Innovation, Leadership, Strategy and Management

HeadMs Susie Wolstenholme

Latest research outputs

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Students’ concern about indebtedness: A rank based social norms account
Aldrovandi, S., Wood, A. M., Maltby, J. and Brown, G.D. A. (2015). Students’ concern about indebtedness: A rank based social norms account. Studies in Higher Education . 40 (7), pp. 1307-1327.

Journal article

Social norms and rank-based nudging: Changing willingness to pay for healthy food
Aldrovandi, S., Brown, G. D. A. and Wood, A. M. (2015). Social norms and rank-based nudging: Changing willingness to pay for healthy food. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 21 (3), pp. 242-254.

Journal article

What Forms University? An Integrated Model from Syria
Khalifa, B. and Mahmoud, A.B. (2015). What Forms University? An Integrated Model from Syria. Verslas: teorija ir praktika. 17 (1), pp. 46-55.

Journal article

The Partner Proliferation Problem in Disaster Response Networks
Rye, S., El-Haddadeh, R. and Aktas, E. (2015). The Partner Proliferation Problem in Disaster Response Networks. in: Advances in Managing Humanitarian Operations

Book chapter

Redesigning the Schedule Time Slots for Qatar University to Cope with Local Specificities
Younis, H. and Ben Ayed, O. (2015). Redesigning the Schedule Time Slots for Qatar University to Cope with Local Specificities. Studies in Business and Economics. 18 (2), pp. 57-72.

Journal article

The Role of Context in Virtual Work
Moser, KS, Vartiainen, MA and Cramton, C (2015). The Role of Context in Virtual Work. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. 2015 (Jan), pp. 13582-13582.

Journal article

Sentencing, severity, and social norms: A rank-based model of contextual influence on judgments of crimes and punishments
Aldrovandi, S., Wood, A. M. and Brown, G. D. A. (2013). Sentencing, severity, and social norms: A rank-based model of contextual influence on judgments of crimes and punishments. Acta psychologica. 144 (3), pp. 538-547.

Journal article

Only a click away? – What makes virtual meetings, emails and outsourcing successful
Moser, KS (2013). Only a click away? – What makes virtual meetings, emails and outsourcing successful. Management Articles of the Year. 2013, pp. 25-30.

Journal article

The Role of Norms in Virtual Work: A Review and Agenda for Future Research
Moser, KS and Axtell, C (2013). The Role of Norms in Virtual Work: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Journal of Personnel Psychology. 12 (1), pp. 1-6.

Journal article

The cognitions and behaviour of female cabin attendants at Thai Airway
Tungtakanpoung, M. (2012). The cognitions and behaviour of female cabin attendants at Thai Airway. British Academy of Management.

Conference paper

An effect of semantic memory on immediate memory in the visual domain
Heussen, D., Poirier, M., Hampton, J. A. and Aldrovandi, S. (2011). An effect of semantic memory on immediate memory in the visual domain.

Conference paper

Preference stability and memory: Two unlikely companions
Aldrovandi, S. and Heussen, D. (2011). Preference stability and memory: Two unlikely companions. Frontiers in Psychology. 2.

Journal article

Psychological processing of transplantation in lung recipients: A quantitative study of organ integration and the relationship to the donor
Goetzmann, L, Irani, S, Moser, KS, Schwegler, K, Stamm, M, Spindler, A, Buddeberg, C, Boehler, A and Klaghofer, R (2010). Psychological processing of transplantation in lung recipients: A quantitative study of organ integration and the relationship to the donor. British Journal of Health Psychology. 14 (4), pp. 667-680.

Journal article

Memory strategies mediate the relationships between memory and judgment
Aldrovandi, S., Poirier, M., Heussen, D. and Ayton, P. (2009). Memory strategies mediate the relationships between memory and judgment. Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.

Conference presentation

'Medikamente sind Bomben' - zum Metapherngebrauch von Lungentransplantations-Patienten mit guter oder ungenügender Compliance
Goetzmann, L, Moser, KS, Vetsch, E, Grieder, E, Naef, R, Russi, EW, Buddeberg, C and Boehler, A (2009). 'Medikamente sind Bomben' - zum Metapherngebrauch von Lungentransplantations-Patienten mit guter oder ungenügender Compliance. Zeitschrift für Medizinische Psychologie. 18 (2), pp. 72-80.

Journal article

The effect of reward interdependence on cooperation and information-sharing intentions
Moser, KS and Wodzicki, K (2007). The effect of reward interdependence on cooperation and information-sharing intentions. Swiss Journal of Psychology. 66 (2), pp. 117-127.

Journal article

Metaphors as symbolic environment of the self: How self-knowledge is expressed verbally
Moser, KS (2007). Metaphors as symbolic environment of the self: How self-knowledge is expressed verbally. Current Research in Social Psychology. 12 (11), pp. 151-178.

Journal article

The interplay of 'big five' personality factors and metaphorical schemas - a pilot study with 20 lung transplantat recipients
Goetzmann, L, Moser, KS, Vetsch, E, Grieder, E, Klaghofer, R, Naef, R, Russi, EW, Boehler, A and Buddeberg, C (2007). The interplay of 'big five' personality factors and metaphorical schemas - a pilot study with 20 lung transplantat recipients. The Qualitative Report. 12 (3), pp. 397-413.

Journal article

What do patients think after lung-transplantation about their self, body, and social network? A quantitative analysis of categorical interview data
Goetzmann, L, Moser, KS, Vetsch, E, Klaghofer, R, Naef, R, Russi, EW, Buddeberg, C and Boehler, A (2006). What do patients think after lung-transplantation about their self, body, and social network? A quantitative analysis of categorical interview data. GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine. 3, pp. 1-9.

Journal article

Development and validity of a new domain-specific scale for the measurement of work-related collective efficacy
Moser, KS, Schaffner, D and Heinle, M (2005). Development and validity of a new domain-specific scale for the measurement of work-related collective efficacy. Zeitschrift fur Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. 49 (2), pp. 85-91.

Journal article

Entwicklung und Validierung einer neuen Skala zur Erfassung kollektiver arbeitsbezogener Wirksamkeitserwartungen
Moser, KS, Schaffner, D and Heinle, M (2005). Entwicklung und Validierung einer neuen Skala zur Erfassung kollektiver arbeitsbezogener Wirksamkeitserwartungen. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. 49 (2), pp. 85-91.

Journal article

Rollenverhalten in der Kommunikation und Grounding-Prozesse
Moser, KS (2005). Rollenverhalten in der Kommunikation und Grounding-Prozesse. in: Porschen, S and Bolte, A (ed.) Zugänge zu kooperativer Arbeit. Analysen zum Kooperationshandeln in Arbeitssituationen Munich, Germany ISF München. pp. 85-92

Book chapter

Die Bedeutung der Wissenskooperation für ein nachhaltiges Wissensmanagement
Moser, K. and Schaffner, D. (2004). Die Bedeutung der Wissenskooperation für ein nachhaltiges Wissensmanagement . in: Wyssusek, B. (ed.) Wissensmanagment komplex: Perspektiven und soziale Praxis Berlin Eric Schmidt. pp. 227-242

Book chapter

Metaphernanalyse als Wissensmanagement-Methode
Moser, K. (2004). Metaphernanalyse als Wissensmanagement-Methode. in: Reinmann-Rothmeier, G. and Mandl, H. (ed.) Psychologie des Wissensmanagements: Perspektiven, Theorien, Methoden Hogrefe. pp. 329-340

Book chapter

Erste Resultate zur Untersuchung der interdisziplinären ethischen Entscheidungsfindung in der Intensivmedizin in Schweizer und Rumänischen Spitälern
Moser, K. (2004). Erste Resultate zur Untersuchung der interdisziplinären ethischen Entscheidungsfindung in der Intensivmedizin in Schweizer und Rumänischen Spitälern . in: Baumann-Hölzle, R. (ed.) Leben um jeden Preis? Entscheidungsfindung in der Intensivmedizin Peter Lang. pp. 205-220

Book chapter

The role of metaphors in acquiring and transmitting knowledge
Moser, KS (2004). The role of metaphors in acquiring and transmitting knowledge. in: Fischer, M, Boreham, N and Nyhan, B (ed.) European perspectives on learning at work. The acquisition of work process knowledge Luxembourg Cedefop Reference Series 56. pp. 148-163

Book chapter

Mentale Modelle und ihre Bedeutung: kognitionspsychologische Grundlagen des (Miss)Verstehens
Moser, K. (2003). Mentale Modelle und ihre Bedeutung: kognitionspsychologische Grundlagen des (Miss)Verstehens. in: Ganz-Blättler, U. and Michel, P. (ed.) Sinnbildlich schief: Missgriffe bei Symbolgenese und Symbolgebrauch Bern Peter Lang. pp. 181-205

Book chapter

Voraussetzungen des Wissensmanagements aus psychologischer Sicht
Moser, K. and Schaffner, D. (2003). Voraussetzungen des Wissensmanagements aus psychologischer Sicht . in: Reimer, U., Abdecker, A., Staab, S. and Stumme, G. (ed.) Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen Bonn pp. 519-522

Book chapter

Sulzer Innotec AG: Nachhaltige betriebliche Verankerung von Wissensmanagement
Clases, C., Moser, K. and Wehner, T. (2002). Sulzer Innotec AG: Nachhaltige betriebliche Verankerung von Wissensmanagement. in: Lüthy, W., Voit, E. and Wehner, T. (ed.) Wissensmanagement-Praxis: Einführung, Handlungsfelder und Fallbeispiele Zurich Hochschulverlag. pp. 207-227

Book chapter

Wissenskooperation: Die Grundlage der Wissensmanagement-Praxis
Moser, K. (2002). Wissenskooperation: Die Grundlage der Wissensmanagement-Praxis . in: Lüthy, W., Voit, E. and Wehner, T. (ed.) Wissensmanagement - Praxis. Einführung, Handlungsfelder und Fallbeispiele Zurich Hochschulverlag. pp. 97-113

Book chapter

Metaphernforschung in der Kognitiven Psychologie und in der Sozialpsychologie - eine Review
Moser, KS (2001). Metaphernforschung in der Kognitiven Psychologie und in der Sozialpsychologie - eine Review. Journal für Psychologie. 9 (4), pp. 17-34.

Journal article

Taking Actors' Perspectives Seriously: Whose Knowledge and What is Managed? Knowledge Management in a Transdisciplinary Perspective
Moser, K., Clases, C. and Wehner, T. (2000). Taking Actors' Perspectives Seriously: Whose Knowledge and What is Managed? Knowledge Management in a Transdisciplinary Perspective. in: Häberli, R., Scholz, R.W., Bill, A. and Welti, M. (ed.) Transdisciplinarity: Joint Problem-Solving among Science, Technology and Society Zurich Haffmans Sachbuch Verlag. pp. 534-538

Book chapter

Metaphern des Selbst. Wie Sprache, Umwelt und Selbstkognition zusammenhängen
Moser, K. (2000). Metaphern des Selbst. Wie Sprache, Umwelt und Selbstkognition zusammenhängen. Lengerich, Germany Pabst Science Publishers.


Metaphor analysis in psychology - method, theory, and fields of application
Moser, KS (2000). Metaphor analysis in psychology - method, theory, and fields of application. Forum: Qualitative Social Research (on-line journal). 1 (2).

Journal article

Knowledge Acquisition through Metaphors: Anticipation of Self Change at Transitions from Learning to Work
Moser, K. (1999). Knowledge Acquisition through Metaphors: Anticipation of Self Change at Transitions from Learning to Work. in: Hansen, H., Sigrist, B., Goorhuis, H. and Landolt, H. (ed.) Arbeit und Bildung - das Ende einer Differenz? Travail et formation - la fin d'une distinction? Learning and Work - the End of a Distinction? Zurich Bildung Sauerländer. pp. 141-152

Book chapter

Identitätsdefinitionen beim Übergang vom Hochschulstudium ins Berufsleben: Wohnformen und private Räume
Moser, K. (1996). Identitätsdefinitionen beim Übergang vom Hochschulstudium ins Berufsleben: Wohnformen und private Räume . in: Ettrich, K.U. and Fries, M. (ed.) Lebenslange Entwicklung in sich wandelnden Zeiten Landau Empirische Pädagogik. pp. 340-347

Book chapter

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Abdullahi, Yama

Ajeyomi, Ademola Olukayode

Al Mosawi, Thikrait

Altaf, Sara

Ashiq, Sultana

Dadwal, Sumesh

Danquah, Johnny

Delevic, Uros

Duro-Ishola, Motunrayo Morohunfoluwa

Farazi, Mohammad Saleh

Henfrey, Cathy Lu Jia

Li, Jingnan

Lin, Qing

Mahmoud, Ali

Manalsuren, Saranzaya

Martin, Rose

Matthews, Christopher

McKearney, Aidan

Mehbali, Mohamed

Menon, Nisha

Mohd Radzuan, Harry

Moser, Karin

Muller, Stefan

Muresan, Alex

Nawar, Yehia

Nguyen, Hien

Nimmo, Peter

O'Donnell, Zoe-Anne

Opute, John

Oyetunde, Kabiru Ayinde

Oyetunde, Kabiru Ayinde

Portyanko, Sergey

Rahman, Md Suaybur

Rye, Sara

Sadek, Nashwa Nader Saadeldin Mohamed

Saghir, Wael

Scheel, Andreas

Teal, Joseph

Tighnavard Balasbaneh, Ali

Tungtakanpoung, May

Vargas-Ramirez, Alejandro

Wheeler, Fiona

White, Howard

Wolstenholme, Susie

Younis, Heba