide and cisplatin synergistically inhibits both hexokinase activity and viability of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells
Cisplatin augments the anti-schistosomal effect of praziquantel in a schistosoma-infected cancer model
What is the evidence for offense-specific group treatment programs for forensic patients?
Does specialized psychological treatment for offending reduce recidivism? A meta-analysis examining staff and program variables as predictors of treatment effectiveness
Las Trayectorias de las instituciones laborales espanolas ante las recientes presiones economicas:Como quedan los recursos para los sindicatos?
The use of strategy tools and frameworks by SMEs in the strategy formation process
Inventing Transgender Children and Young People
Non-parametric Regression Model for Continuous-time Day Ahead Load Forecasting with Bernstein Polynomial
Creation of a computational framework for the European transmission grid with Power-to-Gas
Sound absorption characteristics of air laid non-woven feather mats
The Honorary Consul in International Law: a vital foreign policy tool in need of modernisation and reform
Statement on Responsible Use of Research Metrics
Science mapping approach to assisting the review of construction and demolition waste management research published between 2009 and 2018
Employees’ Safety Perceptions of Site Hazard and Accident Scenes
Understanding the Double-Level Influence of Guanxi on Construction Innovation in China: The Mediating Role of Interpersonal Knowledge Sharing and the Cross-Level Moderating Role of Inter-Organizational Relationships
Damage Evolution of RC Beams Under Simultaneous Reinforcement Corrosion and Sustained Load
Dynamic Characteristics and Failure Mechanism of Vegetated Revetment under Cyclic Loading
A Holistic Review of Public-Private Partnership Literature Published between 2008 and 2018
Capital Structure of Public–Private Partnership Projects: A Sustainability Perspective
A Survey on Users' Perspectives to Functionalities of Web-Based Construction Collaboration Extranets
Adopting a QCA Approach to Investigating the Risks Involved in Megaprojects from Auditing Perspective
A science mapping approach based review of construction safety research
Perceptions towards risks involved in off-site construction in the integrated design & construction project delivery
Investigating the effects of steel slag powder on the properties of self-compacting concrete with recycled aggregates
Overview of Concrete Recycling Legislation and Practice in the United States
Comparisons of students’ perceptions on BIM practice among Australia, China and UK
Investigation of individual perceptions towards BIM implementation-a Chongqing case study
Scientometric analysis of BIM-based research in construction engineering and management
AEC Students’ Perceptions of BIM Practice at Swinburne University of Technology
Investigation of Demographic Factors in Construction Employees’ Safety Perceptions
Scientometric Review of Articles Published in ASCE’s Journal of Construction Engineering and Management from 2000 to 2018
Design for manufacture and assembly in construction: a review
Adopting recycled aggregates as sustainable construction materials: A review of the scientific literature
Integrating BIM with building performance analysis in project life-cycle
Text Mining–Based Review of Articles Published in the Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
Facilitating Building Information Modelling (BIM) using Integrated Project Delivery (IPD): A UK perspective
Analyzing the Key Drivers of Contractors’ Temporary Competitive Advantage in the Competition of International High-speed Rail Projects
Defining and Testing a Safety Cognition Framework Incorporating Safety Hazard Perception
Current Management Approach
Simon Terrill: Crowd Theory 2004-18, Perspectives, Notes and Comments
Optimizing room temperature binder free TiO2 paste for high efficiency flexible polymer dye sensitized solar cells
Low-temperature titania-graphene quantum dots paste for flexible dye-sensitised solar cell applications
Scalable screen-printing manufacturing process for graphene oxide platinum free alternative counter electrodes in efficient dye sensitized solar cells
Screen printed tin selenide films used as the counter electrodes in dye sensitized solar cells
Henry Wood Hall: The creation of a flexible acoustic using airbeds.
Strength and ductility improvement of recycled aggregate concrete by polyester FRP-PVC tube confinement
Markov Chain Modelling-Based Approach to Reserve Electric Vehicles in Parking Lots for Distribution System Energy Management
A Wide Range and High Swing Charge Pump for Phase Locked Loop in Phasor Measurement Unit
Deep learning based forecasting of individual residential loads using recurrence plots
Simultaneous optimal placement and sizing of DSTATCOM and parallel capacitors in distribution networks using multi-objective PSO
Multi-Objective Optimal Placement of Recloser and Sectionalizer in Electricity Distribution Feeders
Remote Hardware-In-the-Loop Measurement System for Electrolyser Characterization
Design and Accuracy Analysis of Multilevel State Estimation Based on Smart Metering Infrastructure
A SGAM-based test platform to develop a scheme for wide area measurement-free monitoring of smart grids under high PV penetration
Design of a 41.14-48.11 GHz triple frequency based VCO
Capture of stability and coordination indicators in virtual training scenarios for the prevention of slip, trip, and fall (STF) accidents
Voyeurism in Documentary Filmmaking on Migration
Identifying Contextual Predictors Of Urban Park Utilization Among Inter-Ethnic Groups In Malaysia
Real-time embedded system of super twisting-based integral sliding mode control for quadcopter UAV
Torn, Folded, Curled: Orphan photographs sourced from the Arab Image Foundation
A study on PD-like fuzzy logic control based active noise control for narrowband noise cancellation with acoustic feedback and distance ratio
Preface - Robotics and Well-Being
Airflow design in refrigerated retail display cabinets and its impact on food quality
Dual level searching approach for solving multi-objective optimisation problems using hybrid particle swarm optimisation and bats echolocation-inspired algorithms
Spread enhancement for firefly algorithm with application to control mechanism of exoskeleton system
Design of set-point weighting-based dynamic integral sliding mode control with nonlinear full-order state observers for quadcopter UAVs
Online Loyalty Programs: Perpetual Motion?
Design of an integrated process for biodiesel production using supercritical methanolysis: Simultaneous work and energy integration
Political Corruption
Optimization Problems
Photoacoustic Super-Resolution Imaging using Laser Activation of Low-Boiling-Point Dye-Coated Nanodroplets in vitro and in vivo
Minimization of Nanodroplet Activation Time using Focused-Pulses for Droplet-Based Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging
Acoustic Wave Sparsely-Activated Localization Microscopy (AWSALM): In Vivo Fast Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging using Nanodroplets
Achievable Rate and Capacity Analysis for Ambient Backscatter Communications
On the Uplink Achievable Rate of Massive MIMO System with Low-Resolution ADC and RF Impairments
Deep Learning Empowered Task Offloading for Mobile Edge Computing in Urban Informatics
A Deep Learning Framework for Optimization of MISO Downlink Beamforming
Enhanced exciton harvesting in a planar heterojunction organic photovoltaic device by solvent vapor annealing
Efficient indoor pin hybrid perovskite solar cells using low temperature solution processed NiO as hole extraction layers
Large crystalline domains and enhanced exciton diffusion length enable efficient organic solar cells
Mediating Role of Risk Perception of Trust and Contract Enforcement in the Construction Industry
Mechanical and electrical (m&e) training for quantity surveyors to contribute to carbon reduction in buildings
Revisiting the Relationship Between Contract Governance and Contractors’ Opportunistic Behavior in Construction Projects
Embodied cognition with and without mental representations: The case of embodied choices in sports
Mind the Gap: Skills Shortage within the UK Construction Industry
Innovative changes in Quantity Surveying Practice through BIM, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Activation and 3D Imaging of Phase-change Nanodroplet Contrast Agents with a 2D Ultrasound Probe
Panel stationary tests against changes in persistence
Long run analysis of crude oil portfolios
Tailoring exciton diffusion and domain size in photovoltaic small molecules by annealing
Genitourinary Tumors: Update on Molecular Biomarkers for Diagnosis, Prognosis and Prediction of Response to Therapy
Temporary Protection: Europe, Croatia and the UK;in EU Justice and Home Affairs Research Papers in the Context of Migration and Asylum LawINSPIRED - Innovative Solutions for Practicality and Impact in Refugee and Migration Orientated Education
Yara Hawari, Sharri Plonski, and Elian Weizman, eds., “Settlers and Citizens: A Critical View of Israeli Society” (New Texts Out Now)
Book Review: The dynamics of exclusionary constitutionalism: Israel as a Jewish and democratic state by Mazen Masri
Gendered, post-diasporic mobilities and the politics of blackness in Zadie Smith’s Swing Time (2016)
Advances in Radiometry Research
Hydrothermal flow for 2D materials
Editorial: Collaborative Computing for Data-Driven Systems
Intriguing behavior when testing the impact of quotation marks usage in Google search results
The influence of Lent on marriages and conceptions explored through a new methodology
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing
Practical Java Programming for IoT, AI, and Blockchain
A Network-Based Measure of the Socio-Economic Roots of the Migration Flows
Measuring network resilience through connection patterns
Civic capital and support for the welfare state
Public debt management and tax evasion
A Generalized Error Distribution Copula-based method for portfolios risk assessment
An economic efficiency indicator for assessing income opportunities in sustainable waste management
Macro Asset Allocation with Social Impact Investments
Allocation of risk capital in a cost cooperative game induced by a modified expected shortfall
Long memory and crude oil’s price predictability
Influence measures in subnetworks using vertex centrality
Intelligent Aircraft Maneuvering Decision Based on CNN
Intelligent Attitude Control of Aircraft Based on LSTM
Global, Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years for 29 Cancer Groups, 1990 to 2017
Evidence regarding external financing in manufacturing MSEs using partial least squares regression
Anachrony, Contemporaneity, and Historical Imagination
The Last Resident
“100 Years of Now” and the Temporality of Curatorial Research
E-cigarettes compared with nicotine replacement therapy within the UK stop smoking services: The TEC RCT
Past, present, and future of global health financing: a review of development assistance, government, out-of-pocket, and other private spending on health for 195 countries, 1995–2050
A Peer-reviewed Newspaper About_ Machine Feeling
Fragmented Democracy and Employee Participation in Nigeria
The interconnectedness of the economic content in the speeches of the US Presidents
A joint text mining-rank size investigation of the rhetoric structures of the US Presidents’ speeches
Creative and Intuitive Decision-Making Processes: A Comparison of Brazilian and German Soccer Coaches and Players
Influence of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on cardiac vagal activity: Not different from sham stimulation and no effect of stimulation intensity
Highly efficient fullerene and non-fullerene based ternary organic solar cells incorporating a new tetrathiocin-cored semiconductor
Interface limited hole extraction from methylammonium lead iodide films
Young adults' experiences of dialysis or kidney transplant decision-making
Involvement of young people in a qualitative study that seeks to explore experiences of renal replacement therapy choice selection
Funding public transport in Turin with transit oriented development land value capture
Features Affecting the Quality of Sustainability Reporting: Theoretically-Informed Insights and Empirical Evidence from the Global Fortune 100 (2011-2015)
Multiuser Detection Using Hybrid ARQ with Incremental Redundancy in Overloaded MIMO Systems (Workshop Paper)
Pre-entry self-assessment and mapping to relevant services as a means of developing learner autonomy in undergraduates.
The Crackle of Contemporaneity
Applications of Capacitive Imaging in Human Skin Texture and Hair Analysis
Solar thermal performance of two innovative configurations of airvacuumlayered triple glazed windows
In-vivo Barretts esophagus digital pathology stage classification through feature enhancement of confocal laser endomicroscopy
Understanding Musicking on Social Media: Music Sharing, Sociality and Citizenship
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography August 2019 Update Gertrude Horton
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography August 2019 Update Margaret Fletcher
Advanced Radiation Heat Transfer
Modelling quality of experience for online video advertisement insertion
Biophysical studies on the antimicrobial activity of linearized esculentin 2EM
Acoustic emissions from in situ compression and indentation experiments on sea ice
Money's Importance from the religious perspective
A systematic review of smoking, smoking cessation and the homeless: there is a will but is there a way?
Real-time diameter of the fetal aorta from ultrasound
Numerical and analytical studies of low cycle fatigue behavior of 316 LN austenitic stainless steel
Investigating within-person patterns and trajectories of dual e-cigarette and tobacco use: the TRAJECT mixed methods study protocol
The Hazard of Oxycontin
Addiction’s policy on fair authorship and acknowledgment practices
Marketing's 60/20 Pareto Law
A Task Scheduling Algorithm for Phased Array Radar Based on Dynamic Three-way Decision
Studying Consumer Behavior in an Online Context: The Impact of the Evolution of the World Wide Web for New Avenues in Research
Professional Status and Norm Violation in Email Collaboration
Analysis of Magnetic Wheel Adhesion Force for Climbing Robot
Enhancing CFD-LES air pollution prediction accuracy using data assimilation
Lightweight Computation to Robust Cloud Infrastructure for Future Technologies (Workshop Paper)
Fabrication of functionalised surfaces on Gum metal (Ti-30Nb) using micromachining
Suppressing the Use of Critical Raw Materials in Joining of AISI 304 Stainless Steel Using Activated Tungsten Inert Gas Welding
The role of high-pressure coolant in the wear characteristics of WC-Co tools during the cutting of Ti–6Al–4V
A large eddy simulation of the dispersion of traffic emissions by moving vehicles at an intersection
Energy-Aware IP Routing over SDN
Context aware ontology‐based hybrid intelligent framework for vehicle driver categorization
Load-Balancing for Edge QoE-Based VNF Placement for OTT Video Streaming
Mitigating MAC Layer Performance Anomaly of Wi-Fi Networks through Adaptable Channelization
Intelligent Flight Control of Combat Aircraft Based on Autoencoder
Integrated Care by the Health and Social Services Staff in Joint Emergency Team (JET) to Prevent Unnecessary Hospital Admissions in London Borough of Greenwich
Skin Capacitive Imaging Analysis Using Deep Learning GoogLeNet
The walking speed-dependency of gait variability in bilateral vestibulopathy and its association with clinical tests of vestibular function
Older adults demonstrate interlimb transfer of reactive gait adaptations to repeated unpredictable gait perturbations
Green walking groups: a mixed methods review of the mental health outcomes for adults with mental health problems
Perceptions of healthy eating and meanings of food amongst Polish immigrants in Luton – a qualitative study
Modelling the Multiple Sclerosis Specialist Nurse Workforce by determination of optimum caseloads in the United Kingdom
An Overview of Systematic Reviews and Meta analyses on Acupuncture for Post-acute Stroke Dysphagia
Educational Network Traffic Data Analysis
The Research, Design and Development of a prototype Liquid Nitrogen Cryotherapy Device combining Electrical Stimulation and Heat
Stepping into recalibration: an exploration of age-related effects
Advocacy Journalism, the Politics of Humanitarian Intervention and the Syrian War
A Phantom Investigation to Quantify Huygens Principle Based Microwave Imaging for Bone Lesion Detection
Characteristics of 698 patients with dissociative seizures: A UK multicenter study
Improving understanding of service-user involvement and identity: collaborative research traversing disability, activism and the academy
A novel motion-model-free UWB short-range positioning method
GPML: an XML-based standard for the interchange of genetic programming trees
Students’ perceptions of debating as a learning strategy: A qualitative study
Introduction to research, resources and academic practices
The Effects of Long-Term Muscle Disuse on Neuromuscular Function in Unilateral Transtibial Amputees
The effect of DNA recovery on the subsequent quality of latent fingermarks: a pseudo-operational trial
Antiarrhythmic drugs. Part 3: rate-control drugs
How are we tempted into debt? Emotional appeals in loan advertisements in UK newspapers
Does Quantification of Carotid Plaque Surface Irregularities Better Detect Symptomatic Plaques Compared to the Subjective Classification?
An ultrasonographic multiparametric carotid plaque risk index associated with cerebrovascular symptomatology: A study comparing color Doppler imaging and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography
The motor cortex of the sheep: laminar organization, projections and diffusion tensor imaging of the intracranial pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts
Building a reduced dictionary of relevant perfusion patterns from CEUS data for the classification of testis lesions
Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Survival Estimation of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients
Prediction of Adverse Glycemic Events from Continuous Glucose Monitoring Signal
Back to the future? The long view of probation and sentencing: A practitioner response
Quality evaluation of microphones used for lecture captures in universities
Examining the Relationships between Young Adults’ Housing Tenure, Elements of Perceived Job Security and Social Capital in Britain
Perceptibility of barriers and threats to successful and sustainable restoration of Heritage Buildings. A perspective of UK’s heritage practitioners
Innovative environmentally sustainable concrete: Explaining the low uptake in UK construction activities
A Geospatial Approach to Sustainable Urban Planning: Lessons for Morogoro Municipal Council, Tanzania
Graphs Resemblance based Software Birthmarks through Data Mining for Piracy Control
Developing a Revenue Sharing Method for an Operational Transfer-Operate-Transfer Project
Privacy and security for resource-constrained IOT devices and networks: Research challenges and opportunities
Social Relationships and Temp-Spatial Behaviors Based Community Discovery to Improve Cyber Security Practices
Graphs Resemblance based Software Birthmarks through Data Mining for Piracy Control
Co-Operative and Hybrid Replacement Caching for Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing
Training to enhance user and carer involvement in mental health-care planning: the EQUIP research programme including a cluster RCT
Mobility and residence rights after Brexit: the positions of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in Hungary and the EU: what can we say?
Student Research Papers on Justice and Home Affairs in the European Union
Introductory Chapter: Introduction to Advanced Thermoelectric Materials for Energy Harvesting Applications
Problematic Pornography Use: Narrative Review and a Preliminary Model
Strategies of responsibilization: development contributions and the political role of property developers
Learning disabilities: supporting people in the criminal justice system
A Clinician's Guide to Mental Health Conditions in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Interventions
Digital Bodies: Creativity and Technology in the Arts and Humanities
Chinese herbal medicine for patients living with HIV in Guangxi province, China: an analysis of two registries
A UK support network for maternity acupuncture: A survey of acupuncturists on the Acupuncture (For Conception to) Childbirth Team (ACT)
Clinical effects and safety of Compound Glutamine Entersoluble Capsules for diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Fabella prevalence rate increases over 150 years, and rates of other sesamoid bones remain constant: a systematic review
Experimental investigation of oscillating heat pipe efficiency for a novel condenser by using Fe3O4 nanofluid
Effects of cropping, smoothing, triangle count, and mesh resolution on 6 dental topographic metrics
Ambient occlusion and PCV (portion de ciel visible): A new dental topographic metric and proxy of morphological wear resistance
Mechanisms to attenuate load in the intact limb of transtibial amputees when performing a unilateral drop landing
Sparse Image Reconstruction for Contrast Enhanced Cardiac Ultrasound using Diverging Waves
As Divorce Approaches, a Bilingual Blood Wedding Opens a New Door
Unravelling Hierarchies: Engaging Performative Pedagogies Within A Creative, Transnational Partnership To Enhance Socio-Cultural Resilience
Retention and generalizability of balance recovery response adaptations from trip-perturbations across the adult lifespan
An effectual approach to online social networking in entrepreneurial marketing: an empirical research from small hospitality firms
Is there an association between metabolic syndrome and rotator cuff related shoulder pain? A systematic review
The Asset Based Health Inquiry: How best to develop social prescribing
Neurological Alterations and Management
Bi2Fe4O9 thin films as novel visible-light-active photoanodes for solar water splitting
Electrocaloric Cooling - making a difference
Professionalism of the built environment researcher
Designing an 'Immersive' Story Environment: Racism and the Sonic Representation of the Stephen Lawrence Murder
Reactive gait and postural adjustments following the first exposures to (un)expected stepdown
Dynamic postural control during (in)visible curb descent at fast versus comfortable walking velocity
Poisson Statistical Model of Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging Acquisition Time
Identification of Fatigue Damage Evaluation using Entropy of Acoustic Emission Waveform
Exploiting automated technologies for reduction of rework in construction housing supply chain
Feeling, Failure, Fallacies - Editorial
The impact of organisation culture on effective exploitation of building information modelling, big data analytics and internet of things (BBI) for competitive advantage in construction organisations
How to extract meaningful Insights from UGC: A Knowledge-Based Method applied to Education
High frame rate contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging for slow flow: influence of ultrasound pressure and flow rate on bubble disruption and image persistence
Article to supplement the Policy Forum for London: Next Steps for Growth in the Thames Estuary
Super resolution ultrasound image filtering with machine learning to reduce the localization error
Simplified Triceps Surae Muscle Volume Assessment in Older Adults
The Maternal in Creative Work Intergenerational Discussions on Motherhood and Art
Assessing the Impact of Infrastructure Projects on Global Sustainable Development Goals
Perspectives on the Techno-Economic Analysis of Carbon Capture and Storage
Duration gap analysis revisited method in order to improve risk management: the case of Chinese commercial bank interest rate risks after interest rate liberalization
Psychometric properties of the persian versions of the Positive Alcohol Metacognitions Scale (Persian-PAMS) and the Negative Alcohol Metacognitions Scale (persian-NAMS) in alcoholdependent individuals
Antiarrhythmic drugs. Part 2: rhythm control
Antiarrhythmic drugs. part 1: an overview
Design and application of a novel cold chain pallet using a phase change material
How can Digital Technology improve Productivity in Retrofitting Works within the UK Social Housing Sector?
In review: Chronic kidney disease
Integrating Life Cycle Management for a more Circular Data Centre Industry
Cost-effectiveness of e-cigarettes compared with nicotine replacement therapy in stop smoking services in England (TEC study): a randomised controlled trial
Human biological variation in sesamoid bone prevalence: the curious case of the fabella
Effective Housing Supply: Where and What to Supply?
Valorisation of high acid value waste cooking oil into biodiesel via supercritical methanolysis
Working memory and high-level cognition in children: An analysis of timing and accuracy in complex span tasks
Equilibrium point defect and charge carrier concentrations in a material determined through calculation of the self-consistent Fermi energy
Intrinsic point defects and the n- and p-type dopability of the narrow gap semiconductors GaSb and InSb
Electronic band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
Donor and acceptor characteristics of native point defects in GaN
Dispelling the Myth of Passivated Codoping in TiO2
L-band mode-locked femtosecond fiber laser with gigahertz repetition rate
All-polarization-maintaining, semiconductor saturable absorbing mirror mode-locked femtosecond Er-doped fiber laser with a gigahertz fundamental repetition rate
Anharmonicity in the High-Temperature Cmcm Phase of SnSe: Soft Modes and Three-Phonon Interactions
A Practical Response to Ableism in Leadership in UK Higher Education
Untapped Potential? A Survey Study with German Police Officers into Suspect Interviewing Practices and the Strategic Use of Evidence
Energy mapping of large refrigerated warehouses co-located with renewable energy sources across Europe
The impact of retrofitting doors on performance of a retail display cabinet
Critical analysis for big data studies in construction: significant gaps in knowledge
Validation of Acoustic Emission Waveform Entropy as a Damage Identification Feature
Improving the supervisory and managerial skills and competences required in construction management in Nigeria.
An Investigation into Variations of Brownian Motion: Towards a Deeper Understanding of Financial Asset Pricing
Metacognitions about Self-Critical Rumination and their Effect on Self-Esteem and Acute Distress
Heterogeneous Catalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into 1,2-Butylene Carbonate and Styrene Carbonate
The culture of teenage and young adult cancer care in England: A multiple-case study across four networks of care
A Port for Thieves - The Historical Fiction of Golden Age Piracy
A Review of The Valorisation and Management of Industrial Spent Catalyst Waste in The Context of Sustainable Practice: The Case of The State of Kuwait in Parallel to European Industry
“On-The-Fly” Fabrication of Highly-Ordered Interconnected Cylindrical and Spherical Porous Microparticles via Dual Polymerization Zone Microfluidics
Reach of an Inclined Cantilever with a Tip Load
Human induced vibration of staircases: Measurements and analysis
Comparative efficacy of oral traditional Chinese patent medicine for acute cerebral infarction: protocol for network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
High frame rate tri-plane echocardiography with spiral arrays: from simulation to real-time implementation
3-D Super-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging with a 2-D Sparse Array
An Overview of Systematic Reviews of Acupuncture for Dysphagia Post-acute Stroke: a protocol
What has justice got to do with it? Gender and the political economy of post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina
What moderates the attainment gap? The effects of social identity incompatibility and practical incompatibility on the performance of students who are or are not Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic
Factors influencing the quality of clinical trials on traditional Chinese medicine— Qualitative interviews with trial auditors, clinicians and academic researchers
Towards a religiously literate curriculum – religion and worldview literacy as an educational model
Developing a Sustainable Concrete using Ceramic Waste Powder
Beyond Geographical boundaries: the covert role of mobile phone in maintaining power and coercive control in the domestic abuse of women
Behavioural activation therapy for post-stroke depression: the BEADS feasibility RCT
Critical health literacy for the marginalised: Empirical findings
Supercritical methanolysis of waste cooking oil for biodiesel synthesis: Experimental and simulation assessments
A comparative structural characterisation of different lignin biomass
Synthesis and characterization of a novel amphoteric terpolymer nanocomposite for enhanced oil recovery applications
Direct synthesis of chloromethyl ethylene carbonate via CO2 utilisation using a novel Zr/ZIF-8 catalyst
FRS: A Simple Knowledge Graph Embedding Model for Entity Prediction
Higher degrees in nursing: traditional research PhD or professional doctorate?
Non-law graduates: an uncommon route to qualification?
Reducing energy demand using cooling efficiently (REDUCE)
The Use of Pattern Differentiation in WHO-Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Trials – a systematic review
Guidetomeasure-OT: A mobile 3D application to improve the accuracy, consistency, and efficiency of clinician-led home-based falls-risk assessments
Rigid Body Dynamics using Equimomental Systems of Point-Masses
What can we learn from ancient sales ledgers?
Mental Reinstatement of Context: Do individual differences in mental time travel and eyewitness occupation influence eyewitness performance over different delay intervals?
Training Regimes and Recovery Monitoring Practices of Elite British Swimmers
Understanding women's feelings about safety and hazards of street drinking in London through interpretative phenomenological analysis
A Critical Analysis Of ‘Creativity’ In Sustainable Production And Design
Does Advertising campaign success in year 1 continue in year 2?
Face the Music: A 12 year study of the sound of performance and hearing of classical music
Experimental validation of deep-subwavelength by diffusion by acoustic metadiffusers
An observational study on the rate of reporting of adverse event on healthcare staff in a mental health setting: An application of Poisson expectation maximisation analysis on nurse staffing data
3D Super-Resolution US Imaging of Rabbit Lymph Node Vasculature in Vivo by Using Microbubbles
Status of occupational safety and health in GCC construction
A robust FLIR target detection employing an auto-convergent pulse coupled neural network
Boosting content based image retrieval performance through integration of parametric & nonparametric approaches
Modelling and forecasting the kurtosis and returns distributions of financial markets: irrational fractional Brownian motion model approach
Construction productivity and digitalisation: An I.T. productivity paradox perspective
The potential of digital technology to improve construction productivity
Comparison of the technical performance of a discretely supported slab track system and an embedded slab track system in a high-speed railway
New Reconstructed Database for Cost Reduction in Indoor Fingerprinting Localization
The Future of Mobility with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Smart Cities
Flexural analysis and design of stainless steel reinforced concrete beams
Guest Editorial
Perspectives: Dementia education in Higher Education Institutions, now and in the future: the role of the professional regulatory bodies in the UK
Identifying and Evaluating Critical Success Factors for Industrialized Building Systems Implementation: Malaysia Study
Using Prefabricated Building to Address Housing Needs in Libya: A Study based on Local Expert Perspectives
On Autonomous Systems: From Reflexive, Imperative and Adaptive Intelligence to Autonomous and Cognitive Intelligence
Limits and uncertainty for energy efficiency in the UK housing stock
Organizing the sensory: Ear-work, panauralism and sonic agency on a forensic psychiatric unit
Geotechnical properties of paper recycling waste streams
Innovative cementing agents, used as alternatives to conventional soil stabilisers
A study of alkali-activated concrete mixes in seawater environments
Innovative methods of ground improvement for two problematic UK railway earthwork materials
Little evidence for fast mapping in adults with developmental amnesia.
Selective attentional bias to food-related stimuli in healthy individuals with characteristics towards orthorexia nervosa
Midwives' evaluation of their role in crowdsourcing activities to improve the maternity experience: part 2
Midwives’ evaluation of their role in crowdsourcing activities to improve the maternity experience: Part 1
Predicting Customer Profitability Dynamically over Time: An Experimental Comparative Study
Digital Art, Culture and Heritage: New constructs and consciousness
Art and Activism at Museums in a Post-digital World
Editorial: The Psychophysiology of Action
The Changing Relationship between Law Schools and the Legal Profession
Does the Diabetes Specialist Nursing workforce impact the experiences and outcomes of people with diabetes? A hermeneutic review of the evidence
Investigation of Microbubble Detection Methods for Super-Resolution Imaging of Microvasculature
Fast acoustic wave sparsely activated localization microscopy (fast-AWSALM): ultrasound super-resolution using plane-wave activation of nanodroplets
Changing Contexts: From Criminal to Citizen
Temporin L and aurein 2.5 have identical conformations but subtly distinct membrane and antibacterial activities
Social Media in Higher Education: Case Studies, Reflections and Analysis
Why include the BOP in your international marketing strategy
The Clamped-Free Rod Under Inclined End Forces and Transitions Between Equilibrium Configurations
Infrastructure Projects’ Impact on Sustainable Development – Case Study of a Water-Utility Company
Loop Formation and Contact Problems in Elastic Rods
Nanostructured polymers for additive manufacturing
Using a scoring rubric to make practice-based assessment of pre-registration nursing students fit for purpose: A mixed methods study
Internal in-service inspection of petrochemical storage tank floors to detect underside corrosion with Non-Destructive Testing Robot
Engineering Education, Skills and Industry Alignment – Comparative Analysis of the UK and USA
Techno-economic analysis of the adoption of electric vehicles
Gender and health literacy: men’s health beliefs and behavior in Trinidad
Correction to: Effect of Immobilisation on Neuromuscular Function In Vivo in Humans: A Systematic Review
Students experience of accessing support at university.
How to appraise qualitative research
Gait-Initiation Onset Estimation During Sit-to-Walk Comparing Healthy Individuals and Ambulatory Community-Dwelling Stroke Survivors
Data for 'Real-world’ compensatory behaviour with low nicotine concentration e-liquid: subjective effects and nicotine, acrolein and formaldehyde exposure
The distributed museum: the flight of cultural authority and the multiple times and spaces of the art museum.
On Strategy and Tactics Marxism and Electoral Politics
The judgment in Re W (A child): national and international implications for contemporary child and family social work
Contributions of path-dependency and social capital drivers to housing tenure transitions in Britain
Experimental and Numerical Optimization of Magnetic Adhesion Force for Wall Climbing Robot Applications
Paesaggi transitori e agricoltura urbana: possibilità dagli scenari di espansione urbana a Guaratiba, Rio de Janeiro
Sustainability of high-speed rail: a comparative study
Lower body acceleration and muscular responses to rotational and vertical whole-body vibration of different frequencies and amplitudes
Exploring the perceptions of construction SMEs on appropriate supporting policies for growth and development by the Qatari government for effective participation in infrastructure procurement and delivery for the 2022 World Cup
Where are the Barriers to Sustainable Construction in Africa?Key Note Speech
The impact of intra-fractional bladder filling on adaptive bladder radiotherapy
Case study research and critical IR: the case for the extended case methodology
European Destination managers’ ambivalence towards the use of shocking advertising
What is the value of peer involvement in advancing tobacco harm reduction?
The impact of motivational interviewing by social workers on service users
Citizenship, nation-building and identity in the EU: The contribution of Erasmus student mobility
Slavery and Abolition
Pyro-electrolytic water splitting for hydrogen generation
The relative contribution of motives and maladaptive cognitions to levels of Internet Gaming Disorder
Increasing placement opportunities at a London community trust
The relation of “literacy glasses” to cognition in dyslexia and to extended mind theory
Reliable Data Analysis through Blockchain based Crowdsourcing in Mobile Ad-hoc Cloud
Signature Inspired Home Environments Monitoring System Using IR-UWB Technology
Impact of stigma on the care of postpartum women with severe mental illness
An evaluation of the effect of incorporating metal salts into 1,8 diazafluoren-9-one (DFO) formulations for fingermark enhancement
Adjustment with aphasia after stroke: study protocol for a pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial for SUpporting wellbeing through PEeR Befriending (SUPERB)
The atmosphere of the ward: Attunements and attachments of everyday life for patients on a medium-secure forensic psychiatric unit
Construction in developing countries: need for new concepts
Attachment and problematic Facebook use in adolescents: The mediating role of metacognitions
Measurement properties of instruments to assess pain in children and adolescents with cancer: A systematic review protocol
Understanding care when cure is not likely for young adults who face cancer: A realist analysis of data from patients, families and healthcare professionals
Identifying and Addressing Barriers to Employment of Autistic Adults
Pastoral care and intellectual disability. A person-centred approach
Evaluating a peer support model of community wellbeing for mental health: A coproduction approach to evaluation
Characteristics of churn and annular flows in a large diameter vertical riser
Emotion regulation and desire thinking as predictors of problematic Facebook use
Preprocessing 2D data for fast convex hull computations
Predicting quality of experience for online video service provisioning
In Vivo Human Hair Hydration Measurements by Using Opto-Thermal Radiometry
System Design and Implementation of Wall Climbing Robot for Wind Turbine Blade Inspection
Motor fluctuations and psychological distress in Parkinson’s disease
Transgender Experiences of Occupation and the Environment: A Scoping Review
Minor sequence modifications in temporin B cause drastic changes in antibacterial potency and selectivity by fundamentally altering membrane activity
Tales of hope: Social identity and learning lessons from others in Alcoholics Anonymous: A test of the Social Identity Model of Cessation Maintenance
Iron and liver fibrosis: mechanistic and clinical aspects
The Role of Religion on Suicidal Behavior, Attitudes and Psychological Distress in University Students: A Multinational Study
A Comparison and Evaluation of Variants in the Coupling Between Objects Metric
UWB orthogonal pulse design using Sturm–Liouville boundary value problem
A Novel Human Neuronal Cell Model to Study Iron Accumulation in Parkinson’s Disease
Staffing the NHS: Why we need to invest in the community workforce
Children’s views on postsurgical pain in recovery units in Norway: A qualitative study
Nursing pay by gender distribution in the UK- does the Glass Escalator still exist?
What would Ruth Glass do? London: Aspects of change as a critique of urban epistemologies
A viscoelastic system for determining acoustical and mechanical parameters of the bone
Building visual worlds: Using maps in qualitative psychological research on affect and emotion
A randomized trial of E-cigarettes versus nicotine-replacement therapy
Meeting the Epicurean Challenge: A Reply to Christensen
Viability of Airborne Wind Energy in the United Kingdom
Using animal-derived constituents in anaesthesia and surgery: the case for disclosing to patients
Learning Bayesian Networks using the Constrained Maximum a Posteriori Probability Method
Playing cards against the state: precarious lives, conspiracy theories, and the production of ‘irrational’ subjects
Introduction: Interrogating the ‘everyday’ politics of emotions in international relations
A cross sectional survey of smoking characteristics and quitting behaviour from a sample of homeless adults in Great Britain
War and Revolution: Friedrich Engels as a Military and Political Thinker
Industry Academic Partnership Program – IAPP Indonesia Developing Indonesian Coastal Areas as Sustainable Tourism Destinations – A replicable Integrated Engineering Model for Exemplary Waste Managemen
Assessing Requirements and Academic Impacts of BIM Multi-disciplinary Collaborative Working in Higher Education Sector
Stability-normalised walking speed: A new approach for human gait perturbation research
A new design for cubic spatially processed wideband arrays
Continuous Flow Aerobic Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohol on RuAl2O3 Catalyst in a Flat Membrane Microchannel Reactor an Experimental and Modelling Study
Enabling older adults to carry out paperless falls-risk self-assessments using guidetomeasure-3D: A mixed methods study
Compact low-noise passively mode-locked Er-doped femtosecond all-fiber laser with 2.68 GHz fundamental repetition rate
Uptake of the OMERACT-OARSI Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Core Outcome Set: review of randomised controlled trials from 1997 to 2017
Ontology Evolution for Personalized and Adaptive Activity Recognition
The transformative potential of post-war justice initiatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Supporting Litigants in Person in the Family Court
Developing a reproductive identity: the experiences of pregnant midwives
Micro-relief analysis with skin capacitive imaging
Control design of a de-weighting upper-limb exoskeleton: Extended-based fuzzy
Ambulatory electrocardiography: indications and devices
Advancements in Smart Windows: Triple Vacuum Insulated Glazing for Sustainable Low-Carbon Buildings
Optimal Haptic Communications over Nanonetworks for E-Health Systems
Data Centres in 2030: Comparative Case Studies that Illustrate the Potential of the Design for the Circular Economy as an Enabler of Sustainability.
The experiences of inpatient nursing staff caring for young people with early psychosis
Desire thinking as a predictor of drinking status following treatment for alcohol use disorder: A prospective study
Responding to terrorism with peace, love and solidarity: ‘Je suis Charlie’, ‘Peace’ and ‘I Heart MCR’
Epsilon Interactive Virtual User Manual (VUM)
Sustainable Refrigerated Road Transport – Investigating the Scale of Carbon Emissions from Direct- Drive Last Mile Refrigerated Vehicles
12 kinds of Chinese medicine injections for acute cerebral infarction: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Learning Bayesian network parameters via minimax algorithm
Systematic multivariate optimisation of butylene carbonate synthesis via CO <inf>2</inf> utilisation using graphene-inorganic nanocomposite catalysts
The practice of 'managing as designing'
Reluctant Gangsters Revisited: The Evolution of Gangs from Postcodes to Profits
Design and no-load performance test of GU-PCM2 temperature controlled phase change storage refrigerator
Encouraging remanufacturing in the retail refrigeration industry
Recent data indicate that black women are at greater risk of severe morbidity and mortality from postpartum haemorrhage, both before and after adjusting for comorbidity.
Involving patients and families in critical care research and quality improvement
A critical reflection on the development of the Participatory Autism Research Collective (PARC)
Supermarket Energy Use in the UK
Fully encrypted high-speed microprocessor architecture: The secret computer in simulation
Next frontiers in cleaner synthesis: 3D printed graphene-supported CeZrLa mixed-oxide nanocatalyst for CO2 utilisation and direct propylene carbonate production
Varieties of crisis and working conditions: A comparative study between Greece and Serbia
The sensory school: working with teachers, parents and pupils to create good sensory conditions
Effect of Immobilisation on Neuromuscular Function In Vivoin Humans: A Systematic Review
Local Experts Finding using User Comments in Location-based Social Networks
Towards the Determination of Acoustic Characteristics of Ventilation Plastic Ducts in the Built Environment
The Impact of Policy Changes: The Opportunities of Community Renewable Energy Projects in the UK and the Barriers they Face
Education provision for patients following a spinal cord injury
Investigation of the impact of unbalanced and non-sinusoidal supply voltages on converters
Improving Prediction Accuracy of Breast Cancer Survivability and Diabetes Diagnosis via RBF Networks trained with EKF models
A descriptive cross-sectional study on various uses and outcomes of Garcinia Kola among people of Oshimili North in the Delta State of Nigeria
A domain decomposition non-intrusive reduced order model for turbulent flows
A narrative synthesis on healthcare students use and understanding of social media: Implications for practice
Determining acute nurse staffing, a hermeneutic review of an evolving science.
Simon Terrill: Crowd Theory Survey Exhibition
UWB Device for Microwave Imaging: Validation through Phantoms
Description of the BRIGHTLIGHT cohort: The evaluation of teenage and young adult cancer services in England
A developmental perspective on option generation and selection
Universal basic education in Nigeria: can non-state actors make a difference?
Measurement of 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) protein adducts by ELISA
Simulated tests of feedforward active noise control (ANC) for building noise cancellation
Somatosensory Profiling in Cervical Spine and Radicular Pain
Evidence for Gross Domestic Product growth time delay dependence over Foreign Direct Investment. A time-lag dependent correlation study
A New Supervised t-SNE with Dissimilarity Measure for Effective Data Visualization and Classification
Recurrent Neural Networks for Decoding Lip Read Speech
Decoder-Encoder LSTM for Lip Reading
‘Shared Sense of Purposefulness’: A New Concept to Understand the Practice of Coordinating Design in Construction
Memory in adults with dyslexia
A Three-Stage method for Data Text Mining: Using UGC in BusinessIntelligence Analysis
Enhancing Ensemble Prediction Accuracy of Breast Cancer Survivability and Diabetes Diagnostic using optimized EKF-RBFN trained prototypes, The 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition
Why project management is critical to achieving the SDGs and how this can be achieved
Evaluation of outcomes reported in randomized controlled trials for herbal remedies for adults with chronic hepatitis C
The Impact of Alan Turing: Formal Methods and Beyond
Leases as Inhibitors of Best Practice in Service Charge
Fuzzy logic feedforward active noise control with distance ratio and acoustic feedback using Takagi–Sugeon–Kang inference
Falls Sensei: A serious 3D exploration game to enable the detection of extrinsic home fall hazards for older adults
The Street Fighter Lady: Invisibility and Gender in Game Composition
A London Residential Retrofit Case Study: Evaluating passive mitigation methods of reducing risk to overheating through the use of solar shading combined with night-time ventilation.
Derivatisation-free characterisation and supercritical conversion of free fatty acids into biodiesel from high acid value waste cooking oil
Evolution of Orchestration Towards 5G
Design of Multi-temperature Cold Storage Vehicle and Analysis on Temperature Field in Vehicle
Heat from Underground Energy London (Heat FUEL)
BlueArch – An implementation of 5G Testbed
Cooling with heat recovery for electrical cable tunnels in cities
Nurses’ and Nursing Assistants’ Perceptions of Spiritual Healthcare: Spiritual Healthcare Services in Acute Cardiovascular Wards
Transcultural, transdiagnostic, and concurrent validity of a revised Metacognitions about Symptoms Control Scale
Lady Albemarle’s youth workers: contested professional identities in English youth work 1958-1985
Liposome Mediated-CYP1A1 Gene Silencing Nanomedicine Prepared Using Lipid Film-Coated Proliposomes as a Potential Treatment Strategy of Lung Cancer
Biophysical investigation into the antibacterial action of modelin-5-NH2
A rapid review of educational preparedness of advanced clinical practitioners.
Saliency tubes: visual explanations for spatio-temporal convolutions
Distributed deep networks based on Bagging-Down SGD algorithm
Vital Spaces and Mental Health
Humanising Open Access: taking a personal approach
Orthopaedic nurses' engagement in clinical research; an exploration of ideas, facilitators and challenges.
Cryogenic heat exchangers for process cooling and renewable energy storage: A review
Desirable Characteristics of the Human Resources Director
The co-creation of social ventures through bricolage, for the displaced, by the displaced
Novel microwave apparatus for breast lesions detection: Preliminary clinical results
Pre-partying amongst students in the UK: Measuring motivations and consumption levels across different educational contexts
Impact of a brief auditory attention training on a modified colour-word Stroop task in a high anxiety and worry sample
Authentication Layer for IEC 61113-3 Applications
Numerical analysis and design of slender elliptical hollow sections in bending
Post occupancy perception of acoustics, ventilation and overheating within residential dwellings
How parents describe the positive aspects of parenting a child who has intellectual disabilities: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
Evaluation of Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves in a Microwave Apparatus for Breast Lesions Detection
Phase-weighted UWB Imaging through Huygens Principle
Evidence of a Uniform Muscle-Tendon Unit Adaptation in Healthy Elite Track and Field Jumpers: A Cross Sectional Investigation.
Determining mechanical parameters of the bone using a vibro-acoustic method
Shaping alcohol health literacy: a systematic concept analysis and review
Experimental observations of tsunami induced scour at onshore structures
Improving coding and primary care management for people with Chronic Kidney Disease: an observational controlled study in east London.
Using chronic kidney disease trigger tools for safety and learning: a qualitative evaluation in East London primary care
SOlution Focused brief therapy In post-stroke Aphasia (SOFIA Trial): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial
Clinical guidelines on antidepressant withdrawal urgently need updating
A survey of the effect of viewing an on-line e-cigarette advertisement on attitudes towards cigarette and e-cigarette use in adults located in the UK and USA: a cross-sectional study.
A scarcity mindset alters neural processing underlying consumer decision making
Do consumers acculturated to global consumer culture buy more impulsively? The moderating role of attitudes towards, and beliefs about advertising
Solar still efficiency enhancement by using graphene oxide/ paraffin composite
Waste cooking oil valorisation into biodiesel using supercritical methanolysis: critical assessment on the effect of water content
Analytical pyrolysis study of different lignin biomass
Analysis of concrete beams reinforced with stainless steel
Active vibration control of a horizontal flexible plate structure using intelligent proportional–integral–derivative controller tuned by fuzzy logic and artificial bee colony algorithm
Influence of ferroelectric dipole on the photocatalytic activity of heterostructured BaTiO3/α-Fe2O3
Becoming and being an environmentally ‘woke’ nurse: A phenomenological study
A Framework for Market Growth in Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BOP) Markets
Plastic Solid Waste (PSW) in the Context of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Sustainable Management
Use of a Virtual Reality device for basic life support training; prototype testing and an exploration of users' views and experience
The healthcare workforce should be shaped by outcomes, rather than outputs
A new kind of low frequency absorber design suitable for music recital halls
Reducing pain in children with cancer: Methodology for the development of a clinical practice guideline
The role of metacognitions and thinking styles in the negative outcomes of adolescents' peer victimization
Surgical fires: still a burning issue in England and Wales
Driving Construction Health and Safety Through Procurement Strategy.
Sustainable Solutions to Dampness in Building: A Case Study of Selected Period Properties in England.
Slug Flow Monitoring in Pipes Using a Novel Non-Intrusive Optical Infrared Sensing Technology
Investigation of the Severity of Wax Deposition in Bend Pipes Under Subcooled Pipelines Conditions
Stigma, coping, stress and distress in the veterinary profession - the importance of evidence-based discourse
Acoustic emissions as a measure of damage in ice
Circular economy and behaviour change: Using persuasive communication to encourage pro-circular behaviours towards the purchase of remanufactured refrigeration equipment
Learning disability nurse provision in children's hospitals: Hospital staff perceptions of whether it makes a difference
Tourism Development Through the Sustainable Development Funding Scheme Within the Brecon Beacons National Park
Preface (Engineering Trustworthy Software Systems)
Factors affecting accuracy in the quality control checking of fresh produce labels: A situational and laboratory-based exploration.
Validation of guidance for the prediction of the directivity index of ventilation louvres
Henry Wood Hall: The Creation of a Flexible Acoustic Using Airbeds
Towards the Determination of Acoustic Characteristics of Ventilation Plastic Ducts in the Built Environment
Acoustic analysis of sound transmission in a mixed-use development using Statistical Energy Analysis
Acoustic design of voice alarm systems in an occupied underground platform
Practical and technical suitability perceptions of sound sources and test signals used in room acoustic testing
Determination of Urban Cycling-Induced Hand-Arm Vibration and Mitigation
Microwave imaging for stroke detection: validation on head-mimicking phantom
Improving Urban City Resilience by Incorporating Smart Green Infrastructure Components
Investigation of acoustical and structural parameters of recycled glass bead composite panels
Developing ‘active citizens’: Arts Award, creativity and impact
‘Call to Arms’: Using the Creating Shared Value Business Governance Paradigm to Deliver Projects’ Business-Society Impact Against the UN SDG 2030 Targets
An analysis of civil aviation industry safety needs for the introduction of liquid hydrogen propulsion technology
Neurocognitive mechanisms of reactions to second- and third-party justice violations.
Normalization of deviance in the construction industry, a managerial perspective
Non-Contact Human Gait Identification through IR-UWB Edge Based Monitoring Sensor
A metacognitive model of self-esteem
Out-of-Band Power Suppression for Cyclic SLM with Delayed Correlation and Matched Filter
Acute Psychophysiological Responses to Cyclic Variation of Intermittent Hypoxic Exposure in Adults with Obesity
Parallel Robots with Homokinetic Joints:The Zero-Torsion Case
On the Dynamics of a Ball Rolling on a Tipping Plane
Terrorism: international perspectives
Exploring controversies in electrocardiogram electrode placement
Premiumisation strategy as a way to grow
Think Category Not Brand to Break through at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BOP)
Effects of e-cigarettes versus nicotine replacement therapy on short-term smoking abstinence when delivered at a community pharmacy
A comparative evaluation of the disulfur dinitride process for the visualisation of fingermarks on metal surfaces
Machine Learning Approaches for Automated Lesion Detection in Microwave Breast Imaging Clinical Data
EVA London (Electronic Visualisation and the Arts): Proceedings of EVA London 2019
Psycho-physiological responses to perceptually-regulated interval runs in hypoxia and normoxia
Designing Game Audio Based on Avatar-Centred Subjectivity
A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of preferred intensity exercise in depressed adult women in the United Kingdom: secondary analysis of individual variability of depression
Experimental Investigation on the Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
Towards automated cost analysis, benchmarking and estimating in construction: a machine learning approach
Development and implications of pornography use: a narrative review
ITERATOR: A 3D Gait Identification from IR-UWB Technology
UWB device for breast microwave imaging: phantom and clinical validations
Relics of Empire? Colonialism and the Culture Wars
Observing High Technology Firms and Creative Audiences
Design of a voice control 6DoF grasping robotic arm based on ultrasonic sensor, computer vision and Alexa voice assistance
Performance of domestic refrigerators in laboratory and home environments
Heat from Underground Energy London (Heat FUEL)
Women in the refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumps industry
‘Never drop without your significant other, cause that way lies ruin’: The boundary work of couples who use MDMA together
Augmented Unreality: Synesthetic Artworks & Audio-Visual Hallucinations
Numerical and experimental study of initiation and propagation of desiccation cracks in clayey soils
The securitisation of Islam: covert racism and affect in the US post-9/11
The bonds of family: Slavery, family and commerce in the British Atlantic world
Is there an association between metabolic syndrome and rotator cuff related shoulder pain?
A Café is a very Different Thing: Hemingway’s Café as Church and Home
Who seeks physiotherapy or exercise treatment for hip and knee osteoarthritis? A cross‐sectional analysis of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Social Movements, Collective Action and Activism
Affect theory and the concept of atmosphere
Like Fire Walk With Me
Spotkanie Filmowa, Husband and Wife at Opt-Art, Poland.
A mixed‐methods survey to explore views of staff and patients from mental health wards prior to introduction of a digital early warning system for physical deterioration
Exchange Value
Crowd Theory / Snuff Puppets
Deep Subjectivity and Empathy in Virtual Reality: A Case Study on the Autism TMI Virtual Reality Experience
Introduction - Managing people in small and medium enterprises in turbulent contexts
Professional Judgement and Decision Making in Social Work Current Issues
Police Decision-Making in Rape Investigations: Exploring the Barriers to Reform
An Analysis of the Socio-Economic and Technical Barriers towards Adoption of Solar Lantern in Cameroon
International Managers and Cultural Barriers:
An Empirical Study in the Garment and Textile
Industry in Bangladesh
Analysing integrated renewable energy and smart-grid systems to improve voltage quality and harmonic distortion losses at electric-vehicle charging stations
Nurse Education: Graduate Versus Diplomate: Does having a nursing degree make you a better nurse?
Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition "Robot Detectives: Sherlock Holmes meets Spiderman"
Robot Detectives: Sherlock Homes meets Spiderman
The nurse consultant in mental health services: A national, mixed methods study of an advanced practice role
Why a right to life rules out infanticide: A final reply to Räsänen
Implementing Inclusive Teaching and Learning in UK Higher Education – Utilising Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a Route to Excellence
A randomised control trial of corneal vs. scleral rigid gas permeable contact lenses for ectatic corneal disorders
Development of an environmentally benign and optimised biodiesel production process
Experiencias educativas virtuales desde un perspectiva global
Depositional Behaviour of Highly Macro-Crystalline Waxy Crude Oil Blended with Polymer Inhibitors in a Pipe with a 45-Degree Bend
Practicing Solidarity: ‘Reconciliation’ and Bosnian Protest Movements
Live from the 2019 Edinburgh TV Festival - C21 Podcast
Performing Ellen: Mojisola Adebayo’s Moj of the Antarctic: An African Odyssey (2008) and Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom; Or, the Escape of William and Ellen Craft from Slavery (1860)
Mind the Gap! Post-show evaluation
Employee participation and representation in Central and Eastern Europe
The XY Female: Exploring Care for Adolescent Girls with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Outrage and the emotional labour associated with environmental activism among nurses
The “doing” or the “being”? Understanding the roles of involvement and social identity in peer‐led addiction support groups