Innovation, Leadership, Strategy and Management

HeadMs Susie Wolstenholme

Latest research outputs

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Management of Diaspora Business: Issues and Learning
Opute, J (2018). Management of Diaspora Business: Issues and Learning. in: Hack-Polay, D and Siwale, J (ed.) African Diaspora Investment London Macmillan. pp. 189-207

Book chapter

Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg (1998)
O'Donnell, M, Nelson, L.D, Ackermann, E, Aczel, B., Akhtar, A., Aldrovandi, S., Alshaif, N., Andringa, R., Aveyard, M, Babincak, P., Balatekin, N, Baldwin, S.A., Banik,G., Bell, R., Białobrzeska, O, Birt, A.R., Boot, W.R, Braithwaite, S.R., Briggs, J.C., Buchner, A, Budd, D., Budzik, K., Bullens, L., Bulley, R.L., Cannon, P.R., Cantarero, K., Cesario, J., Chambers, S., Chartier, C.R., Chekroun, P., Chong, C., Cleeremans, A., Coary, S.P., Coulthard, J., Cramwincke, F.M., Denson, T., Díaz-Lago, M, DiDonato, T.E, Drummond, A, Eberlen, J, Ebersbach, T., Edlund, J.E., Finnigan, K.M, Fisher, J, Frankowska, N., García-Sánchez, E, Golom, F.D., Graves, A.J, Greenberg, K, Hanioti, M., Hansen, H.A., Harder, J.A, Harrell, E.R., Hartanto, A, Inzlicht, M., Johnson, D.J., Karpinski, A, Keller, V.N, Klein, O., Koppel, L. and et al. Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg (1998). Perspectives on Psychological Science. 13 (2), pp. 268-294.

Journal article

Sustainability Choice of Different Hybrid Timber Structure for Low Medium Cost Single-story Residential Building: Environmental, Economic and Social Assessment
Tighnavard Balasbaneh, A., Bin Marsono, A.K. and Khaleghi, S.J. (2018). Sustainability Choice of Different Hybrid Timber Structure for Low Medium Cost Single-story Residential Building: Environmental, Economic and Social Assessment. Journal of Building Engineering. 20, p. 235–247.

Journal article

Exploring the underpinning mechanisms of the proximity effect within a competitive food environment
Knowles, D., Brown, K. G. and Aldrovandi, S. (2018). Exploring the underpinning mechanisms of the proximity effect within a competitive food environment. Appetite. 134, pp. 94-102.

Journal article

Loneliness, friendship, and facebook intrusion. A study in Poland, Slovakia, Syria, Malaysia, and Ecuador
Błachnio, A., Przepiórka, A., Wołońciej, M., Mahmoud, A.B., Holdoš, J. and Yafi, E. (2018). Loneliness, friendship, and facebook intrusion. A study in Poland, Slovakia, Syria, Malaysia, and Ecuador. Studia Psychologica. 60 (3), pp. 183-194.

Journal article

Autonomous Self-Driving Cars: How Enhanced Utilitarian Accessibility Alters Consumer Purchase Intentions
Martin, R., Kusev, P. and van Schaik, P. (2018). Autonomous Self-Driving Cars: How Enhanced Utilitarian Accessibility Alters Consumer Purchase Intentions. 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. New Orleans, Louisiana, United States 15 - 18 Nov 2018

Conference paper

Learning Non-Utilitarian Moral Rules: Preference Reversals in Utilitarian Choice
Martin, R., Kusev, P. and van Schaik, P. (2018). Learning Non-Utilitarian Moral Rules: Preference Reversals in Utilitarian Choice. 3rd International Conference of the Psychonomic Society. Amsterdam, The Netherlands 10 - 12 May 2018

Conference paper

Social media marketing via Facebook and YouTube on information search stage in luxury retail industry
Dadwal, S. and Alsarhan, R.A. (2018). Social media marketing via Facebook and YouTube on information search stage in luxury retail industry. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Management Innovation and Development,. 2 (2), pp. 56-92.

Journal article

Supporting Ghanaian micro-entrepreneurships: the role of mobile technology
Asiedu, E.M, Shortland, S, Nawar, Y., Jackson, P.J. and Baker, L. (2018). Supporting Ghanaian micro-entrepreneurships: the role of mobile technology. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 11 (3), pp. 306-327.

Journal article

Bridging the Digital Divide: How to manage virtual work
Moser, K (2018). Bridging the Digital Divide: How to manage virtual work. in: Our Research London, UK London South Bank University. pp. 26-27

Book chapter

To share or not to share knowledge – that’s the decision! The influence of feedback and expert status in knowledge sharing dilemmas
Moser, K (2018). To share or not to share knowledge – that’s the decision! The influence of feedback and expert status in knowledge sharing dilemmas. Models to Decisions 2018 Conference. University of Cambridge, UK 11 - 14 Jun 2018

Conference poster

Antecedents of team innovation in health care teams
Moser, K, Dawson, JF and West, MA (2018). Antecedents of team innovation in health care teams. Creativity and Innovation Management. 28 (01), pp. 72-81.

Journal article

Mongolian management: local practitioners’ perspectives in the face of political, economic and socio-cultural changes
Manalsuren, S, Michalski, M and Sliwa, M (2018). Mongolian management: local practitioners’ perspectives in the face of political, economic and socio-cultural changes. in: Wood, G and Demirbag, M (ed.) Comparative Capitalism and Transitional Periphery: Firm Centred Perspectives London Edward Elgar. pp. 58-94

Book chapter

Knowledge management and team innovation: understanding the team processes underlying high innovativeness
Moser, KS, Dawson, JF and West, MA (2009). Knowledge management and team innovation: understanding the team processes underlying high innovativeness. Academy of Management Proceedings 2009. Chicago, USA 06 - 11 Aug 2009 Chicago Academy of Management.

Conference item

Managing experts by managing diversity: Individual motivations for sharing expertise in work teams
Moser, KS (2009). Managing experts by managing diversity: Individual motivations for sharing expertise in work teams. Academy of Management Proceedings 2009.

Journal article

Impact of Interactive Presence and Self-Efficacy on e-learning Effectiveness
Dadwal, S. Impact of Interactive Presence and Self-Efficacy on e-learning Effectiveness. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Management Innovation and Development. 1 (1), pp. 34-54.

Journal article

Critical reflections from men in the field
McKearney, A (2014). Critical reflections from men in the field. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. 33 (5), pp. 404-479.

Journal article

‘Staying Alive’: The Impact of ‘Austerity Cuts’ on the LGBT Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in England and Wales
Colgan, F, Hunter, C and McKearney, A (2014). ‘Staying Alive’: The Impact of ‘Austerity Cuts’ on the LGBT Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) in England and Wales. London, UK TUC.

Technical report

Employment equality and diversity management in a Russian context
Colgan, F, McKearney, A, Bokovikova, E and Kosheleva, S (2014). Employment equality and diversity management in a Russian context. in: Klarsfeld, A (ed.) International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work Cheltenham Edward Elgar. pp. 217-240

Book chapter

Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making
Mavritsaki, E., Aldrovandi, S. and Bridger, E. K. (2017). Modelling human choices: MADeM and decision‑making. Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting. BioMed Central.

Conference poster

Reconstructing the recent visual past: Hierarchical knowledge-based effects in visual working memory
Poirier, M., Heussen, D., Aldrovandi, S., Daniel, L., Saiyara, T. and Hampton, J. A. (2017). Reconstructing the recent visual past: Hierarchical knowledge-based effects in visual working memory. Psychonomic bulletin & review. 24, pp. 1889-1899.

Journal article

Institutions in transition: Is the EU integration process relevant for inward FDI in transition European economies?
Delevic, U. and Heim. I (2017). Institutions in transition: Is the EU integration process relevant for inward FDI in transition European economies? Eurasian Journal of Economics and Finance. 5 (1), pp. 16-32.

Journal article

Applicable Law on Demobilized and Dematerialized Securities
Saghir, W. (2017). Applicable Law on Demobilized and Dematerialized Securities. IALS Student Law Review. 4 (2), pp. 19 - 24.

Journal article

Commentary: The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles
Martin, R., Kusev, I., Cooke, A.J., Baranova, V., Van Schaik, P. and Kusev, P. (2017). Commentary: The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles. Frontiers in Psychology.

Journal article

Understanding risky behavior: The influence of cognitive, emotional and hormonal factors on decision-making under risk
Kusev, P., Purser, H., Heilman, R., Cooke, A.J., Van Schaik, P., Baranova, V., Martin, R. and Ayton, P. (2017). Understanding risky behavior: The influence of cognitive, emotional and hormonal factors on decision-making under risk. Frontiers in Psychology.

Journal article

Maths Support provision through embedded classes at LSBU
Mehbali, M. and Roberts, L. (2017). Maths Support provision through embedded classes at LSBU. MSOR Connections. 16 (1), pp. 3 - 14.

Journal article

To Share or not to Share (or what makes employees cooperate)?
Moser, K (2017). To Share or not to Share (or what makes employees cooperate)? in: Our Research London, UK London South Bank University. pp. 22-25

Book chapter

How might your staff react to news of an institutional merger? - A psychological contract approach
Manalsuren, S, Senior, C, Fearon, C and McLaughlin, H (2017). How might your staff react to news of an institutional merger? - A psychological contract approach. International Journal of Educational Management. 31 (3), pp. 364-382.

Journal article

An ethnographic investigation into Mongolian management in the context of cultural and institutional changes
Manalsuren, S (2017). An ethnographic investigation into Mongolian management in the context of cultural and institutional changes. PhD Thesis University of Essex Essex Business School

PhD Thesis

Enhancing Ministry & Improving Clergy Well-Being: Exploring the impact of Bowen’s Systems Coaching on the Work-Related Psychological Health of Clergy
Kissell, K, Moser, KS and Dubowski, J (2017). Enhancing Ministry & Improving Clergy Well-Being: Exploring the impact of Bowen’s Systems Coaching on the Work-Related Psychological Health of Clergy. British Psychological Society: Division of Counselling Psychology Annual Conference. Stratford Upon Avon, UK 07 - 08 Jul 2017

Conference paper

The Influence of Feedback and Expert Status in Knowledge Sharing Dilemmas
Moser, KS (2017). The Influence of Feedback and Expert Status in Knowledge Sharing Dilemmas. Applied Psychology.

Journal article

Collaboration Time Influences Information-Sharing at Work
Moser, KS and Kaemmer, J (2017). Collaboration Time Influences Information-Sharing at Work. Team Performance Management. 24 (1/2), pp. 2-16.

Journal article

The Influence of Associative Learning on Moral Decision-Making
Martin, R. and Kusev, P. (2016). The Influence of Associative Learning on Moral Decision-Making. 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Vancouver Canada 09 - 12 Nov 2017

Conference paper

How Uncertainty and Moral Utilitarian Ratios Predict Rationality
Martin, R. and Kusev, P. (2016). How Uncertainty and Moral Utilitarian Ratios Predict Rationality. 57th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Boston, Massachusetts 17 - 20 Nov 2016

Conference paper

Using simulation gaming to validate a mathematical modeling platform for resource allocation in disasters
Rye, S. and Atkas, E. (2016). Using simulation gaming to validate a mathematical modeling platform for resource allocation in disasters. 8th Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop. Ettington 11 2016 - 13 Apr 2022 Operational Research Society.

Conference paper

Status Effects on Reactions to Communication Norm Violations
Axtell, C and Moser, KS (2016). Status Effects on Reactions to Communication Norm Violations. Management, AO (ed.) Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, USA 05 - 09 Aug 2016 AoM.

Conference paper

Group Norms in Virtual Work: New Directions
Moser, K and Axtell, C (2016). Group Norms in Virtual Work: New Directions. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, California, USA 05 - 09 Aug 2016

Conference paper

The Challenges of Digitalization in Higher Education Teaching
Moser, KS (2016). The Challenges of Digitalization in Higher Education Teaching. in: Zimmermann, T, Jütte, W and Horvath, F (ed.) University Continuing Education: Facts and Future (Arenen der Weiterbildung) Bern, Switzerland HEP Verlag. pp. 93-100

Book chapter

Combinations of building construction material for residential building for the global warming mitigation for Malaysia
Tighnavard Balasbaneh, A. and Bin Marsono, A.K. (2015). Combinations of building construction material for residential building for the global warming mitigation for Malaysia. Construction and Building Materials. 85, pp. 100-108.

Journal article

Sustainable Transportation Modes and Infrastructure
Mohd Radzuan, H. (2015). Sustainable Transportation Modes and Infrastructure. York Doctoral Symposium. University of York 28 - 28 Oct 2015

Conference poster

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Abdullahi, Yama

Ajeyomi, Ademola Olukayode

Al Mosawi, Thikrait

Altaf, Sara

Ashiq, Sultana

Dadwal, Sumesh

Danquah, Johnny

Delevic, Uros

Duro-Ishola, Motunrayo Morohunfoluwa

Farazi, Mohammad Saleh

Henfrey, Cathy Lu Jia

Li, Jingnan

Lin, Qing

Mahmoud, Ali

Manalsuren, Saranzaya

Martin, Rose

Matthews, Christopher

McKearney, Aidan

Mehbali, Mohamed

Menon, Nisha

Mohd Radzuan, Harry

Moser, Karin

Muller, Stefan

Muresan, Alex

Nawar, Yehia

Nguyen, Hien

Nimmo, Peter

O'Donnell, Zoe-Anne

Opute, John

Oyetunde, Kabiru Ayinde

Oyetunde, Kabiru Ayinde

Portyanko, Sergey

Rahman, Md Suaybur

Rye, Sara

Sadek, Nashwa Nader Saadeldin Mohamed

Saghir, Wael

Scheel, Andreas

Teal, Joseph

Tighnavard Balasbaneh, Ali

Tungtakanpoung, May

Vargas-Ramirez, Alejandro

Wheeler, Fiona

White, Howard

Wolstenholme, Susie

Younis, Heba