Clay Swelling: Role of Cations in Stabilizing/Destabilizing Mechanisms.
Critical Review of Nanopillar-Based Mechanobactericidal Systems
Synthesis, Anticancer, Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Antimicrobial Activities, Molecular Docking, and DFT Studies of Sultams Derived from Saccharin
An Introduction to Central Precocious Puberty
A pragmatic trial of an Artificial intelligence DRiven appOInTment maNagEment SyStem (ADROITNESS) in NHS outpatient departments
Recommending a new building structure to alleviate environmental impact in tropical climates: increasing the use of wood in construction
Thermal Performance of Bio-Phase Change Materials for Thermal Insulation Coefficients in Malaysian Buildings
Economic and environmental life cycle perspectives on two engineered wood products: Comparison of LVL and GLT construction materials
Digital Health Intervention Design and Deployment for Engaging Demographic Groups Likely to Be Affected by the Digital Divide: Protocol for a Systematic Scoping Review (Preprint)
Specific Pandemic-Related Worries Predict Higher Attention-Related Errors and Negative Affect Independent of Trait Anxiety in UK-Based Students
Economic and environmental life cycle assessment of alternative mass timber walls to evaluate circular economy in building: MCDM method
Unfolding Timber - A future of design
Robotic 3D printing with earth: A case study for optimisation of 3D printing building blocks
Host-Country Stakeholder Pressures and CSR Decoupling in the UN Global Compact Signatories
MNEs’ CSR Decoupling: How Host-Country Stakeholder Pressures Matter
Joint effect of linguistic style and ethnicity on entrepreneurial fundraising: Evidence from equity crowdfunding
Antibiotics Alter Pocillopora Coral-Symbiodiniaceae-Bacteria Interactions and Cause Microbial Dysbiosis During Heat Stress
Lost in Translation: An Ethnography of Self-directed Support in Scotland
A pragmatic trial of an Artificial intelligence DRiven appOInTment maNagEment SyStem (ADROITNESS) in NHS outpatient departments: WP1 Accuracy - Phase 1 Evaluation Report
Lessons for Remote Post-earthquake Reconnaissance from the 14 August 2021 Haiti Earthquake
Extratropical cyclone damage to the seawall in Dawlish, UK: eyewitness accounts, sea level analysis and numerical modelling
A study of the critical velocity and the confinement velocity of fire accident in a longitudinally ventilated underground train with different door opening scenarios
Study on the construction workforce management based on lean construction in the context of COVID-19
Quantifying key factors for optimised manufacturing of Li-ion battery anode and cathode via artificial intelligence
The pandemic brain: Neuroinflammation in non-infected individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic
Context-specific understandings of uncertainty: a focus on people management practices in Mongolia
Risk and protective factors for self-harm and suicide in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol.
Advanced thermal management system driven by phase change materials for power lithium-ion batteries: A review
Helical structure motifs made searchable for functional peptide design
How may shorter fractionation schedules affect patient care
PO-1841 Infleunces of Interfractional changes of rectum/bladder on vagina motion in endometrium radiotherapy
Optical coherence elastography based on inverse compositional Gauss-Newton digital volume correlation with second-order shape function
Atomistic Investigation of Titanium Carbide Ti8C5 under Impact Loading
The Need to Shift from Morphological to Structural Assessment for Carotid Plaque Vulnerability
Imaging-Based Patient-Specific Biomechanical Evaluation of Atherosclerosis and Aneurysm: A Comparison Between Structural-Only, Fluid-Only and Fluid–Structure Interaction Analysis
A category and index hybrid (CIH) approach to measuring the level of prefabrication
Developing a user perception model for smart living: A partial least squares structural equation modelling approach
Reflexivity and Positionality in Social Sciences Research
The Role of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI perfusion imaging in post treatment surveillance of patients with high grade gliomas
Exploring experiences of ableism in academia: a constructivist inquiry
COVID-19 social distancing measures and economic growth: Distinguishing short- and long-term effects
The performance of Islamic versus conventional stocks during the COVID-19 shock: Evidence from firm-level data
A systematic review of physiological signals based driver drowsiness detection systems.
The acutely ill cardiac patient
An Analysis of the Development of Modular Building Design Elements to Improve Thermal Performance of a Representative High Rise Residential Estate in the Coastline City of Famagusta, Cyprus
Handbook of Retrofitting High Density Residential Buildings: Policy Design and Implications on Domestic Energy Use in the Eastern Mediterranean Climate of Cyprus
A scoping review on occupational science research in European contexts
Coaches’ cultural intelligence: How do coaches rate themselves and what are their cultural training needs?
Breathing Life Into Marketing Scholarship Through Creativity Learning and Teaching
Thermal performance enhancement of evacuated tube solar collector using MWCNT, Al2O3, and hybrid MWCNT/ Al2O3nanofluids
Biochar-based wastewater treatment to combat antimicrobial resistance
Producing cellulose-reinforced biocomposite films from biomass using ionic liquids
Alkaline pretreatment of walnut shells increases pore surface hydrophilicity of derived biochars
Possible relations between arterial hypertension and cervical spine fibromyalgias (literature review)
Factors affecting value co-creation through artificial intelligence in tourism-a general literature review
Barriers to the effective exploitation of migrants' social and cultural capital in hospitality and tourism: A dual labour market perspective
Steering Resilience in Nursing Practice: Examining the impact of Digital Innovations and Enhanced Emotional Training on Nurse Competencies
Locus of control as a moderator of the effects of COVID-19 perceptions on job insecurity, psychosocial, organisational and job outcomes for MENA region hospitality employees
Embodying Difference. An Initial Dialogue
Electrokinetic stabilisation of peat using biobased ground improvement technique
Forecasting Global Solar Insolation Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter Based Clearness Index Model
Microgrid Cyberphysical Systems ; Chapter 5 - Control of PV and EV connected smart grid
It Takes Two to Tandem: Tandem Analysis as a Novel Method for the Critical Analysis of Games
Multinationals And Wages: Evidence From Employer–Employee Data In Serbia
Factors Influencing The Quality Of Direct Employee Voice Mechanisms In Small And Medium Enterprises: A Case Study Of Nigeria
Effects of e-cigarettes vs usual care for smoking cessation when offered at homeless centres: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial.
The effects of offering a disposable EC versus NRT on smoking cessation outcomes: a retrospective community pharmacy study.
Haplotype assignment of longitudinal viral deep sequencing data using covariation of variant frequencies.
HCMV carriage in the elderly diminishes anti-viral functionality of the adaptive immune response resulting in virus replication at peripheral sites.
Pervious concrete adopting recycled aggregate for environmental sustainability
Recycled concrete for non-structural applications
Sources of recycled aggregates for concrete production
An Exploratory Framework for Intelligent Labelling of Fault Datasets
Design and Engineering Pedagogies as Agents for Disruption, Innovation and Transformation and the Transfer and Application of Reverse Psychology Across the Disciplines
Physical and Psychological Factors Affecting sportsman Performance: The moderating role of sports training: A case on Saudi Arabia Athletics
Moderating Role of Psychological Ownership between Authentic Leadership and Sports Team Performance: Mediating Effect of Sports Training
Non-attendance-proof blended teaching Structures & Construction Technology A
Revolution Begins at Home: New Housing Typologies and Collectivisation of Life in Post-WWII Tehran
A Risk Analysis of Construction Projects Delay Factors in the United Kingdom
Development of Conceptual Motivational Framework to Improve Construction Labour Productivity in the U.K.
Skillbot: A Conversational Chatbot based Data Mining and Sentiment Analysis
SkillBot: Towards Data Augmentation using Transformer language model and linguistic evaluation
The Metaverse evolution: Toward Future Digital Twin Campuses
Sustainability and Consumer Education on Food Sustainability
Contemplating teacher talk through a critical autism studies lens
Professional Doctoral Study and Motherhood: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Leading Teaching and Learning in the Era of Education 4.0: The Relationship between Perceived Teacher Competencies and Teacher Attitudes toward Change
Comparative Analysis of Data using Machine Learning Algorithms: A hydroponics system use case
Effect of Face Masks on Speech Intelligibility
High-resolution electrical measurement data processing
Three essays on voice in non-traditional employment relationships
Study of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery using Indigenous Bacteria in Egyptian Oil Reservoirs
Human Face Mapping Based on TEWL, Hydration and Ultrasound
Modelling of Multiphase Fluid flow in Heterogeneous Reservoirs
TripAdvisor of healthcare: Opportunities for value creation through patient feedback platforms
Modeling and Dynamic performance of Energy Storage -Rotary Series Elastic Actuator for Lumbar Support Exoskeleton
A critical review on cancer vaccines based on tumor-associated anti-gens: a promising immunotherapy
Industrial Digitization, the Use of Real-Time Information, and Operational Agility: Digital and Information Perspectives for Supply Chain Resilience
Forecasting Inflation with a Zero Lower Bound or Negative Interest Rates: Evidence from Point and Density Forecasts
Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability Governance and Sustainable Performance: A Preliminary Insight
The micro foundations of social media use: Artificial intelligence integrated routine model
Detecting fake news and disinformation using artificial intelligence and machine learning to avoid supply chain disruptions
Data mining to map nutrition value of industrial cheese produced in France
How stigma hurts: alcohol stigma and how to change it
Before rock bottom? Does a disease model hinder recovery?
Chinese herbal medicine for drug-induced liver injury in patients with HIV/AIDS: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Language and concepts in alcohol use disorder: how framing affects stigma and recovery
Optimisation Method for Training Deep Neural Networks in Classification of Non- functional Requirements
License to look? The role of permissive beliefs, desire thinking, and self-control in predicting the use of social networking sites.
The Big-five personality traits and their link to problematic and compensatory Facebook use: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Understanding how patients' pain beliefs influence chronic low back pain management in Ghana: a grounded theory approach.
Transparent and Conducting Boron Doped ZnO Thin Films Grown By Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition
Low-cost locally manufacturable unilateral imperial external fixator for low- and middle-income countries
Earliest Vallesian suid remains from Creu de Conill 20 (Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula)
Integrated framework towards construction waste reduction: the case of Egypt
Magnetic Flux Leakage techniques for detecting corrosion of pipes
Gender Differences in Experiences and Expectations of Hemodialysis in a Frail and Seriously Unwell Patient Population.
Toward a Consistent Prediction of Defect Chemistry in CeO2
Numerical data on fire in the cavity of naturally ventilated double skin façade with Venetian blinds
In defense of xenotransplantation research: Because of, not in spite of, animal welfare concerns
Transformation through learning: Education about, for, and as sustainability
Experimental analysis of vacuum pressure and gas flow rate in structured-core transparent vacuum insulation panels
Involving Children in Health Literacy Research
Implementation and perceived impact of the SWAN model of end-of-life and bereavement care: a realist evaluation
Can risk management be made exciting?
Moving and Mapping: exploring embodied approaches to urban design and planning 2021
Voicing perceptions of local job seekers and employees toward workforce nationalization and employment
Development Of Conceptual Motivational Framework To Improve Construction Labour Productivity In The U.K.
Development of Conceptual Motivational Framework to Improve Construction Labour Productivity in the U.K
Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify Perpetrators of Technology Facilitated Coercive Control.
Cross-sectional analysis of lithium ion electrodes using spatial autocorrelation techniques.
Differences in motor response to stability perturbations limit fall-resisting skill transfer
Recognising and addressing unconscious bias and structural inequalities
Nurses' perceptions of point of care testing in critical care: A cross‐sectional survey
Gender Diversity in the UK Construction Industry
Success Factors in Mega Infrastructure Projects (MIPs): Developing Nations Perspectives
Multi-functional Concrete with Recycled Aggregates
An investigation and comparison of the mental health of the construction industry workforce prior to and during the pandemic in UK
Design considerations to fabricate multifunctional superomniphobic surfaces: a review
Using Covariates to Improve the Efficacy of Univariate Bubble Detection Methods
Shadow Rates as a Measure of the Monetary Policy Stance: Some International Evidence
Drug Breakdown: Losartan
A scoping review of clinical practices and adherence to UK national guidance related to the placement and position confirmation of adult nasogastric feeding tubes.
Human Rights and Political Economy: Addressing the Legal Construction of Poverty and Rights Deprivation
Investigating skill shortages in the UK Construction Industry: A study on job-specific skills for Quantity Surveying & Engineering roles
Estimation of Cortical Bone Strength Using CNN-based Regression Model
Classification of Cortical Bone Thicknesses Based on RF Signal Spectral Analysis
3D Localization of Scatterers with a Spiral-Shaped Acoustic Lens
Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging for the Differentiation of Thyroid Nodules: A Feasibility Study
Motion Correction Using Deep Learning Neural Networks - Effects of Data Representation
Developing a heritage BIM shared library for two case studies in Jordan’s heritage: The House of Art in Amman and the Qaqish House in the World Heritage City of As-Salt
Demand Avoidance Phenomena (Pathological Extreme ” Demand Avoidance): What if it is a Neurodevelopmental Disorder?
Perceptual-motor recalibration is intact in older adults
Exploring the challenges in developing a multi-criteria assessment for smart local energy systems
Peer-to-peer, community self-consumption, and transactive energy: A systematic literature review of local energy market models
Weighting Key Performance Indicators of Smart Local Energy Systems: A Discrete Choice Experiment
Low temperature waste heat sources data
Mechanical and durability performance of alkali-activated slag cement concretes with carbonate and silicate activators
The impact of care experience prior to commencing pre-registration nurse education and training: A scoping review.
Transparent and conducting boron doped ZnO thin films grown by aerosol assisted chemical vapor deposition.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) at the preanalytical phase for POCT blood gas analysis: proposal for a shared proactive risk analysis model.
Learning from COVID-19: Cross-sectional e-survey of critical care nurses' satisfaction and experiences of their role in the pandemic response across the United Kingdom.
Prevalence of skin pressure injury in critical care patients in the UK: results of a single-day point prevalence evaluation in adult critically ill patients.
Comparing the Effects of the EU- Versus the US-JUUL Pod in a Sample of UK Smokers: Nicotine Absorption, Satisfaction, and Other Nicotine-Related Subjective Effects
Smart techno-economic operation of electric vehicle charging station in Egypt
Review of the untapped potentials of antimicrobial materials in the construction sector
Multi-antenna fixed position system for lesion detection within phantoms
Magnetic Flux Leakage techniques for detecting corrosion of pipes
Enabling Artificial Intelligence Analytics on The Edge
Young adults’ experiences of dialysis and kidney transplant decision-making.
Interviewing suspects with the Strategic Use of Evidence (SUE) technique
Editor’s Introduction
The frequency of wing damage in a migrating butterfly
Improving patient experience and safety at transitions of care through the Your Care Needs You (YCNY) intervention: a study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial
Improving the safety and experience of transitions from hospital to home: a cluster randomised controlled feasibility trial of the ’Your Care Needs You’ intervention versus usual care
Perceptions of BREEAM in the Construction Industry
An Investigation into the Critical Factors of on-site Waste Segregation in the UK Construction and Demolition Sector.
'TaxTrack': Introducing a Democratic Innovation for Taxation
Women working with women – vicarious trauma in the probation service
Adults with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder: What Is the Evidence around the Use of Polypharmacy
Limited transfer and retention of locomotor adaptations from virtual reality obstacle avoidance to the physical world.
The UK City of Culture: from ‘left-behind cities’ to more inclusive culture-led development?
The impact of social cohesion on stock market resilience: Evidence from COVID-19
What does COVID-19 teach us about the role of national culture? Evidence from social distancing restrictions
The comparations of different image classification models in facility management in the construction industry in the UK
Tensor factorization approach for ERP-based assessment of schizotypy in a novel auditory oddball task on perceived family stress
A Strategic Approach to Management Education and Training for Securing Finance for Real Estate Development
World of Interiors
Living Rooms
Lawyers as Law-Makers in Investor-State Arbitration: Implications for its Legitimacy and Current Reforms
Integrating, Reconciling and Prioritising Climate Aspirations in Investor-State Arbitration for a Sustainable Future: The Role of Different Players
An exploration of social participation in Caribbean student nurses' use of social media in their learning journey
A Student Perspective on Learning and Doing Settings-Based Health Promotion in the Era of TikTok
The Effect of Auriculotherapy on Situational Anxiety Trigged by Examinations: A Randomized Pilot Trial.
Toward an ontology of identity‐related constructs in addiction, with examples from nicotine and tobacco research
Serious Games as a Validation Tool for Decision Support System in Disaster Management—Case of PREDIS
To Listen Differently, Away from Sonic Certitude: Some Propositions, Some Questions
How Perceived Privacy Risk Determines People’s Willingness to Use Online Fashion Technologies
Independent Culture Review of London Fire Brigade
Maritime heritage, port city ‘stigma’ and a cultural mega event: Hull UK City of Culture 2017 and its legacy
A Comprehensive Review on Current Performance, Challenges and Progress in Thin-Film Solar Cells
Patients’ perspectives of recovery after COVID-19 critical illness; an interview study
Systematic analysis of the impact of slurry coating on manufacture of Li-ion battery electrodes via explainable machine learning
Evolutionary Designed Building Skins with Embedded Biomimetic Adaptation Lessons
The video review system in association football: implementation and effectiveness for match officials and referee education
On the benchmarking of ResNet forgery image model using different datasets
Peer effects and intentional entrepreneurial behaviour: A systematic literature review and research agenda
Quantifying the differences in properties between polycrystals containing planar and curved grain boundaries
Detecting Power Grid Frequency Events from μPMU Voltage Phasor Data Using Machine Learning
Multiway clustering with time-varying parameters.
Inclusion of cultural competence and racial awareness in nursing education: An exploration of the nurse educator role.
Roadmap on Li-ion battery manufacturing research
A qualitative formative evaluation of a patient facing intervention to improve care transitions for older people moving from hospital to home
How do entrepreneurs perform digital marketing across the customer journey? A review and discussion of the main uses
Two‐dimensional Multi‐Component Quasicrystal as Bi‐functional Electrocatalysts for Alkaline Oxygen and Hydrogen Evolution Reactions
Moral Courage & Manager-Regret
Computer-Aided Imaging Analysis of Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy With Molecular Labeling and Gene Expression Identifies Markers of Response to Biological Therapy in IBD Patients: The Endo-Omics Study
Beyond the sentence: Shared reading within a high secure hospital.
The role of Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI perfusion imaging in post treatment surveillance of patients with high grade gliomas
Human Rights and Business Ethics
Human Rights and the Multinational Corporation
Corporate Power over Human Rights
Risk benefit assessment of acrylamide in bakery products and bread
Contributions to financial econometrics and quantitative finance:PhD in three parts:Part 1: Liquidity transmission mechanism: Evidence from pre, during and post 2007 subprime crisis.Part 2: Benford's law tests on S&P 500 minute data.Part 3: Model and applications: IFBM-GARCH
The Impact of Corporate Governance and external audit on controlling discretionary accruals: A study of impacts on earnings management based on FTSE350, UK.
Risk Management in Construction of Megahousing Projects in Egypt
Dynamic digital shearography for on-board robotic non-destructive testing of wind turbine blades
Study of enhanced oil recovery using polymer-stabilised CO2-Foam
Optimisation of a neuromuscular electrical stimulation paradigm for targeted strengthening of an intrinsic foot muscle
Transforming a Highly Tactile Entrepreneurship Course “ Ideas to Innovation ” to an Entirely Online Delivery Model : Lessons for Theory and Practice
A Hardware-Based Acquisition Engine For GNSS Receivers
Black Female Teachers in White-Dominated Educational Spaces: Narratives of Professional Identity
Fat as a Feminist Issue: Activism and Agency in the Body Positive Movement
Investigation of Entrepreneurial Marketing Practices in Social Enterprises in the Context of Bangladesh
Analysis and Comparison of the Thermal Retention Properties of Shading Devices in the Real-World and Dynamic Thermal Models within the UK Built Environment
Methods to Improve the Prediction Accuracy and Performance of Ensemble Models
Do University International Strategies Deliver What You Expect? An Exploratory Study From A Director Of Marketing Perspective
A Cognitive Routing framework for Self-Organised Knowledge Defined Networks
Effective and Trustworthy Dimensionality Reduction Approaches for High Dimensional Data Understanding and Visualization
When ingroup identities “clash”: The influence of beliefs about incompatibilities between being a Christian and a drinker affect motivation to change drinking behaviour.
Viseme-based Lip-Reading using Deep Learning
A theoretical and empirical analysis of governance disclosure quality within Pakistani listed Banks: Evaluations of revisions consequent to the Pakistani Corporate Governance Codes 2012 and 2017
Non-Executive Directors and Corporate Strategy: Theory and Exploratory Empirical Insights from FTSE 350 Companies
How do nurses in the acute surgical setting make sense of the care that they provide?
Framework for empowering student nurses for social justice praxis
Enhancing engine oil performance using nanoparticles and bio-lubricants as additives
Investigation of Nanoparticles in Enhanced Oil Recovery
Centralized Control System for Cement Plant
Experimental and theoretical investigation of biomass-CO2 transcritical Brayton cycles and heat exchanger optimizations
A case study exploration of patient safety culture within an Acute NHS Trust, utilising Open Systems Theory
Estimating Dependences and Risk between Gold Prices and S&P500: New Evidences from ARCH,GARCH, Copula and ES-VaR models
Integration of a clinical pharmacist workforce into newly forming primary care networks: a qualitatively driven, complex systems analysis
An insect-inspired asymmetric hinge in a double-layer membrane
Accurate Metering and Billing of Ambient Loop Systems
Synthesis of green thermo-responsive amphoteric terpolymer functionalized silica nanocomposite derived from waste vegetable oil triglycerides for enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
Tin Sulfide (SnS) Films Deposited by an Electric Field-Assisted Continuous Spray Pyrolysis Technique with Application as Counter Electrodes in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Back to live: Returning to in-person engagement with arts and culture in the Liverpool City Region
Kidney xenotransplantation: future clinical reality or science fiction?
Development and Validation of a Novel Self-Report Measure of Monotropism in Autism
Identification of key factors that aid the decision on whether to refurbish-reuse or demolish-rebuild existing and newly designed buildings and highways
A Generic Framework for Deploying Video Analytic Services on the Edge
Ultrasound Super-Resolution Imaging for the Differential Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules: A Pilot Study
Camus’ Absurd and its Application to Existential Psychotherapy
Corporate Dividend Policies during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Uniaxial pulling and nano-scratching of a newly synthesised high entropy alloy
‘Standing still … in a moving place’ – reassessing lyrics and the spaces they construct through the musical landscapes of The Blue Nile
Speculation beyond technology: building scenarios through storytelling
A single-center, observational study of 607 children & young people presenting with Differences in Sex Development (DSD)
Identification and mitigation of high-risk pregnancy with the Community Maternal Danger Score Mobile Application in Gboko, Nigeria.
Drug Breakdown: sildenafil (Viagra)
The role of desire thinking in the problematic use of social networking sites among adults.
Well done vs. well paid: The influence of verbal and financial rewards on knowledge sharing
A new family of modified Gaussian copulas for market consistent valuation of government guarantees
Personalisation as contribution-focused social work practice
Automatic User Preferences Selection of Smart Hearing Aid Using BioAid
Visual perception in dynamic far aiming
‘Resilient Corporate Agents: the workers’ role in sustainability
The influence of national culture on employee voice in small and medium enterprises: a cross-cultural perspective
How a photograph uncovered my grandmother's republican activism during the Irish Revolution
State-of-the-art in bioresources for sustainable transportation
The new Panopticon: Women’s experiences of mobile phone- mediated coercive control within abusive relationships
Versatile Like a Seahorse Tail: A Bio-Inspired Programmable Continuum Robot For Conformal Grasping
Perturbation-based balance training: Principles, mechanisms and implementation in clinical practice
How perceived scarcity predicted cooperation during early pandemic lockdown.
Digital integration in physical retailing. How shoppers augment their own instore experience with a smartphone
The diving response and cardiac vagal activity: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Life Cycle Assessment for adopting recycled aggregates in concrete
Existing sustainability rating systems in adopting waste reuse
Assessing the impact of digital education and the role of the big data analytics course to enhance the skills and employability of engineering students
Masculine men do not like feminine wording: the effectiveness of gendered wording in health promotion leaflets in the UK
“The problem was dying badly, and the answer was dying well” Assisted Dying: A policy briefing
Psychology of Gang Involvement
The Permanence of Temporary Urbanism: Normalising Precarity in Austerity London
Multiple-criteria optimization of residential buildings envelope toward nZEBs: simplified approach for Damascus post-war
PDA: a Preventable Delicate Activity
Super-Resolution Ultrasound Localization Microscopy of Microvascular Structure and Flow for Distinguishing Metastatic Lymph Nodes – An Initial Human Study
A Trend Towards Omni-Platform Retailing And Shopping Behaviours: Case Study Of Vietnamese Digital Retail Landscape In The Covid-19 Period
Depression and suicide: What an evidence‐based clinician should know
Application of thermal spray coatings in electrolysers for hydrogen production: advances, challenges, and opportunities
Ethico-Aesthetic Regime of Human Rights: Limits of representation
Identifying critical dispute causes in the construction industry: A cross-regional comparative study between China and UK
3D Huygens Principle based Microwave Imaging through MammoWave Device: Validation through Phantoms.
Business games help students build employment skills
Nonlinearities In The Exchange Rate Pass-Through: The Role Of Inflation Expectations
Engineering Education: Research and Professional Skills Development
A Multi-Attribute decision support system for allocation of humanitarian cluster resources , based on decision makers’ perspective
Design and Shape Optimization of Strain Gauge Load Cell for Axial Force Measurement for Test Benches
Analysis of the Disparity between Recurring and Temporary Collaborative Performance: A Literature Review between 1994 and 2021
An accessible and inclusive future for tabletop games and learning: paradigms and approaches
Spatial distances affect temporal prediction and interception.
“Getting the old limbs going”: Exploring the emotional and cognitive benefits of exercise and the barriers to participation in older adults
Construction Infrastructure Project Cost Overrun and Cost Control/Management Techniques.
Adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) by Small and Medium UK Construction Enterprises (SMEs).
New Advances in Self-Determination Theory Applied to Work
Experimental Research on the Operation Characteristics of Solar Chimney Power Plant Combined with Distillation (SCPPCD)
Risk-Based Capacitor Placement in Distribution Networks
Numerical investigation of fire in the cavity of naturally ventilated double skin façade with venetian blinds
A disaster severity assessment decision support tool for reducing the risk of failure in response operations
Integrated Business Models in the Digital Age: Principles and Practices of Technology Empowered Strategies
Large-Scale Experiments On Tsunami Inundation And Overtopping Forces At Vertical Sea Walls
There Are Other Worlds: Maternal knowledge beyond borders
Live Coding: A User's Manual
Systematic review and meta-analysis of Chinese herbal formula Tongxie Yaofang for diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome: Evidence for clinical practice and future trials.
An extensive review on the latest developments of using oscillating heat pipes for cooling photovoltaic thermal systems
Theoretical considerations of the mechanics of whisker sensors
Comment on Y.-C. Chen, E. Fried, Möbius bands, unstretchable material sheets and developable surfaces. Proc. R. Soc. A 472, 20160459 (2016)
Forceless folding of thin annular strips
AI Adaption Factors in Online Service
Dielectric Characterization of Small Breast Biopsy Via Miniaturized Open-Ended Coaxial Probe
Breast Biopsy Characterization Through Microwave Imaging Using MammoWave Apparatus
The impact of developmental dyslexia on workplace cognition: Evidence from a virtual reality environment
Celebrating graduate registered nurses
Similarity-based heterogeneity and cohesiveness of networked companies issuing minibonds
Public Libraries as Supportive Environments for Children’s Development of Critical Health Literacy
Desire thinking and craving as predictors of problematic Internet pornography use in women and men
Respiration-Based COPD Detection Using UWB Radar Incorporation with Machine Learning
Insights from Embedding Research Impact and Sustainability into Engineering Education
Mechanical Intelligence (MI): A Bioinspired Concept for Transforming Engineering Design
Reboot/NoFap/NoFapChristians participants erectile concerns predicted by anxiety and not mediated/moderated by pornography viewing
Editor’s Introduction
Would you believe an intoxicated witness? The impact of witness alcohol intoxication status on credibility judgments and suggestibility
Development of a Mobile App for Self-Care Against COVID-19 Using the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) Model: Methodological Study
Warm needle acupuncture for osteoarthritis: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
A Microwave Imaging Procedure for Lung Lesion Detection: Preliminary Results on Multilayer Phantoms
Climate change and cardiovascular disease
Systematic Identification of the Influencing Factors for the Digital Transformation of the Construction Industry Based on LDA-DEMATEL-ANP
Legal Education Meets Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching LawTech
liquid memories ~to read with water
Robotic deployment of stabilized shearography unit for wind turbine blade inspection
Applying Flow Theory to Omnichannel Consumer Behaviour: A Systematic Literature Review
Markov Chain Monte Carlo for generating ranked textual data
Prediction of a strong polarizing field in thin film paraelectrics
Supporting researchers conducting qualitative research into sensitive, challenging, and difficult topics: Experiences and practical applications.
Adsorption of the prototypical organic corrosion inhibitor benzotriazole on the Cu(100) surface
Sir Hugh Paulet and the Christening of Prince Edward, Monday 15 October 1537
Cost-effective electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reactions (HER): Challenges and Prospects
The complex interplay between COVID-19 and economic activity
Monte Carlo Markov chains constrained on graphs for a target with disconnected support
LSBU's Centenary of Women in Engineering
Court liaison and diversion services for people with neurodevelopmental conditions: A House of Lords consensus meeting.
Impacts of electric vehicle fast charging under dynamic temperature and humidity: Experimental and theoretically validated model analyses
Early Maladaptive Schemas are Associated with Adolescents’ Substance and Behavioral Addictions
Points in the Plane, Lines in Space
Investigating an influence of temperature and relative humidity on the electrical performance of lithium polymer ion battery using constant-current and constant voltage protocol at small scale for electric vehicles
Developing a Circular Economy for the Data Centre Industry – how the CEDaCI project contributes to sustainable decision making
Research behind a webcam: an exploration of virtual interviewing with children and young people.
‘Doing the best we can’: Registered Nurses' experiences and perceptions of patient safety in intensive care during COVID-19
Introduction – transnational legal feminism
Comparative analysis of psychophysiological states among Croatian and Ukrainian wrestling
Acoustics Of Classrooms
The Serbs in Western Political and Media Discourse: Othering, Demonisation and Tutelage
Can pea and white hemp proteins be used as a more sustainable protein source to improve nutritional and sensory results in gluten-free baked products?
Alternative Proteins Feeding The World: Inclusion Of Cricket Powder In Cereal- Based Products
Establishing the role of surface chemistry and topography in determining wettability and the development of a novel assessment methodology for repellent surfaces
Contribution to Financial Modeling and Financial Forecasting
Drug Breakdown: Omalizumab
Whisker Sensing by Force and Moment Measurements at the Whisker Base
Enhanced Photoacoustic Visualisation of Clinical Needles by Combining Interstitial and Extracorporeal Illumination of Elastomeric Nanocomposite Coatings
Festival Cities. Culture, Planning and Urban Life
Cutting down, quitting and motivation to stop smoking by self-reported COVID-19 status: Representative cross-sectional surveys in England.
Conflicting requirements for transparency and mechanical stability in the compound eyes of desert locusts
Recapping: effective pedagogy to ensure inclusivity and optimise learning and teaching experiences
A Numerical Study of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Reinforced Beam Subjected to Seismic Loading
Web-Post Buckling Prediction Resistance of Steel Beams with Elliptically-Based Web Openings using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
Identifying the Barriers to Sustainable Management of Construction and Demolition Waste in Developed and Developing Countries
A Virtual Chromoendoscopy Artificial Intelligence system to detect endoscopic and histologic activity/remission and predict clinical outcomes in Ulcerative Colitis
Organisational Culture and SMEs' Effectiveness within Emerging Market: A Leadership Perspective.
Critical Evaluation Of Online Grocery Shopping’s Business Strategy: A Case Study From Uk
Exploring the Challenges of Implementing innovative strategy Within a Corporate Framework: A case study.
Inclusive Adult Educational Opportunities within the Criminal Justice System: Reflecting on the work of the charity Theatre in Prison and Probation (TiPP).
Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Core Sandwich Panels
The weighted cross-shareholding complex network: a copula approach to concentration and control in financial markets
Gradient-based optimisation of rectangular honeycomb core sandwich panels
Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance in Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 Particulate Composites Including Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Nanodots
End-of-life and immediate postdeath acute hospital interventions: scoping review.
Severe mental illness, common mental disorders, and neurodevelopmental conditions amongst 9088 lower court attendees in London, UK
An image based application in Matlab for automated modelling and morphological analysis of insect wings
Address bias in teaching, learning and assessment in five steps
Bias-aware Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Accelerating colloidal quantum dot innovation with algorithms and automation
The differing approaches to sustainability between practising and academic Quantity Surveyors
Investigating the effect of N-doping on carbon quantum dots structure, optical properties and metal ion screening.
How false feedback influences decision‐makers' risk preferences
Gambling Disorders Among Young Women Regular Gamblers: The Unique and Common Contribution of Executive Thinking Style and Mindfulness
How decision-makers’ sense and state of power induce propensity to take financial risks
Being right-with: On Human Rights law as unfreedom
[re]locate (binaural mix): Racism and the Sonic Representation of Stephen Lawrence's Story
Pharmacological management of chronic heart failure
Understanding Cancer Patients with Diagnostically Influential Factors using High Dimensional Data Embedding
An authentic life and an authentic self – What we can learn from megachurches in promoting social inclusion
A church without walls? How Megachurch Consumers-Congregants renegotiate the ritual space during COVID-19
Church Without Walls? Social Media as Ritual Carrier for Megachurch Congregants in the Renegotiation of Ritual Space
Individual differences in selective attentional bias for healthy and unhealthy food-related stimuli and social identity as a vegan/vegetarian dissociate “healthy” and “unhealthy” orthorexia nervosa.
Aiden: Association-Learning-Based Attack Identification on the Edge of V2X Communication Networks
Incorporating BIM into the upper-division curriculum of construction engineering and management
Determining the Level of Prefabricated Module Requirements in Offsite Construction
Magnetic Resonance Wire Coil Losses Estimation with Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method
Pause, reflect, reframe: Deep discussions on co-creating a decolonial approach for an antiracist framework in occupational therapy
Culture and Allied Health Professions Service Delivery
Pedagogies, professionalism and curricula enabling racism
Healthcare Barriers, Health Outcomes, and Annual Health Checks for Autistic Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study of General Practitioners’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices
Correction to: Financial interbanking networks resilience under shocks propagation
Contributions of Caregiver Management Styles to the Discrepancy Between Reported and Observed Task Performance in People with Dementia
Effective Personal and Professional Judgement for Panel Members
Child Q – How can African and Caribbean children be safeguarded?
Using Inter-group contact theory in the classroom to socialise and educate social work students.
Prejudice & Psychometrics: Combatting our assumptions
A study of the biographic and professional influences on fostering/adoption panels members' recommendation-making
Postdoctoral Narrative - Life After Passing
UAV target tracking method based on deep reinforcement learning
Mechanical Properties of PVC Concrete and Mortar Modified with Silane Coupling Agents
Saved bed days: the ultimate currency.
Early implementation of the structured medication review in England: a qualitative study.
The Italian COVID‐19 Anxiety Syndrome Scale: Investigation of the COVID‐19 Anxiety Syndrome and its association with psychological symptoms in an Italian population
Dental macrowear reveals ecological diversity of Gorilla spp.
The acceptance of smart glasses used as side-by-side instructions for complex assembly tasks is highly dependent on the device model
Metacognitions About Health in Relation to Coronavirus Anxiety: The Mediating Role of Cognitive Attentional Syndrome and Distress Tolerance.
Diabetes self‐management during the COVID‐19 pandemic and its associations with COVID ‐19 anxiety syndrome, depression, and health anxiety
How Can Research and Theory Enhance Understanding of Professional Decision-Making in Reviews of Cases of Child Death and Serious Injury?
Production of an EP/PDMS/SA/AlZnO Coated Superhydrophobic Surface through an Aerosol-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition Process
Expertise in an uncertain world: The role of expert knowledge in addressing environmental and planning challenges
Barriers to healthcare and self-reported adverse outcomes for autistic adults: a cross-sectional study
Acute spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: current treatment and management .
Stanislavski training and mindfulness – being in the moment
Modal analysis of novel coronavirus (SARS COV-2) using finite element methodology
The implications of adopting sustainable urbanism in developing resilient places in Abuja, Nigeria
Conceptualising mental illness among University students of African, Caribbean and similar ethnic heritage in the United Kingdom
The global burden of adolescent and young adult cancer in 2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Estimation of the global prevalence of dementia in 2019 and forecasted prevalence in 2050: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Comparison of three active 1,2-indanedione-zinc formulations for fingermark detection in the context of limited resources and supply chain risks in Seychelles
Prevalence of frailty and cognitive impairment in older transplant candidates - a preview to the Kidney Transplantation in Older People (KTOP): impact of frailty on outcomes study.
Biosurfactant production using Egyptian oil fields indigenous bacteria for microbial enhanced oil recovery
Editor's Introduction
Drinkers like us? The availability of relatable drinking reduction narratives for people with alcohol use disorders
Design of a Compact Energy Storage with Rotary Series Elastic Actuator for Lumbar Support Exoskeleton
A Pair of Earrings & the gift of intergenerational feminism
Environmental comparative study of biosurfactants production and optimization using bacterial strains isolated from Egyptian oil fields
The Role of Big Data Analytics and Decision-Making in Achieving Project Success
Developing Phoneme-based Lip-reading Sentences System for Silent Speech Recognition
Measurement properties of smartphone applications for the measurement of neck range of motion: a systematic review and meta analyses
Toward an ontology of tobacco, nicotine and vaping products.
Supereye: smart advertisement insertion for online video streaming
The role of NTN in 6G
Decolonising Cinematography Education: Experimenting with Lighting Ratios and Textures for Black and Asian Skin Tones
Combined effect of fibre geometry and aggregate size on the workability and mechanical properties of steel fibre reinforced concrete
Automated breast lesion localisation in microwave imaging employing simplified pulse coupled neural network
Existing Sustainability Assessment Tools used in Measuring Urban Spaces
Fundamentals of Infection Prevention and Control in the Operating Department
Antecedents of Multicultural Identity: The Role of Stereotypes and Need for Cognitive Closure
Gender Diversity in the UK Construction Industry
Success Factors in Mega Infrastructure Projects (MIPs): Developing Nation’s Perspectives
Coaches’ Immigration to the United Kingdom: What do Foreign and Native Coaches think about migration
Biomimetic generation of the strongest known biomaterial found in limpet tooth.
Constrained Multiple Instance Learning for Ulcerative Colitis prediction using Histological Images
An investigation into how BIM exploitation leads to BIM benefits in construction organisations.
History Taking for patients who lack mental capacity
Stigma, Penalty and Black British Young Women: Historicizing Child Q
Implementing Supervised and Unsupervised Deep-Learning Methods to Predict Sputtering Plasma Features, a Step toward Digitizing Sputter Deposition of Thin Films
Communicating with culturally diverse and economically deprived communities to encourage adoption of environmentally friendly behaviours- the effectiveness of local versus global message framing and shocking images.
The effectiveness of gendered wording in health promotion leaflet - exploratory experiment in four English-speaking countries: the UK, USA, Ireland and Canada.
To be or not to be: why do transaction partners in construction industry avoid formulating agreements into contract documents?
Public engagement in the work of parliament
Contract Law
Experimental investigation of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes/Water Nanofluid Pool Boiling on Smooth and Groove Surfaces
A Pattern Language for the LIMITS Community
Copper adatoms mediated adsorption of benzotriazole on a gold substrate
An effective context-focused hierarchical mechanism for task-oriented dialogue response generation
The Moderating Effect of Learning Experience on Learning Motivation and Learning Outcomes of International Students
SQewing social welfare law: The SQE and the future of social welfare law
Frequency Control of Low Inertia Power Grids with Fuel Cell Systems in Distribution Networks
Electricity Price Forecasting Model based on Gated Recurrent Units
Smart Cities, Grids, Homes and the Workforce: Challenges and Prospects
An assessment for the viability of recovering heat from a smoke extract system
A solar thermal driven ORC-VFR system employed in subtropical Mediterranean climatic building
Comparative evaluation of AI-based intelligent GEP and ANFIS models in prediction of thermophysical properties of Fe3O4-coated MWCNT hybrid nanofluids for potential application in energy systems
Rational (Pathological) Demand Avoidance: As a Mental Disorder and an Evolving Social Construct
The Challenges with Developing and Applying Knowledge, Skills and Competences (KSC) in the Nigerian Engineering and Construction Industry (NECI)
The effects of alcohol and co-witness information on memory reports: A field study
Impact of different mechanical and metabolic stimuli on the temporal dynamics of muscle strength adaptation
Exploring the Nature and Impact of Client-Related Delays on Contemporary Saudi Construction Projects
Evaluating The Carbon Dioxide Sequestration In The Trees In The Temperate And Tropical Region (Work In Progress) Vol.2
Participation in domestic energy retrofit programmes: key spatio-temporal drivers
A Distributed Multimodel Cosimulation Platform to Assess General Purpose Services in Smart Grids
Securing IoT based Maritime Transportation System through Entropy-based Dual-Stack Machine Learning Framework
Parametric design of a modular acoustic volumetric unit for indoor recording spaces
Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of a New Intelligent Charging Controller for Off-Board Electric Vehicles Using PV Standalone System Represented by a Small-Scale Lithium-Ion Battery
Inclusivity in nurse education.
Temporin B Forms Hetero-Oligomers with Temporin L, Modifies Its Membrane Activity, and Increases the Cooperativity of Its Antibacterial Pharmacodynamic Profile
Self-perceived substance and behavioral addictions among Jewish Israeli adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Desire thinking as an underlying mechanism in alcohol use disorder and nicotine dependence.
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Systems in Biomedical Sensing
Collaboration (and conflict) in the relations between Trade Unions and the Third Sector
Acoustic improvements from elevated platforms for standing audiences in an indoor music venue
The Type of Per-Cooling Strategies Currently Employed by Competitive and Professional Cyclists-Triathletes During Training and Competition Are Condition (Dry vs. Humid) Dependant
Mathieu Jaboulay's (1860–1913) contribution to xenotransplantation
Autistic Perspectives on the Future of Clinical Autism Research
Experimental Study of Electric Power Generation with Concentrated Solar Thermoelectric Generator
Validation of an approach to potential-based active sound control methodology
Worldview Literacy as Educational Praxis: A Response to ‘Religious Literacy’: Some Considerations and Reservations’, Johannes C. Wolfart
Reducing human error in the quality control checking of fresh produce labels
The Life and Career of Sir Amias Paulet (c. 1457-1538): Service, Loyalty and Rebellion
Self-reported symptoms of developmental dyslexia predict impairments in everyday cognition in adults.
Data complexity does not improve knowledge
No Access An investigation of the strength evolution of lime-treated London clay soil
Insight into the Fergusonite–Scheelite Phase Transition of ABO4-Type Oxides by Density Functional Theory: A Case Study of the Subtleties of the Ground State of BiVO4
Design of experiments applied to lithium-ion batteries: A literature review
Calcar femorale variation in extant and fossil hominids: Implications for identifying bipedal locomotion in fossil hominins
New fossils of the early Miocene stem-cervid Acteocemas (Artiodactyla, Ruminantia) from the Iberian Peninsula shed light on the evolutionary origin of deer antler regeneration
A new fusion-edge sealed vacuum for concentrated photovoltaic/thermal solar collector in comparison to a conventional system
Beyond international human rights law – music and song in contextualised struggles for gender equality
Treatment outcomes of stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy on oligometastases from colorectal cancer: Early results of a single institution service evaluation
Understanding how digital transformation can enable SMEs to achieve sustainable development: A systematic literature review
Repurposing superhydrophobic surfaces into icephobic surfaces
Individual differences fill the uncharted intersections between cognitive structure, flexibility and plasticity in multitasking
A dual-phase-lag (DPL) transient non-Fourier heat transfer analysis of functional graded cylindrical material under axial heat flux
The Problem with 'Suction Only' Methods to Reduce Surgical Smoke Exposure.
Effect of Acupoint Hot Compress on Postpartum Urinary Retention After Vaginal Delivery
Barriers and Facilitators for Smoking Cessation in Chinese Smokers with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Qualitative Study.
Integrated multi-omics of the gut microbiome: assessing the beneficial effects of fermented foods to human health
The expanded doctrine of self-defence & international security assistance - the case of Afghanistan 2001 – 2020
A Multifaceted Ferrocene Interlayer for Highly Stable and Efficient Lithium Doped Spiro‐OMeTAD‐based Perovskite Solar Cells
A Virtual Chromoendoscopy Artificial Intelligence System To Detect Endoscopic And Histologic Remission In Ulcerative Colitis
International entrepreneurial SMEs in the muslim world: The role of religion in the GCC countries
Testing the Effects of the Digital Linguistic Landscape on Engineering Education for Smart Construction
The effects of noninvasive brain stimulation on heart rate and heart rate variability: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
The independent contribution of desire thinking to problematic social media use.
Numerical Solution of Desiccation Cracks in Clayey Soils
Introduction: Constructing and Contesting Victimhood in Global Politics
Trialling a microbiome-targeted dietary intervention in children with ADHD—the rationale and a non-randomised feasibility study.
What is the value of supplementary prescribing in the 2020s? A dietitian's perspective
What is next for the neurobiology of temperament, personality and psychopathology?
Temporary protection of Ukrainians – an uncertain model
Decosus: An R Framework for Universal Integration of Cell Proportion Estimation Methods.
The significance of product design in the circular economy: A sustainable approach to the design of data centre equipment as demonstrated via the CEDaCI design case study
The stigma of alcohol-related liver disease and its impact on healthcare
A Virtual Chromoendoscopy Artificial Intelligence System To Detect Endoscopic And Histologic Remission In Ulcerative Colitis
Grounded Theory and Social Psychology Approach to Investigating the Formation of Construction Workers’ Unsafe Behaviour
Scientometric review of construction conflict from 1991 to 2020
Editorial: The Social-Ecological Context of Health Literacy
Composite 3D printing of biomimetic human teeth
Multi-Agent Collaborative Learning for UAV Enabled Wireless Networks
Process and Outcome-based Evaluation between Virtual Really-driven and Traditional Construction Safety Training
Understanding the surface generation mechanism during microscratching of Ti-6Al-4V
Difficulties in emotion regulation: The role of repetitive negative thinking and metacognitive beliefs
Tau and kappa in interception – how perceptual spatiotemporal interrelations affect movements
When do expert decision makers trust their intuition?
Digital Entrepreneurship: Global maps and trends of research
The Effect of Sun Tan Lotion on Skin By Using Skin TEWL and Skin Water Content Measurements
Covid 19 and the Climate Emergency
A Comparative Analysis of Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention Algorithms for Resource Provisioning in Intelligent Autonomous Transport Systems over 6G Infrastructure
Properties of structural concrete with highstrength cement mixes containing waste paper sludge ash
The Potential Use of Food Waste in Biocementation Process for Eco-Efficient Construction Materials
Online safety and identity: navigating same-sex male social “dating” apps and networks
An Investigation of the Policies and Crucial Sectors of Smart Cities Based on IoT Application
Mitigating Contagion Risk by ESG Investing
Methanolysis of Poly(lactic Acid) Using Catalyst Mixtures and the Kinetics of Methyl Lactate Production
Effectiveness and Safety of Chinese Medicine at Shenque (CV 8) for Primary Dysmenorrhea: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.
The anticolonial settler: reflections on citizenship, violence and decolonisation
Green Human Resource Management: A new model of Human Resource Management in the aftermath of the Pandemic
Hybrid flexible (HyFlex) teaching and learning: climbing the mountain of implementation challenges for synchronous online and face-to-face seminars during a pandemic.
Chemical solution deposition of single phase BiFeO3 thin films on transparent substrates
A warfarin-antibiotic drug-drug interaction
Cultural intelligence in sport: An examination of football coaches’ cross-cultural training needs
Achieving channel leadership through B2B digital loyalty programs
Effect of sample treatment on the elastic modulus of locust cuticle obtained by nanoindentation
Statistical methods for decision support systems in finance: How Benford's law predicts financial risk
Working together: Uniting screen educators and industry to support gender equality inside the academy and beyond
Sport and Exercise Science and Health
Correlating tool wear to intact carbon fibre contacts during drilling of Continuous Fibre Reinforced Polymers (CFRP)
Designing porous electrode structures for supercapacitors using Quenched MD simulations
Passing Networks: An Examination of the Prevalence of Positions in Positional Attack in Handball
Recent Progress in Micro‐LED‐Based Display Technologies
The “Digital Turn” in Transitional Justice Research: Evaluating Image and Text as Data in the Western Balkans
Exploring LGBT resilience and moving beyond a deficit-model: findings from a qualitative study in England
Biocementation through the carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity of microorganisms -A review
The rhetorics of ‘agile’ and the practices of ‘agile working’: Consequences for the worker experience and uncertain implications for HR practice
Evaluating the impact of highway construction projects on landscape ecological risks in high altitude plateaus
A Peer Reviewed Newspaper About_ Rendering Research
Rent strikes in the neoliberal university: Critical pedagogy for reimagining educational futures
A critical review of the developments in molecular dynamics simulations to study femtosecond laser ablation
A short review of vapour droplet dispersion models used in CFD to study the airborne spread of COVID19.
A Deep Graph Cut Model for 3D Brain Tumor Segmentation
Ambient loop district heating and cooling networks with integrated mobility, power and interseasonal storage
European Port Cities and Urban Regeneration. Exploring Cultural and Sporting Mega Events at the Water's Edge
Teaching strategy: the key to maximising personal and professional outcomes
The biographic and professional influences on adoption and fostering panel members' recommendation-making
Chapter 13 - Stabilization/solidification of mining waste via biocementation
Artificial Fusion Protein to Facilitate Calcium Carbonate Mineralization on Insoluble Polysaccharide for Efficient Biocementation
Biosorption of Pb (II) and Zn (II) from aqueous solution by Oceanobacillus profundus isolated from an abandoned mine
Ways of Machine Seeing as a Problem of Invisual Literacy
Bioremediation of lead-contaminated mine waste by Pararhodobacter sp. based on the microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation technique and its effects on strength of coarse and fine grained sand
Demand Avoidance Phenomena (“ Pathological ”/ Extreme ” Demand Avoidance): As a Social Construct.
Implementing Data-Driven Smart City Applications for Future Cities
Teaching in times of crisis: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education
Autism & mental health
Combining rank-size and k-means for clustering countries over the COVID-19 new deaths per million.
Experimental investigation on the flexural behaviour of stainless steel reinforced concrete beams
Experimental investigation into the behaviour of continuous concrete beams reinforced with basalt FRP
Structural performance of stainless steel reinforced concrete members: A review
EC3 design of web-post buckling resistance for perforated steel beams with elliptically-based web openings
Reliability and Accuracy of a Time-Efficient Method for the Assessment of Achilles Tendon Mechanical Properties by Ultrasonography
Teaching acoustic during a pandemic: Lab in a Box for experiments at home
Hybrid flexible (HyFlex) seminar delivery – A technical overview of the implementation
Dysregulation of the miR-30c/DLL4 axis by circHIPK3 is essential for KSHV lytic replication
Choreographies of sexual safety and liminality: Forensic mental health and the limits of recovery
Automaticity and executive abilities in developmental dyslexia: A theoretical review
A hybrid Grey-TOPSIS based quantum behaved particle swarm optimization for selection of electrode material to machine Ti6Al4V by electro-discharge machining
Data for Non-Executive Directors and Corporate Strategy: Theory and exploratory empirical insights from FTSE 350 companies
Performance Analysis and Benchmarking of PLL-Driven Phasor Measurement Units for Renewable Energy Systems
Differences in digital health literacy and future anxiety between health care and other university students in England during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Influence of Forced Convective Heat Transfer on Hybrid Nanofluid Flow in a Heat Exchanger with Elliptical Corrugated Tubes: Numerical Analyses and Optimization
Variational Inference for a Recommendation System in IoT Networks Based on Stein’s Identity
Securing Low-Power Blockchain-Enabled IoT Devices Against Energy Depletion Attack
Comparison of Real-world Data with Simulated Results to Enhance Building Thermal Retention when using Shading Devices
Surprising results from a Post Occupancy Evaluation of the way internal roller blinds impact perceptions of visual discomfort
Dos and don’ts for managing LMS change project within hybrid working environment
A patient-initiated treatment model for blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm: a randomized controlled trial
Controversial issues in science: Exploring the power dynamics of applying critical pedagogies in secondary schools
Development of Permanently Installed Magnetic Eddy Current Sensor for Corrosion Monitoring of Ferromagnetic Pipelines
Traditional Chinese Medicine for HIV-Associated Acute Herpes Zoster: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials
Predicting comments on Facebook photos: Who posts might matter more than what type of photo is posted.
Thermal spray coatings for electromagnetic wave absorption and interference shielding: a review and future challenges
A rank-size approach to analyse soccer competitions and teams: the case of the Italian football league “Serie A"
Assessment and validation of the Community Maternal Danger Score algorithm.
Noble Metal Nanoparticle Biosensors: From Fundamental Studies toward Point-of-Care Diagnostics
Challenges and issues in continuum modelling of tribology, wear, cutting and other processes involving high-strain rate plastic deformation of metals
How entrepreneurial are social entrepreneurship education providers? The role of universities’ entrepreneurial ecosystems in the provision of elective social entrepreneurship courses to business students
A Study into Ambient Loop Systems and Challenges Associated with Accurate Metering and Billing of the End Users
Alloy selections in high-temperature metal hydride heat pump systems for industrial waste heat recovery
Formality and Informality and the Generation of Occupational Performance: a case study on the commercial service charge
Magnetoelectric Effect in Hydrogen Harvesting: Magnetic Field as a Trigger of Catalytic Reactions (Adv. Mater. 19/2022)
Preface to ToScA 2019 and ToScA 2020 special issue
An End-to-End Big Data Analytics Platform for IoT-enabled Smart Factories: A Case Study of Battery Module Assembly System for Electric Vehicles
Trash Talk Unpicking the deadlock around urban waste and regeneration
Serious youth violence: County lines drug dealing and the Government response
Girls in gangs: how they are recruited, exploited and trapped
Spaces of Women’s Cinema: Space, Place and Genre in Contemporary Women’s Filmmaking, by Sue Thornham
A note on the role of social impact investments in minimum variance portfolios
Financial interbanking networks resilience under shocks propagation
A new measure of the resilience for networks of funds with applications to socially responsible investments
Dangerous liasons and hot customers for banks
Clusters of social impact firms: A complex network approach
Weighted score-driven fuzzy clustering of time series with a financial application
Accuracy of peak nasal flow to determine nasal obstruction in patients with allergic rhinitis.
I'm standing with women in nursing to #BreakTheBias
Line-Point Constraints and Robot Surgery
Effect of coating operating parameters on electrode physical characteristics and final electrochemical performance of lithium-ion batteries
Prospects of MXenes in energy storage applications.
A Qualitative Research Study of the Tech Startup Journey through Entrepreneurial Pivoting
Investigating the opportunity for cooling the London underground through waste heat recovery
MammoWave Breast Imaging Device: Path to Clinical Validation, Results and Implications in Future Population-based Breast Screening Programs
Markerless Gait Classification Employing 3D IR-UWB Physiological Motion Sensing
Patient perspectives and experiences of remote consultations in people receiving kidney care: A scoping review
Classification of Low and High Schizotypy Levels via Evaluation of Brain Connectivity
“Embedding awareness of employability skills in the accounting degree through CIMA Business Game - an empirical study”
“Inclusive Learning through community – Four Drivers of employability”
Importance of social networking for tomorrow’s accountants
Differences in muscle synergies among recovery responses limit inter-task generalisation of stability performance
Microscopic changes in the spinal extensor musculature in people with chronic spinal pain: a systematic review.
Rejection sensitivity and its relationship to schizotypy and aggression: current status and future directions
The influence of ice rubble on sea ice friction: experimental evidence on the centimetre and metre scales
Ventilation rates achieved in eucapnic voluntary hyperpnea challenge and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction diagnosis in young patients with asthma
OP16 The first virtual chromoendoscopy artificial intelligence system to detect endoscopic and histologic remission in Ulcerative Colitis
OP15 A new simplified histology artificial intelligence system for accurate assessment of remission in Ulcerative Colitis
Predicting functional impairment trajectories in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a probabilistic, multifactorial model of disease progression.
Optimization of the Preparation Process of Fair-Faced Concrete Incorporating Recycled Aggregates
Editorial: The Use of Virtual-Reality Interventions in Reducing Anxiety
DEEP FLOW: an embodied materiality of dance, technology, and bodily experience
Baseline Refrigeration Emissions in the UK
Morphological peculiarities of a harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) whisker revealed by normal skeletonisation
It takes more than the project manager: The importance of senior management support for successful social sector projects
The moderating effect of big data analytics on green human resource management and organizational performance
Improving Indoor Localization Using Mobile UWB Sensor and Deep Neural Networks
Switch rates vary due to expected payoff but not due to individual risk tendency.
Cochrane systematic reviews on traditional Chinese medicine: What matters-the quantity or quality of evidence?
Effects of social media brand-related content on fashion products buying behaviour – a moderated mediation model
Validation of the metacognitions about online gaming scale (MOGS) among Chinese gamers
R&D collaboration strategies for industry 4.0 implementation: A case study in Brazil
Evaluating the effectiveness of e‐cigarettes compared with usual care for smoking cessation when offered to smokers at homeless centres: Protocol for a multi‐centre cluster randomised controlled trial in Great Britain
Editorial - Why a radical review of the nursing workforce?
Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Sheet Resistance of Indium-Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films Deposited via Plasma Deposition
High Efficiency Water Splitting using Ultrasound Coupled to a BaTiO 3 Nanofluid
COVID-19 Vaccination Should not be Mandatory for Health and Social Care Workers.
Youth, Comics and Trauma in Transitional Justice
Reply to Komatsu et al.: From local social mindfulness to global sustainability efforts?
Dynamics and mechanism of the physical developer process for visualization of latent fingerprints on paper.
Influence of Rotational Speed on the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of the Friction Stir Spot Welded Aluminium Alloy Sheets
Civil engineering students’ perceptions of emergency remote teaching: a case study in New Zealand
Chap 9. Making a Racism Reporting Tool: A legal design case study
Experiences of siblings of children with congenital heart disease during Coronavirus disease 2019; A qualitative interview study.
Regional innovation in arts provision spawned by COVID-19: ‘It became a lifeline for a lot of people who are stuck at home’
Solidarity in Action at a Time of Crisis: The Role of Employee Voice in Relation to Communication and Horizontal Solidarity Behaviour
An Adaptive Registration Algorithm for Zebrafish Larval Brain Images
ODNB Profile Elizabeth Abbott
ODNB Profile Rosamund Fisher
Before ‘Rock Bottom’? Problem framing effects on stigma and change among harmful drinkers
Group decision-making theories for child and family social work
Forgery Image Dataset
Few-shot Object Recognition based on Three-Way Decision and Active Learning
PICaSSO Histologic Remission Index (PHRI) in Ulcerative Colitis – Development of a Novel Simplified Histological Score for Monitoring Mucosal Healing and Predicting Clinical Outcomes and its Applicability in an Artificial Intelligence System
Patient activation and its association with symptom burden and quality of life across the spectrum of chronic kidney disease stages in England.
Systems medicine dissection of chr1q-amp reveals a novel PBX1-FOXM1 axis for targeted therapy in multiple myeloma
A Hybrid Extreme Learning Machine Model with Harris Hawks Optimisation Algorithm: An Optimised Model for Product Demand Forecasting Applications
Techno-Economic Analysis and Modelling of the Feasibility of Wind Energy in Kuwait
A method for non-destructive determination of cocoa bean fermentation levels based on Terahertz hyperspectral imaging
Head-Mounted and Hand-Held Displays Diminish the Effectiveness of Fall-Resisting Skills
Pardons for historic homosexual offences are welcome - but we still need to address the legacy of criminalisation
Thermal response of multi-layer UV crosslinked PEGDA hydrogels
Worldview Literacy as Intercultural Citizenship Education: A framework for critical, reflexive engagement in plural democracy.
A pilot economic evaluation of a feasibility trial for SUpporting wellbeing through PEeR Befriending (SUPERB) for post stroke aphasi
The Nightclub
Le défi des gangs de jeunes : enjeux et interventions dans le contexte britannique et canadien
(Safe) Sex on My Mind: The Effects of a Safe Sex Prime and an Alcohol Prime on Sex-related Perceptions and Behavior
Testing for UIP-Type Relationships: Nonlinearities, Monetary Announcements and Interest Rate Expectations
The damping properties of the foam‑filled shaft of primary feathers of the pigeon Columba livia
Using Seddon's vanguard method for service improvement in health and social care: a scoping literature review
Chapter 12 Pedagogies that enable racism
Hybrid Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Participatory Arts and Youth Activism as Vehicles of Social Change
Women's Organisations, Active Citizenship and the Peace Movement: New Perspectives on Peace Activism in Britain 1918 to 1939
Biological basis of child health 15: understanding the renal system and common renal conditions in children
International academic mobility, agency, and LGBTQ+ rights: a review of policy responses to internationally mobile LGBTQ+ staff/students at UK HE institutions with recommendations for a global audience
Wireless Communication with Mobile Inspection Robots Operating While Submerged Inside Oil Storage Tanks
Strategy, Planning and Accountability
Nanomaterials based Biosensing: Methods and principle of detection
The Role of Entrepreneurship and Spirituality in the Provision of Elective Social Enterprise Courses in Business Schools
Reading intersections of race, class and gender in fiction by black British women writers.
Creative acts of citizenship: Performance of activist citizenship by migrant artists
Air infiltration control to reduce hygiene hazard in refrigerated food processing and storage facilities
Deferred Heritage: digital renderings of sites of future knowledge production.
Scanning Probe Lithography: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives
Influencing factors of urban innovation and development: a grounded theory analysis.
Investigating the Fibrillar Ultrastructure and Mechanics in Keloid Scars Using In Situ Synchrotron X-ray Nanomechanical Imaging.
Is e-cigarette use associated with persistence or discontinuation of combustible cigarettes? A 24-month longitudinal investigation in young adult binge drinkers.
Reply to Nielsen et al.: Social mindfulness is associated with countries' environmental performance and individual environmental concern.
A Review of Various Fast Charging Power and Thermal Protocols for Electric Vehicles Represented by Lithium-Ion Battery Systems
The development of nurse prescribing in mental health services: Outcomes from five national surveys 2004–2019
Protecting Ukrainians fleeing to the EU … but for how long?
Industry 4.0 and Digitalisation in Healthcare.
The effect of exercise on resilience, its mediators and moderators, in a general population during the UK COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: a cross-sectional online study.
Dane Law live at Iklectik
Dane Law - Summer's End (Lift Me Up)
Foreign coaches viewed through media discourse
Female Editors - a New Frontier
Dane Law live at Boundaries Festival
SDF - Rhythm Of The Rubicon
Dane Law - Blue Forty-Six
Uniaxial pulling and nano-scratching of a newly synthesized high entropy alloy