Innovation, Leadership, Strategy and Management

HeadMs Susie Wolstenholme

Latest research outputs

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The reincarnation of work motivation: Millennials vs older generations
Mahmoud, A.B, Reisel, W.D., Grigoriou, N., Fuxman, L. and Mohr, I. (2020). The reincarnation of work motivation: Millennials vs older generations. International Sociology. 35 (4), p. 393– 414.

Journal article

How perspective-taking accessibility eliminates the moral hypocrisy between people’s moral judgments and moral behavior.
Martin, R., Kusev, P. and van Schaik, P. (2020). How perspective-taking accessibility eliminates the moral hypocrisy between people’s moral judgments and moral behavior. 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Virtual Meeting 19 - 21 Nov 2020

Conference paper

Corporate Structure and Governance of Export Credit Agencies: A UKEF Overview
Saghir, W. (2020). Corporate Structure and Governance of Export Credit Agencies: A UKEF Overview. Financial Law Review. 18 (2), pp. 1-12.

Journal article

How Decision-Making Monetary Desirability Influences Risk Preferences.
Teal, J. and Kusev, P. (2020). How Decision-Making Monetary Desirability Influences Risk Preferences. 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Virtual Meeting 19 - 21 Nov 2020

Conference paper

Perspective-Taking Accessibility (and Not the Type of Psychological Processing) Informs People’s Utilitarian Moral Judgments
Martin, R. and Kusev, P. (2020). Perspective-Taking Accessibility (and Not the Type of Psychological Processing) Informs People’s Utilitarian Moral Judgments. 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Virtual Meeting 19 - 21 Nov 2020

Conference paper

Preference reversals during risk elicitation.
Kusev, P., van Schaik, P., Martin, R., Hall, L. and Johansson, P. (2020). Preference reversals during risk elicitation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 149 (3), pp. 585-589.

Journal article

Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Sustainable Entrepreneurship within the context of a developing economy
Nguyen, H., Costanzo, L and Karatas-Ozkan, M (2020). Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Sustainable Entrepreneurship within the context of a developing economy. Journal of Small Business Management. pp. 1-40.

Journal article

The mechanism behind employee agreeableness and group performance ratings: a Pakistani study
Altaf, S., Iqbal, M.Z., van Prooijen, J-W. and Ikramullah, M. (2020). The mechanism behind employee agreeableness and group performance ratings: a Pakistani study. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 70 (4).

Journal article

An Identity for Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials
Mehbali, M. (2020). An Identity for Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials. Journal of Integer Sequences. Vol. 23 (2020) (20.11.2), pp. 1 - 25.

Journal article

The Intercultural Skills Graduates and Businesses in Europe Need Today
Halila, F., Pillalamarri, K., Bell, R., Ali, S., Moser, K., Prouska, R., Tungtakanpoung, M., Godts, I., Mulier, L., Saraç, M. and Bektaş, O. (2020). The Intercultural Skills Graduates and Businesses in Europe Need Today. European Commission, Erasmus+ proejct.

Project report

Changing landscapes: Gay men in the west and northwest of Ireland
Aidan McKearney (2020). Changing landscapes: Gay men in the west and northwest of Ireland. Sexualities. 25 (5-6).

Journal article

HRM in Africa Understanding New Scenarios and Challenges in an Emerging Economy
Opute, J.E. (2020). HRM in Africa Understanding New Scenarios and Challenges in an Emerging Economy. Palgrave Macmillan.


Context-specific understandings of uncertainty: a focus on people management practices in Mongolia
Manalsuren, S., Michalski, M. and Śliwa, M. (2020). Context-specific understandings of uncertainty: a focus on people management practices in Mongolia. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 31 (16), pp. 1-27.

Journal article

An Investigation of Self-Control and Self-Regulation as Mechanisms Linking Remote Communication to Employee Well-Being during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Moser, K., Rivkin, W., Diestel, S. and Alshaik, I. (2020). An Investigation of Self-Control and Self-Regulation as Mechanisms Linking Remote Communication to Employee Well-Being during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting 2020. Vancouver, CA (Virtual Meeting) 07 - 11 Aug 2020 Academy of Management.

Conference paper

Labour Involvement as a Participatory Mechanism in Developing Economies: Contrasting the European Model
Opute, J. and Koch, K. (2020). Labour Involvement as a Participatory Mechanism in Developing Economies: Contrasting the European Model. E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies . 9 (1), pp. 52-75.

Journal article

London Doctoral Academy Postgraduate Research Summer School 2020
Graham, A., Ibrahim, M., Lisson, M., Henfrey, C., Alfandari, N., Ojo, G., Baragau, I., Mansfield, M., Scheel, A., Bichard, E., Hamed Aboelkhair, H., Marjan, A., Hettiarachchi, S. J., Parvin, A., Merton, S., Ahmed-Landeryou, M., Jenkins, C., Alli, U., Atanda, O. and Ganiyu, S. (2020). London Doctoral Academy Postgraduate Research Summer School 2020. London South Bank University.


Do Corporate Brands Matter?
Henfrey, C. (2020). Do Corporate Brands Matter? London Doctoral Academy Postgraduate Research Summer School 2020. Online 06 - 09 Jul 2020

Conference poster

Customer-centricity or basic research paradigm? Balancing Technology Push and Market Pull in Innovation Management
Scheel, A. (2020). Customer-centricity or basic research paradigm? Balancing Technology Push and Market Pull in Innovation Management. London Doctoral Academy Postgraduate Research Summer School 2020. Online 06 - 09 Jul 2020 London South Bank University.

Conference poster

No two gangs are alike: The digital divide in street gangs’ differential adaptations to social media
Whittaker, A, Densley, J and Moser, KS (2020). No two gangs are alike: The digital divide in street gangs’ differential adaptations to social media. Computers in Human Behavior. 110, pp. 106403-106403.

Journal article

Globalisation and HR practices in Africa: When culture refuses to make way for so-called universalistic perspectives
Opute, J., Hack-Polay, D. and Rahman, M. (2020). Globalisation and HR practices in Africa: When culture refuses to make way for so-called universalistic perspectives. International Journal of Business and Globalisation.

Journal article

Resisting global universalistic practices - the endurance of culture and particularism in African HRM
Opute, J., Hack-Polay, D. and Rahman, M. (2020). Resisting global universalistic practices - the endurance of culture and particularism in African HRM. Journal of Work Applied Management. 12 (1), pp. 55-68.

Journal article

The Evolution and analysis of the viability of human resources and its relationship with the innovative capacity: An empirical study in various European countries
Opute, J, Gutierrez, S, Blazquez Resino, J J, Jimenez Estevez, P and Pittendrigh, Q (2017). The Evolution and analysis of the viability of human resources and its relationship with the innovative capacity: An empirical study in various European countries. in: Serrano, J M, Moreno, R and Guiterrez, S (ed.) New scenarios and socio-economic challenges after the crisis: A comparative perspective, Spain and Europe Madrid Editorial DYKINSON, S.L..

Book chapter

Categorizing Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy: A Perspective of Legitimacy Management
Li, J. and Gao, J. (2019). Categorizing Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy: A Perspective of Legitimacy Management. The 47th Annual Meeting of the Administrative Science Association of Canada (ASAC). St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada May - Jun 2019

Conference paper

Organizational Responsibility Development: What it is and Why it Happens
Li, J. and Gao, J. (2019). Organizational Responsibility Development: What it is and Why it Happens. The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM). Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America Aug - Sep 2019 Academy of Management.

Conference paper

Exploring the roles of physical effort and visual salience within the proximity effect
Knowles, D., Brown, K. G. and Aldrovandi, S. (2019). Exploring the roles of physical effort and visual salience within the proximity effect. Appetite. 145, p. 104489.

Journal article

Political advertising effectiveness in war-time Syria
Mahmoud, A.B., Grigoriou, N., Reisel, W. and Fuxman, L. (2019). Political advertising effectiveness in war-time Syria. Media, War & Conflict. 13 (4), pp. 375-398.

Journal article

Total Quality Management Boosters and Blockers in a Humanitarian Setting: An Exploratory Investigation
Mahmoud, A.B., Alatrash, M., Fuxman, L., Meero, A.A. and Eiad Yafi (2019). Total Quality Management Boosters and Blockers in a Humanitarian Setting: An Exploratory Investigation. SAGE Open. 9 (2).

Journal article

Assessing Patients’ Perception of Health Care Service Quality Offered by COHSASA-Accredited Hospitals in Nigeria
Mahmoud, A.B., Ekwere, T., Fuxman, L. and Meero, A.A. (2019). Assessing Patients’ Perception of Health Care Service Quality Offered by COHSASA-Accredited Hospitals in Nigeria. SAGE Open. 9 (2).

Journal article

Email is Evil! Behavioural Responses towards Permission-based Direct Email Marketing and Gender Differences
Mahmoud, A.B., Grigoriou, N., Fuxman, L., Hack-Polay, D., Mahmoud, F.B., Yafi, E. and Tehseen, S. (2019). Email is Evil! Behavioural Responses towards Permission-based Direct Email Marketing and Gender Differences. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. 13 (2).

Journal article

Depth and breadth of knowledge and the governance of technology alliances.
Farazi, M.S., Gopalakrishnan, S. and Perez-Luño, A. (2019). Depth and breadth of knowledge and the governance of technology alliances. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management. 54, pp. 28-40.

Journal article

Categorizing Foreign Direct Investment Protection Mechanisms
Saghir, W. (2019). Categorizing Foreign Direct Investment Protection Mechanisms. IALS Student Law Review. 6 (1), pp. 3-10.

Journal article

The Legal Allocation of Currency Exchange Risk in Foreign Direct Investment
Saghir, W. (2019). The Legal Allocation of Currency Exchange Risk in Foreign Direct Investment. Financial Law Review. 16 (4), pp. 17-28.

Journal article

Conceptualising Green Awareness as Moderator in Technology Acceptance Model for Green IS/IT
Ashiq, S., Banissi, E. and Chrysoulas, C. (2019). Conceptualising Green Awareness as Moderator in Technology Acceptance Model for Green IS/IT. 2019 International Conference on Innovative Computing (ICIC). 01 - 02 Nov 2019 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Conference paper

Human resources management practice, job satisfaction and affective organisational commitment relationships: The effects of ethnic similarity and difference
Amah, O.E. and Oyetunde, K. (2019). Human resources management practice, job satisfaction and affective organisational commitment relationships: The effects of ethnic similarity and difference. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology. 45 (0), pp. 1-11.

Journal article

The Role of Munificence-Hostility on Decision-making Logic of Internationalizing SMEs: A Comparative Study
Younis, H. and Elbanna, S. (2019). The Role of Munificence-Hostility on Decision-making Logic of Internationalizing SMEs: A Comparative Study. British Academy of Management - BAM 2019. Aston, United Kingdom 03 - 05 Sep 2019 British Academy of Management.

Conference paper

Fragmented Democracy and Employee Participation in Nigeria
Opute, J. (2019). Fragmented Democracy and Employee Participation in Nigeria. in: Koch, K. (ed.) International Comparative Employee Relations: The role of culture and language Edward Elgar.

Book chapter

Studying Consumer Behavior in an Online Context: The Impact of the Evolution of the World Wide Web for New Avenues in Research
Moser, Karin and Martinez-Ruiz, Maria Pilar (2019). Studying Consumer Behavior in an Online Context: The Impact of the Evolution of the World Wide Web for New Avenues in Research. Frontiers in Psychology. 10 (2731).

Journal article

Professional Status and Norm Violation in Email Collaboration
Axtell, C.M., Moser, K. and McGoldrick, J. (2019). Professional Status and Norm Violation in Email Collaboration. Team Performance Management.

Journal article

Changing Contexts: From Criminal to Citizen
McKearney, A. (2019). Changing Contexts: From Criminal to Citizen. Journal of Organizational Change Management.

Journal article

Desirable Characteristics of the Human Resources Director
Gutierrez Broncano, S, Jimenez-Estevez, P, Opute, J and Pittendrigh, Q (2019). Desirable Characteristics of the Human Resources Director. in: Machado, C and Davim, J P (ed.) Management Science Foundations and Innovations Spain Springer.

Book chapter

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Abdullahi, Yama

Ajeyomi, Ademola Olukayode

Al Mosawi, Thikrait

Altaf, Sara

Ashiq, Sultana

Dadwal, Sumesh

Danquah, Johnny

Delevic, Uros

Duro-Ishola, Motunrayo Morohunfoluwa

Farazi, Mohammad Saleh

Henfrey, Cathy Lu Jia

Li, Jingnan

Lin, Qing

Mahmoud, Ali

Manalsuren, Saranzaya

Martin, Rose

Matthews, Christopher

McKearney, Aidan

Mehbali, Mohamed

Menon, Nisha

Mohd Radzuan, Harry

Moser, Karin

Muller, Stefan

Muresan, Alex

Nawar, Yehia

Nguyen, Hien

Nimmo, Peter

O'Donnell, Zoe-Anne

Opute, John

Oyetunde, Kabiru Ayinde

Oyetunde, Kabiru Ayinde

Portyanko, Sergey

Rahman, Md Suaybur

Rye, Sara

Sadek, Nashwa Nader Saadeldin Mohamed

Saghir, Wael

Scheel, Andreas

Teal, Joseph

Tighnavard Balasbaneh, Ali

Tungtakanpoung, May

Vargas-Ramirez, Alejandro

Wheeler, Fiona

White, Howard

Wolstenholme, Susie

Younis, Heba