Investigation on wavelength multicasting technology based on XPM in a highly nonlinear fiber

Demonstration of 100 Gbit/s optical time-division demultiplexing with 1-to-4 wavelength multicasting using the cascaded four-wave mixing in photonic crystal fiber with a single control light source

Improvement of voice alarm systems in underground stations

Using filmmaking to engage students with communities

The Dependence Structure in Credit Risk between Money and Derivatives Markets: A Time-Varying Conditional Copula Approach

Non-Parametric Estimation of Copula Parameters: Testing for Time-Varying Correlation

Modeling of asphaltene precipitation from n-alkane diluted heavy oils and bitumens using the PC-SAFT equation of state

Construct and content validity of the Greek version of the Birth Satisfaction Scale (G-BSS)

Maternal valacyclovir and infant cytomegalovirus acquisition: a randomized controlled trial among HIV-infected women.

DIY 3D Printing: Open source 3D printer development by students of engineering product design

Experience, Design, A Student Pop-Up-Shop

Pulverised Sewage Sludge Ash Partial Replacement of Cement In Concrete

Fairtrade, Employment and Poverty Reduction in Ethiopia and Uganda

The ANDROID Case Study; Venice and its territory: A general overview.

Chemical variability along the value chains of turmeric (Curcuma longa): A comparison of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and high performance thin layer chromatography

National culture and dividend policy: International evidence from banking

Local SAR in adults and children at 7T MR: Realistic estimation by the using of simulations

Tissue Border Enhancement by inversion recovery MRI at 7.0 Tesla.

Short-term side-effects of brain MR examination at 7 T: a single-centre experience.

STEAM-MiTiS: An MR spectroscopy method for the detection of scalar-coupled metabolites and its application to glutamate at 7 T

Huygens principle based imaging of multilayered objects with inclusions

The middle Miocene ape Pierolapithecus catalaunicus exhibits extant great ape-like morphometric affinities on its patella: Inferences on knee function and evolution

A brief introduction to London’s underground railways and land use

Thermal Enhancement of Solid Desiccant Packed Bed Dehumidifier Under Forced Convection in Subsonic Flow Regime

Experimental Study of Two-Phase Air–Water Flow in Large-Diameter Vertical Pipes

The natural history of peanut sensitization and allergy in a birth cohort

Information and support from dietary consultation for mothers of children with food allergies

An exploratory investigation of food choice behavior of teenagers with and without food allergies

Application of Vacuum Insulated Panels in Commercial Service Cabinets

Modelling and measurement of a moving magnet linear compressor performance

Acute electronic cigarette use: nicotine delivery and subjective effects in regular users

Optimal use of visual information in adolescents and young adults with developmental coordination disorder

High pressure control of protein structure and functionality

First‐ versus second‐generation electronic cigarettes: predictors of choice and effects on urge to smoke and withdrawal symptoms

High mobility titanium-doped indium oxide for use in tandem solar cells deposited via pulsed DC magnetron sputtering

Design and optimisation of process parameters in an in-line CIGS evaporation pilot system

Spray deposited copper zinc tin sulphide (Cu<inf>2</inf>ZnSnS<inf>4</inf>) film as a counter electrode in dye sensitized solar cells

Picropodophyllin causes mitotic arrest and catastrophe by depolymerizing microtubules via Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor-independent mechanism

Studio Television Production – How to make programmes within a Commercial and Academic Context

The relevance and application of empirical research methods to the study of international crimes

Mother's Day

Visualising Java Coupling and Fault Proneness

GAP: From sound design to practical implementation in clinical trials for traditional chinese medicine

Beyond the success and failure of the Athens D.O.E.S. 2002 cultural olympiad competition

Performance and style; Reservoir thinking

Endocrine nursing, social media and research: results of an international study

Patient choice in growth hormone prescribing: The Nurses' perspective

A good response to growth hormone therapy - why?

Food activities and identity maintenance in old age: a systematic review and meta-synthesis.

Analysis of chain of events in major historic power outages

A novel hybrid bacteria-chemotaxis spiral-dynamic algorithm with application to modelling of flexible systems

Evaluation of the impact of a psycho-educational intervention on knowledge levels and psychological outcomes for people diagnosed with Schizophrenia and their caregivers in Jordan: A randomized controlled trial

A mixed methods feasibility study to evaluate the use of a low-intensity, nurse-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

A disutility-based drift control for exchange rates

A quantitative view on policymakers’ goal, institutions and tax evasion

Mean–Variance portfolio selection in presence of infrequently traded stocks

Exhaustion of resources: a marked temporal process framework

Symmetries of systems with spatially bounded domains

Benford’s law predicted digit distribution of aggregated income taxes: the surprising conformity of Italian cities and regions

"Hand down, man down." Analysis of defensive adjustments in response to the hot hand in basketball using novel defense metrics

A Peer-reviewed Newspaper About_ Post-digital Research

Photophysical and structural characterisation of in situ formed quantum dots

Synthesis and properties of novel star-shaped oligofluorene conjugated systems with BODIPY cores

Paradoxical Values of Running Code / Paradoksalne wartosci kodu

Occupying Public Networks

Code for-itself

Post-Digital Research - Editorial

Not Just for Fun

01.01.CM: Collection of Museum of Ordure

Prehistories of the Post-digital: or, some old problems with post-anything

Institutional barriers to successful innovations: Perceptions of rural farmers and key stakeholders in southwest Nigeria

Forced Migration in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa Regions

A novel transparent UWB antenna for photovoltaic solar panel integration and RF energy harvesting

Improvement of voice alarm systems in underground railway stations

Superharmonic imaging with chirp coded excitation: filtering spectrally overlapped harmonics

The effects of relative food item size on optimal tooth cusp sharpness during brittle food item processing

From Stable ZnO and GaN Clusters to Novel Double Bubbles and Frameworks

N incorporation and associated localized vibrational modes in GaSb

Double bubbles: a new structural motif for enhanced electron–hole separation in solids

Understanding doping anomalies in degenerate p-type semiconductor LaCuOSe

Automated procedure to determine the thermodynamic stability of a material and the range of chemical potentials necessary for its formation relative to competing phases and compounds

Automatic trust calculation for service-oriented systems

Use of heat pipes to improve temperature performance of a chilled refrigerated display cabinet

Imaging the continuous hydrothermal flow synthesis of nanoparticulate CeO2 at different supercritical water temperatures using in situ angle-dispersive diffraction

Low-frequency accelerations over-estimate impact-related shock during walking.

Once More on Left Refromism

Estimation of Cooling Energy Demand and Carbon Emissions from Urban Buildings using a Quasi-dynamic Model

Corporate Partnering and Knowledge Transfer at Imperial College London

Crossing media boundaries: Adaptations and new media forms of the book

The impact of participating in suicide research online.

Ultra-wideband-based multilateration technique for indoor localisation

Designing Buildings for Natural Cooling The Role of Thermal Storage

’Budowanie napi\k ecia ? dziedzictwo Manfreda Tafuriego. Mi\k edzy praktykami krytycznymi a praktykami materialnymi w architekturze’, Recykling Idei. Media, Spolecznie, Zaangazowane

Health systems analysis of eye care services in Zambia: evaluating progress towards VISION 2020 goals.

Varieties of self-disgust in self-harm and suicide.

On the line geometry of rigid-body inertia

Understanding More Fully: A Multimodal Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Approach

Sevoflurane-induced changes in infants' quantifiable electroencephalogram parameters.

Experimental study on kinematics of sea ice floes in regular waves

BIM and conceptual design sustainability analysis: An information categorization framework

‘We have got the tools’: Qualitative evaluation of a mental health Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) education programme in Ireland

Reducing domestic food waste by lowering home refrigerator temperatures

First World War Leaders and Commanders

The Day-to-Day Co-Production of Ageing in Place.

Who cares? Dag Hammarskjold and the limits of responsibility in international law

Providing critical care patients with a personalised discharge summary: A questionnaire survey and retrospective analysis exploring feasibility and effectiveness

GE Jet Engine Bracket Challenge: A Case Study in Sustainable Design

Computational Methodology for Optimal Design of Additive Layer Manufactured Turbine Bracket

MASCC/ISOO clinical practice guidelines for the management of mucositis secondary to cancer therapy.

Clinical Legal Education in the UK – Running Drop-in Advice Services in an University Setting

Time Development of Scour around a Cylinder in Simulated Tidal Currents

Novel Aerofoils used for Reducing Energy Consumption and Improving Temperature Performance for Multi-Deck Refrigerated Display Cabinets

PV (photovoltaics) performance evaluation and simulation-based energy yield prediction for tropical buildings

Effect of exercise-induced enhancement of the leg-extensor muscle-tendon unit capacities on ambulatory mechanics and knee osteoarthritis markers in the elderly.

Non-destructive testing and condition monitoring with mobile wall climbing and swimming robots

Methods to assess energy usage in food cold stores

Optical and photocatalytic behaviours of nanoparticles in the Ti-Zn-O binary system

Towards sustainability in cold chains: Development of a quality, energy and environmental assessment tool (QEEAT)

Temperature control in domestic refrigerators and freezers

Experiments in Participatory Practices at the BBC

Numerical Modelling of an Indoor Space Conditioned with Low Exergy Cooling Technologies in the Tropics

Fourier-series-based Virtual Fields Method for the identification of 3-D stiffness distributions

An adaptive toolbox approach to the route to expertise in sport.

Electronic Visualisation and the Arts.

Rendimiento Energético Delalmacenamiento en Frío (Cold store energy performance)

Editorial: Defining, profiling and locating older people: an inner city Afro-Caribbean experience

The Social Media Canvas and Its Use in Strategy Formulation

The teaching of international law: fragmentation or cohesion?

Application of Vacuum Insulation Panels in the cold chain - Analysis of viability

Coaches’ migration: a qualitative analysis of recruitment, motivations and experiences

Global Consumer Culture Positioning: The Use of Global Consumer Culture Positioning Appeals Across Four European Countries

Ideas Series: Crowd Theory

Finite-element analysis of shear-off failure of keyed dry joints in precast concrete segmental bridges

Ultrasonic wave propagation through porous ceramics at different angles of propagation

Efficiency of project health checks (PHCs) as an early warning system in practice: a case study in Norway telecommunication industry

Ocular morbidity and health seeking behaviour in Kwara state, Nigeria: implications for delivery of eye care services.

Experimental study of wave-driven impact of sea ice floes on a circular cylinder

The strengths based approach as a service delivery model for severe mental illness: a meta-analysis of clinical trials

Leveraging collaboration through the use of building information models

Starting and growing a venture at a time of economic crisis - practical legal and policy considerations

Provably Correct Systems: Community, connections, and citations

Novel wireless sensors for in situ measurement of sub-ice hydrologic systems

Study of human being detection in an indoor environment using ultra wideband radar

Integrating Social Media into the Business Strategy of an Organisation

The ANDROID Case Study; Venice and its territory: Existing mitigation options and challenges for the future

The ANDROID Case Study; Venice and its territory: A general overview.

Using font attributes in knowledge maps and information retrieval

A numerical investigation into the plastic buckling paradox for circular cylindrical shells under axial compression

Thermal comfort and IAQ analysis of a decentralized DOAS system coupled with radiant cooling for the tropics

Arrowhead compliant virtual market of energy

On the Security of Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Encrypted Computing: Is Division safe?

Education, work and home ownership as markers of being a good citizen: Caribbean mothers practice citizenship at local and transnational levels

Effect of avatars and viewpoints on performance in virtual world: efficiency vs. telepresence

Behaviour of acoustic waves in a duct with Helmholtz resonator in presence of a temperature gradient

Strategies for Managing Successful Partnerships with Industry

The arrowhead approach for SOA application development and documentation

Signal Detection Performance of Overlapped FFT Scheme with Additional Frames Consisting of Non-continuous Samples in Indoor Environment

Sex composition of corporate boards and corporate philanthropy

The First World War in 100 Objects

The Pinochet judgment fifteen years on

A Carbon Footprint Study and a Life Cycle Assessment of an identical Refrigerated Display Cabinet: comparative analysis of the respective ratios of embodied and operational impacts

A user-centric system architecture for residential energy consumption reduction

Creolized family patterns among divorced mixed couples: Caribbean and White British families in London

The Design Space of Typeface

A Review of the State of Art in Applying Biot Theory to Acoustic Propagation through the Bone

Medial prefrontal cortex reacts to unfairness if this damages the self: a tDCS study.

Geo Digital Documentation(GDD) for Arab and Islamic Heritage Preservation

World in Motion: Films from the Collection of the Museum of Ordure

Fighting for the Privileges of Citizenship: The Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), feminism and the women's movement, 1928-1945

Empirical Patterns in Google Scholar Citation Counts

An investigation of relative thermal expansion of ice and steel

Simulation study on the impact of the transmission power on the performance of routing protocols under different mobility models

Experimental vital signs estimation using commercially available IR-UWB radar

On the filtering of photoplethysmography signals

Median based method for baseline wander removal in photoplethysmogram signals

The librarian's guide to academic research in the cloud [book review]

A guide to teaching information literacy: 101 practical tips Blanchett, H. et al, Facet, London, 978-1856046596, £39.95 [book review]

A Qualitative Study of E-Business Adoption in the Real Estate Sector in China

Application of vacuum technology: Vacuum insulated glazing- improving the energy efficiency of buildings

Spine curvature analysis between participants with obesity and normal weight participants: a biplanar electromagnetic device measurement.

Analysing the potential of retrofitting ultra-low heat loss triple vacuum glazed windows to an existing UK solid wall dwelling

Arctic Risk: a discussion of the possible outcomes of two disaster scenarios

Occupational therapists' views on using a virtual reality interior design application within the pre-discharge home visit process

Is Citizen’s Income the answer to workfare?

The historical trajectory of a peripheral national business system

Reducing the need for guesswork in multiple-choice tests

Creating Positive Employee Change Evaluation: The Role of Different Levels of Organizational Support and Change Participation

Employment equality and diversity management in a Russian context

Some Remarks on the RRR Linkage

Polio survivors' perceptions of the meaning of quality of life and strategies used to promote participation in everyday activitie

The Effectiveness of Gambling Exclusion Programs in Queensland

Critical reflections from men in the field

‘Staying Alive’: The Impact of ‘Austerity Cuts’ on the LGBT Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in England and Wales

A comparative study of men and women gamblers in Victoria

Quitting Without Reporting Having Tried: Findings From a National Survey

Empathy predicts false belief reasoning ability: evidence from the N400.

Green Process Engineering as the Key to Future Processes

Rapid preconditioning of data for accelerating convex hull algorithms

Learning for sustainability: the challenges for education policy and practice

Deficient recovery response and adaptive feedback potential in dynamic gait stability in unilateral peripheral vestibular disorder patients.

The effect of perceived streakiness on the shot-taking behaviour of basketball players.

Virtual Worlds: An Overview and Study of BBC Childrens Adventure Rock

Children in Virtual Worlds Adventure Rock Users and Producers Study

Strengthening Student Engagement with Quantitative Subjects in a Business Faculty

Farmers' mobilisation of social capital for beneficial uptake of technological innovations in southwest Nigeria

Material lines: apocalypse, capricci, war and other disasters

Impact of cooperative membership on farmers’ uptake of technological innovations in Southwest Nigeria

Skin Hydration and Solvent Penetration Measurements by Opto-thermal Radiometry, AquaFlux and Fingerprint Sensor

Curating the Photographic Image in Networked Culture

Pyrotechnic Sculpture

A Fourier-series-based virtual fields method for the identification of 2-D stiffness distributions

A Fourier-series-based Virtual Fields Method for the Identification of 2-D Stiffness and Traction Distributions

Succeeding in literature reviews and research project plans for nursing students

Underground, overground, wandering free: Flânerie reimagined in print, on screen and on record

The organizational and geographical boundaries of the firm: strategic and policy issues for labour and governments

Prospective Memory In Adults With Developmental Dyslexia

The Point Source: Blindness, Speech and Public Space

The Clinical Skills of Optometrists in Assessing the Anterior Chamber Angle

The New Left: Beyond Stalinism and Social Democracy?

Senior Nursing Lecturers’ Understanding Of Education For Sustainable Development: A Phenomenographic Study

Politics and Ethics

Hidden desires: Hinduism and sexuality

Adhesion Anisotropy between Contacting Electrospun Fibers

Polarised infrared microspectroscopy of edge-oriented graphene oxide papers

Molecular force transfer mechanisms in graphene oxide paper evaluated using atomic force microscopy and in situ synchrotron micro FT-IR spectroscopy

Sport: Capitalism at Play

Exploring research institutes: Structures, functioning and typology

Diagnostic framework and health check tool for engineering and technology projects

In Search of New Organisational Forms – The Case for Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing

Stretched but not snapped: constitutional lessons from the 2010 coalition government in Britain

Psychosocial aspects of operating department practice

Non Destructive Testing With Mobile Wall Climbing And Swimming Robots (Abstract)

Inspection of floating platform mooring chains with a climbing robot

Inexpensive spatial position system for the improvement of manual ultrasound NDT

Disseminating mechatronics research results (via science and engineering exhibitions)

Lithium-induced phase transitions in lead-free Bi0. 5Na0. 5TiO3 based ceramics

Enhanced performance with bismuth ferrite perovskite in ZnO nanorod solid state solar cells

ZnO nanorod surface modification with PDDA/PSS Bi-layer assembly for performance improvement of ZnO piezoelectric energy harvesting devices

Care transitions for frail, older people from acute hospital wards within an integrated healthcare system in England: a qualitative case study

Load dependent dynamic path selection in multi-radio hybrid wireless mesh networks

Real-time environmental monitoring, visualization, and notification system for construction H&S management

Digitized Direct Animation: Creating Materials for Electroacoustic Visual Music Using 8mm Film

EEG as a Controller for Psychedelic Visual Music in an Immersive Dome Environment

Easter Eggs: Hidden Tracks and Messages in Musical Mediums

Affective Audio

Shamanic diffusions: a technoshamanic philosophy of electroacoustic music

Sound Through The Rabbit Hole: Sound Design Based On Reports of Auditory Hallucination

ACERemix: A Tool for Glitch Music Production and Performance

Geology and the war on the Western Front, 1914-1918

The great war and Tommy Atkins

Modelling Cultural Value within New Media Cultures and Networked Participation

Results of a pilot randomised controlled trial to measure the clinical and cost effectiveness of peer support in increasing hope and quality of life in mental health patients discharged from hospital in the UK.

Reducing risk of overdose with midazolam injection in adults: an evaluation of change in clinical practice to improve patient safety in England

Diabetes self-management in people with severe mental illness

Self-management interventions for type 2 diabetes in adult people with severe mental illness (Protocol)

Ambiguous Citizenship: Democratic practices and school governing bodies