Marketing, Tourism, Events and Hospitality


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User-innovator typologies in co-innovation: from creativity to reality
Tran, M.K. and Shiu, E. (2015). User-innovator typologies in co-innovation: from creativity to reality. The XXVI ISPIM Conference – Shaping the Frontiers of Innovation Management. Budapest, Hungary 14 - 17 Jun 2015

Conference paper

Work-life balance can benefit business during financial crisis and austerity: Human resources (HR) must convince management of the need for a flexible approach
Ayudhya, UCN, Prouska, R and Lewis, S (2015). Work-life balance can benefit business during financial crisis and austerity: Human resources (HR) must convince management of the need for a flexible approach. Human Resource Management International Digest. 23 (5), pp. 25 - 28.

Journal article

FIERCE scent boosts mood and emotion to enhance brand assets
Bennett, DR, Graham, C and Basile, E (2015). FIERCE scent boosts mood and emotion to enhance brand assets. LSBU Research Summer School 2015. London South Bank University, London 07 Jul 2015 London South Bank University.

Conference poster

Omni-channel customer experience: An investigation into the use of digital technology in physical stores and its impact on the consumer's decision-making process
Bennett, DR and El Azhari, J (2015). Omni-channel customer experience: An investigation into the use of digital technology in physical stores and its impact on the consumer's decision-making process. XXIV AEDEM International Conference. London (United Kingdom) 01 - 02 Sep 2015 European Academy of Management and Business Economics (AEDEM).

Conference paper

Putting theory into theory: Thematic value of research in public administration teaching
Barber, S and Luke, P (2015). Putting theory into theory: Thematic value of research in public administration teaching. Teaching Public Administration. 34 (1), pp. 96-108.

Journal article

Global Consumer Culture Positioning: The Use of Global Consumer Culture Positioning Appeals Across Four European Countries
Czarnecka, B and Keles, S (2014). Global Consumer Culture Positioning: The Use of Global Consumer Culture Positioning Appeals Across Four European Countries. Journal of Euromarketing. 23 (3), pp. 59-67.

Journal article

The Effects Of Ambient Scent On Consumer Behavior: A Review Of The Literature
Burghelea, M. and Plaias, I., (2013). The Effects Of Ambient Scent On Consumer Behavior: A Review Of The Literature. Annals of Faculty of Economics. 01 - 04 Jul 2013

Conference paper

Only a click away? – What makes virtual meetings, emails and outsourcing successful
Moser, KS (2013). Only a click away? – What makes virtual meetings, emails and outsourcing successful. Management Articles of the Year. 2013, pp. 25-30.

Journal article

The Role of Norms in Virtual Work: A Review and Agenda for Future Research
Moser, KS and Axtell, C (2013). The Role of Norms in Virtual Work: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Journal of Personnel Psychology. 12 (1), pp. 1-6.

Journal article

Arise, Careerless Politician: The Rise of the Professional Party Leader
Barber, S (2013). Arise, Careerless Politician: The Rise of the Professional Party Leader. Politics. 34 (1), pp. 23-31.

Journal article

Store atmosphere: Conceptual Issues and It's Impact on Shopping Behavior
Burghelea, M. and El-Murad, J., Plaias, I. (2012). Store atmosphere: Conceptual Issues and It's Impact on Shopping Behavior. The Proceedings of the International Conference "Marketing - from Information to Decision"; Cluj-Napoca.

Conference paper

The patterns of long-term repeat-buying in Dirichlet markets
Graham, C. (2012). The patterns of long-term repeat-buying in Dirichlet markets. PhD Thesis London South Bank University Ehrenberg Centre for Research in Marketing

PhD Thesis

Are Innovation and Internationalization Related? An Analysis of European Countries
Filippetti, A, Frenz, M and Ietto-Gillies, G. (2011). Are Innovation and Internationalization Related? An Analysis of European Countries. Industry and Innovation. 18 (5), pp. 437-459.

Journal article

Psychological processing of transplantation in lung recipients: A quantitative study of organ integration and the relationship to the donor
Goetzmann, L, Irani, S, Moser, KS, Schwegler, K, Stamm, M, Spindler, A, Buddeberg, C, Boehler, A and Klaghofer, R (2010). Psychological processing of transplantation in lung recipients: A quantitative study of organ integration and the relationship to the donor. British Journal of Health Psychology. 14 (4), pp. 667-680.

Journal article

'Medikamente sind Bomben' - zum Metapherngebrauch von Lungentransplantations-Patienten mit guter oder ungenügender Compliance
Goetzmann, L, Moser, KS, Vetsch, E, Grieder, E, Naef, R, Russi, EW, Buddeberg, C and Boehler, A (2009). 'Medikamente sind Bomben' - zum Metapherngebrauch von Lungentransplantations-Patienten mit guter oder ungenügender Compliance. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie. 18 (2), pp. 72-80.

Journal article

The effect of reward interdependence on cooperation and information-sharing intentions
Moser, KS and Wodzicki, K (2007). The effect of reward interdependence on cooperation and information-sharing intentions. Swiss Journal of Psychology. 66 (2), pp. 117-127.

Journal article

Metaphors as symbolic environment of the self: How self-knowledge is expressed verbally
Moser, KS (2007). Metaphors as symbolic environment of the self: How self-knowledge is expressed verbally. Current Research in Social Psychology. 12 (11), pp. 151-178.

Journal article

Embedding Employability Skills into the Marketing Curriculum; A Rationale & Description
Graham, C, FitzGerald, F and Peleg, A (2007). Embedding Employability Skills into the Marketing Curriculum; A Rationale & Description. Prime. 2 (2), pp. 25-38.

Journal article

The interplay of 'big five' personality factors and metaphorical schemas - a pilot study with 20 lung transplantat recipients
Goetzmann, L, Moser, KS, Vetsch, E, Grieder, E, Klaghofer, R, Naef, R, Russi, EW, Boehler, A and Buddeberg, C (2007). The interplay of 'big five' personality factors and metaphorical schemas - a pilot study with 20 lung transplantat recipients. The Qualitative Report. 12 (3), pp. 397-413.

Journal article

What do patients think after lung-transplantation about their self, body, and social network? A quantitative analysis of categorical interview data
Goetzmann, L, Moser, KS, Vetsch, E, Klaghofer, R, Naef, R, Russi, EW, Buddeberg, C and Boehler, A (2006). What do patients think after lung-transplantation about their self, body, and social network? A quantitative analysis of categorical interview data. GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine. 3, pp. 1-9.

Journal article

Development and validity of a new domain-specific scale for the measurement of work-related collective efficacy
Moser, KS, Schaffner, D and Heinle, M (2005). Development and validity of a new domain-specific scale for the measurement of work-related collective efficacy. Zeitschrift fur Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. 49 (2), pp. 85-91.

Journal article

Entwicklung und Validierung einer neuen Skala zur Erfassung kollektiver arbeitsbezogener Wirksamkeitserwartungen
Moser, KS, Schaffner, D and Heinle, M (2005). Entwicklung und Validierung einer neuen Skala zur Erfassung kollektiver arbeitsbezogener Wirksamkeitserwartungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. 49 (2), pp. 85-91.

Journal article

Rollenverhalten in der Kommunikation und Grounding-Prozesse
Moser, KS (2005). Rollenverhalten in der Kommunikation und Grounding-Prozesse. in: Porschen, S and Bolte, A (ed.) Zugänge zu kooperativer Arbeit. Analysen zum Kooperationshandeln in Arbeitssituationen Munich, Germany ISF München. pp. 85-92

Book chapter

Die Bedeutung der Wissenskooperation für ein nachhaltiges Wissensmanagement
Moser, K. and Schaffner, D. (2004). Die Bedeutung der Wissenskooperation für ein nachhaltiges Wissensmanagement . in: Wyssusek, B. (ed.) Wissensmanagment komplex: Perspektiven und soziale Praxis Berlin Eric Schmidt. pp. 227-242

Book chapter

Metaphernanalyse als Wissensmanagement-Methode
Moser, K. (2004). Metaphernanalyse als Wissensmanagement-Methode. in: Reinmann-Rothmeier, G. and Mandl, H. (ed.) Psychologie des Wissensmanagements: Perspektiven, Theorien, Methoden Hogrefe. pp. 329-340

Book chapter

Erste Resultate zur Untersuchung der interdisziplinären ethischen Entscheidungsfindung in der Intensivmedizin in Schweizer und Rumänischen Spitälern
Moser, K. (2004). Erste Resultate zur Untersuchung der interdisziplinären ethischen Entscheidungsfindung in der Intensivmedizin in Schweizer und Rumänischen Spitälern . in: Baumann-Hölzle, R. (ed.) Leben um jeden Preis? Entscheidungsfindung in der Intensivmedizin Peter Lang. pp. 205-220

Book chapter

The role of metaphors in acquiring and transmitting knowledge
Moser, KS (2004). The role of metaphors in acquiring and transmitting knowledge. in: Fischer, M, Boreham, N and Nyhan, B (ed.) European perspectives on learning at work. The acquisition of work process knowledge Luxembourg Cedefop Reference Series 56. pp. 148-163

Book chapter

Mentale Modelle und ihre Bedeutung: kognitionspsychologische Grundlagen des (Miss)Verstehens
Moser, K. (2003). Mentale Modelle und ihre Bedeutung: kognitionspsychologische Grundlagen des (Miss)Verstehens. in: Ganz-Blättler, U. and Michel, P. (ed.) Sinnbildlich schief: Missgriffe bei Symbolgenese und Symbolgebrauch Bern Peter Lang. pp. 181-205

Book chapter

Voraussetzungen des Wissensmanagements aus psychologischer Sicht
Moser, K. and Schaffner, D. (2003). Voraussetzungen des Wissensmanagements aus psychologischer Sicht . in: Reimer, U., Abdecker, A., Staab, S. and Stumme, G. (ed.) Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen Bonn pp. 519-522

Book chapter

Sulzer Innotec AG: Nachhaltige betriebliche Verankerung von Wissensmanagement
Clases, C., Moser, K. and Wehner, T. (2002). Sulzer Innotec AG: Nachhaltige betriebliche Verankerung von Wissensmanagement. in: Lüthy, W., Voit, E. and Wehner, T. (ed.) Wissensmanagement-Praxis: Einführung, Handlungsfelder und Fallbeispiele Zurich Hochschulverlag. pp. 207-227

Book chapter

Wissenskooperation: Die Grundlage der Wissensmanagement-Praxis
Moser, K. (2002). Wissenskooperation: Die Grundlage der Wissensmanagement-Praxis . in: Lüthy, W., Voit, E. and Wehner, T. (ed.) Wissensmanagement - Praxis. Einführung, Handlungsfelder und Fallbeispiele Zurich Hochschulverlag. pp. 97-113

Book chapter

Metaphernforschung in der Kognitiven Psychologie und in der Sozialpsychologie - eine Review
Moser, KS (2001). Metaphernforschung in der Kognitiven Psychologie und in der Sozialpsychologie - eine Review. Journal für Psychologie. 9 (4), pp. 17-34.

Journal article

Taking Actors' Perspectives Seriously: Whose Knowledge and What is Managed? Knowledge Management in a Transdisciplinary Perspective
Moser, K., Clases, C. and Wehner, T. (2000). Taking Actors' Perspectives Seriously: Whose Knowledge and What is Managed? Knowledge Management in a Transdisciplinary Perspective. in: Häberli, R., Scholz, R.W., Bill, A. and Welti, M. (ed.) Transdisciplinarity: Joint Problem-Solving among Science, Technology and Society Zurich Haffmans Sachbuch Verlag. pp. 534-538

Book chapter

Metaphern des Selbst. Wie Sprache, Umwelt und Selbstkognition zusammenhängen
Moser, K. (2000). Metaphern des Selbst. Wie Sprache, Umwelt und Selbstkognition zusammenhängen. Lengerich, Germany Pabst Science Publishers.


Metaphor analysis in psychology - method, theory, and fields of application
Moser, KS (2000). Metaphor analysis in psychology - method, theory, and fields of application. Forum: Qualitative Social Research (on-line journal). 1 (2).

Journal article

Knowledge Acquisition through Metaphors: Anticipation of Self Change at Transitions from Learning to Work
Moser, K. (1999). Knowledge Acquisition through Metaphors: Anticipation of Self Change at Transitions from Learning to Work. in: Hansen, H., Sigrist, B., Goorhuis, H. and Landolt, H. (ed.) Arbeit und Bildung - das Ende einer Differenz? Travail et formation - la fin d'une distinction? Learning and Work - the End of a Distinction? Zurich Bildung Sauerländer. pp. 141-152

Book chapter

Identitätsdefinitionen beim Übergang vom Hochschulstudium ins Berufsleben: Wohnformen und private Räume
Moser, K. (1996). Identitätsdefinitionen beim Übergang vom Hochschulstudium ins Berufsleben: Wohnformen und private Räume . in: Ettrich, K.U. and Fries, M. (ed.) Lebenslange Entwicklung in sich wandelnden Zeiten Landau Empirische Pädagogik. pp. 340-347

Book chapter

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Abougrad, Hisham

Aston, Helen

Bennett, Dag

Brewster, Chris

Burghelea, Meda

Capper, David

Czarnecka, Barbara

Franke, Katrin

Ghouri, Arsalan

Graham, Charles

Hamada, May Nagy Ahmed

Henfrey, Cathy

Isaacs, Edward

Khan, Kamran

Khanh, Mika

Kissell, Kathryn

Kunz, Rafaela

Maple, Peter

Marjan, Ammarah

Mcgonagle-Daly, Tere Denison

Morris, Miriam

Murdock, Alex

Ngan, Emily

O'Rourke, Grace

Olaniyan, Nancy

Parvin, Asma

Peleg, Anita

Rigby, Mike

Summerfield, Abigail

Tajvidi, Rana

Zhang, Wenjing

Zina, Uwais