Electrical and Electronic Engineering


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Chapter 6: Amphibious NDT robots
Sattar, TP, Leon-Rodriguez, HE and Shang, J (2007). Chapter 6: Amphibious NDT robots. in: Zhang, H (ed.) Climbing and walking robots: Towards new applications IntechOpen.

Book chapter

Mobile wall climbing and swimming robots to inspect aircraft, storage tanks, pressure vessels and large infrastructure
Sattar, T, Leon-Rodriguez, HE, Shang, J, Mondal, S, Chen, S, Bridge, B and Zhao, Z (2008). Mobile wall climbing and swimming robots to inspect aircraft, storage tanks, pressure vessels and large infrastructure. 24th ISPE International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future (CARS&FOF),. Koriyama, Japan 29 - 31 Jul 2008

Conference paper

Development of Climbing Robots with Different Types of Adhesion
Sattar, T and Leon-Rodriguez, HE (2008). Development of Climbing Robots with Different Types of Adhesion. 24th ISPE International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future (CARS & FOF). Koriyama, Japan 29 - 31 Jul 2008

Conference paper

Keynote: Robotic Non Destructive Testing
Sattar, TP and Leon-Rodriguez, HE (2011). Keynote: Robotic Non Destructive Testing. 26th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future (CARs&FOF). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 26 - 28 Jul 2011

Conference paper

Robotic Non destructive testing of safety critical structures
Sattar, TP, Leon Rodriguez, H and Salman, H (2011). Robotic Non destructive testing of safety critical structures. 26th International Conference of CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 26 - 28 Jul 2011

Conference paper

Automated inspection system for NDT of steel plates
Rakocevic, M, Wang, X, Chen, S, Khalid, A, Sattar, T and Bridge, B (1998). Automated inspection system for NDT of steel plates. 37th British Annual Conference in NDT. Newcastle, UK 14 - 16 Sep 1998

Conference paper

Non Destructive Testing With Mobile Wall Climbing And Swimming Robots (Abstract)
Sattar, T (2014). Non Destructive Testing With Mobile Wall Climbing And Swimming Robots (Abstract). 11th International Conference On Condition Monitoring And Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies. Manchester, UK 10 - 12 Jun 2014

Conference paper

Inspection of floating platform mooring chains with a climbing robot
Ruiz, AG, Sattar, TP, Sanz, MC and Rodriguez-Filloy, BS (2014). Inspection of floating platform mooring chains with a climbing robot. 17th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots. Poznan, Poland 21 - 23 Jul 2014 World Scientific Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789814623353_0030

Conference paper

Inexpensive spatial position system for the improvement of manual ultrasound NDT
Al Rashed, MA, Sattar, TP and Oumar, OA (2014). Inexpensive spatial position system for the improvement of manual ultrasound NDT. 53rd Annual Conference of the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT 2014). Manchester 09 - 11 Sep 2014

Conference paper

Modular disposal teleoperated robot
Rodriguez, HL and Sattar, T (2011). Modular disposal teleoperated robot. 14th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines. Paris, France 06 - 08 Sep 2011 World Scientific Publishing. pp. 371-371

Conference paper

Parameter analysis and design framework for magnetic adhesion wall climbing wheeled robot
Hussain, S, Sattar, TP and Salinas, E (2012). Parameter analysis and design framework for magnetic adhesion wall climbing wheeled robot. International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications. 11 (1-2), pp. 102-116. https://doi.org/10.1504/ijista.2012.046546

Journal article

Predictive Condition Monitoring Of Rotating Machinery With Application To Gas Turbines And Compressors
Li, X (2017). Predictive Condition Monitoring Of Rotating Machinery With Application To Gas Turbines And Compressors. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Engineering https://doi.org/10.18744/PUB.002727

PhD Thesis

Finite Element Analysis based Optimization of Magnetic Adhesion Module for Concrete Wall Climbing Robot
Howlader, MDOF and Sattar, TP (2015). Finite Element Analysis based Optimization of Magnetic Adhesion Module for Concrete Wall Climbing Robot. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 6 (8), pp. 8-18. https://doi.org/10.14569/ijacsa.2015.060802

Journal article

Exploring research institutes: Structures, functioning and typology
Philbin, SP, Jones, D, Brandon, NP and Hawkes, AD (2014). Exploring research institutes: Structures, functioning and typology. PICMET '14 Conference: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology; Infrastructure and Service Integration. Kanazawa, Japan 27 - 31 Jul 2014 pp. 2569-2582

Conference item

Study of Inclusion in Phase Inversion Emulsification and Multiple Emulsions
Al-qutbi, AAA (2018). Study of Inclusion in Phase Inversion Emulsification and Multiple Emulsions. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Engineering https://doi.org/10.18744/PUB.002328

PhD Thesis

Induction Motor Stator Fault Detection by a Condition Monitoring Scheme Based on Parameter Estimation Algorithms
Duan, F and Zivanovic, R (2013). Induction Motor Stator Fault Detection by a Condition Monitoring Scheme Based on Parameter Estimation Algorithms. 9th IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives (SDEMPED). Valencia 27 - 30 Aug 2013 Taylor & Francis. https://doi.org/10.1080/15325008.2015.1089336

Conference item

A World with Robots
Aldinhas Ferreira, MI, Sequeira, JS, Tokhi, MO, Kadar, EE and Virk, GS (2017). A World with Robots. in: A world with robotics: International conference on robot ethics ICRE 2015 Springer.

Book chapter

Local Area Dynamic Routing Protocol: a Position Based Routing Protocol for MANET
Macintosh, A (2015). Local Area Dynamic Routing Protocol: a Position Based Routing Protocol for MANET. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Engineering https://doi.org/10.18744/PUB.002070

PhD Thesis

Advances in UWB-based Indoor Position Estimation and its Application in Fall Detection
Onalaja, O (2015). Advances in UWB-based Indoor Position Estimation and its Application in Fall Detection. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Engineering https://doi.org/10.18744/PUB.002012

PhD Thesis

Data Acquisition and Data Analysis in Skin Measurements
Zhang, X (2017). Data Acquisition and Data Analysis in Skin Measurements. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Engineering

PhD Thesis

Skin Image Processing and Skin Characterizations
Pan, W (2017). Skin Image Processing and Skin Characterizations. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Engineering https://doi.org/10.18744/PUB.001847

PhD Thesis

A new low-temperature hermetic composite edge seal for the fabrication of triple vacuum glazing
Memon, S, Farukh, F, Eames, PC and Silberschmidt, VV (2015). A new low-temperature hermetic composite edge seal for the fabrication of triple vacuum glazing. Vacuum. 120 (PART A), pp. 73-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2015.06.024

Journal article

Digital Beamforming Techniques for Passive UHF RFID Tag Localization
Cremer, M (2016). Digital Beamforming Techniques for Passive UHF RFID Tag Localization. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Engineering https://doi.org/10.18744/PUB.001819

PhD Thesis

Automated Peripheral Sensory Neuropathy Assessment of Diabetic Patients Using Optical Imaging and Binary Processing Techniques
Siddiqui, H (2016). Automated Peripheral Sensory Neuropathy Assessment of Diabetic Patients Using Optical Imaging and Binary Processing Techniques. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Engineering https://doi.org/10.18744/PUB.001768

PhD Thesis

Stiffness control of bionic joint for a musculoskeletal leg mechanism
Lei, J, Tokhi, MO and Zhu, J (2016). Stiffness control of bionic joint for a musculoskeletal leg mechanism. in: Tokhi, MO and Virk, GS (ed.) Advances in Cooperative Robotics Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on CLAWAR 2016 Singapore World Scientific Publishing. pp. 481-489

Book chapter

Deep Region of Interest and Feature Extraction Models for Palmprint Verification Using Convolutional Neural Networks Transfer Learning
Izadpanahkakhk, M., Razavi, S., Taghipour-Gorjikolaie, M., Zahiri, S. and Uncini, A. (2018). Deep Region of Interest and Feature Extraction Models for Palmprint Verification Using Convolutional Neural Networks Transfer Learning. Applied Sciences. https://doi.org/10.3390/app8071210

Journal article

Three-phase phase-locked loop synchronization algorithms for grid-connected renewable energy systems: A review
Ali, Z., Christofides, N., Hadjidemetriou, L., Kyriakides, E., Yang, Y. and Blaabjerg, F. (2018). Three-phase phase-locked loop synchronization algorithms for grid-connected renewable energy systems: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 90, pp. 434-452. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2018.03.086

Journal article

Radiofrequency planar surface coil for magnetic resonance: When the use of a circular wire gives a noticeable advantage with respect to a flat strip conductor?
Giovannetti, G., Tiberi, G., Tosetti, M., Monorchio, A. and Fontana, N. (2018). Radiofrequency planar surface coil for magnetic resonance: When the use of a circular wire gives a noticeable advantage with respect to a flat strip conductor? Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2018.07.060

Journal article

Biometric Security and Internet of Things (IoT)
Obaidat, M. S., Rana, S., Maitra, T., Giri, D. and Dutta, S. (2018). Biometric Security and Internet of Things (IoT). in: Biometric-Based Physical and Cybersecurity Systems Springer. pp. 477–509

Book chapter

Semi-supervised learning techniques for automated fault detection and diagnosis of HVAC systems
Dey, M., Rana, S. and Dudley, S. (2018). Semi-supervised learning techniques for automated fault detection and diagnosis of HVAC systems. IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI-2018). Volos, Greece 05 - 07 Nov 2018 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). https://doi.org/10.1109/ictai.2018.00136

Conference paper

On the Optimization of Distributed Magnetic Traps in MRI Coils Decoupling
Brizi, D., Fontana, N., Costa, F., Tiberi, G. and Monorchio, A. (2018). On the Optimization of Distributed Magnetic Traps in MRI Coils Decoupling. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). https://doi.org/10.1109/apusncursinrsm.2018.8608439

Conference paper

Using frequency domain analysis techniques for diagnosis of planetary bearing defect in a CH-46E helicopter aft gearbox
Zhou, L., Duan, F., Mba, D., Wang, W. and Ojolo, S. (2018). Using frequency domain analysis techniques for diagnosis of planetary bearing defect in a CH-46E helicopter aft gearbox. Engineering Failure Analysis. 92, pp. 71-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engfailanal.2018.04.051

Journal article

ZnCdS:Cu,Al,Cl: A near infra-red emissive family of phosphors for marking, coding, and identification
Silver, J, Marsh, PJ, Fern, GR, Ireland, TG and Salimian, A (2018). ZnCdS:Cu,Al,Cl: A near infra-red emissive family of phosphors for marking, coding, and identification. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. 7 (1), pp. R3057-R3063. https://doi.org/10.1149/2.0131801jss

Journal article

Hybrid worlds: Societal and Ethical Challenges
Bringsjord, S, Tokhi, MO, Ferreira, MIA and Govindarajulu, NS Tokhi, MO (ed.) (2018). Hybrid worlds: Societal and Ethical Challenges. UK CLAWAR Association.


Robotics Transforming the Future
Montes, H, Tokhi, MO, Virk, GS, Armada, M, Rodríguez, H, Fernández, R, González de Santos, P, Sánchez, V and Silva, M Tokhi, MO (ed.) (2018). Robotics Transforming the Future. UK CLAWAR Association.


CuSCN Nanowires as Electrodes for p-Type Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells: Charge Transfer Dynamics and Alumina Passivation
Sajjad, Muhammad T, Sajjad, T, Park, Jinhyung, Gaboriau, Dorian, Harwell, Jonathon R, Odobel, Fabrice, Reiss, Peter, Samuel, Ifor DW and Aldakov, Dmitry (2018). CuSCN Nanowires as Electrodes for p-Type Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells: Charge Transfer Dynamics and Alumina Passivation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 122 (9), pp. 5161-5170. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b12619

Journal article

Engineered exciton diffusion length enhances device efficiency in small molecule photovoltaics
Sajjad, T, Blaszczyk, Oskar, Jagadamma, Lethy Krishnan, Roland, Thomas J, Chowdhury, Mithun, Ruseckas, Arvydas and Samuel, Ifor DW (2018). Engineered exciton diffusion length enhances device efficiency in small molecule photovoltaics. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 6 (20), pp. 9445-9450. https://doi.org/10.1039/C8TA01226A

Journal article

Improved efficiency of PbS quantum dot sensitized NiO photocathodes with naphthalene diimide electron acceptor bound to the surface of the nanocrystals
Raissi, Mahfoudh, Sajjad, T, Farré, Yoann, Roland, Thomas J, Ruseckas, Arvydas, Samuel, Ifor DW and Odobel, Fabrice (2018). Improved efficiency of PbS quantum dot sensitized NiO photocathodes with naphthalene diimide electron acceptor bound to the surface of the nanocrystals. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 181, pp. 71-76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2017.12.029

Journal article

In situ formation and photo patterning of emissive quantum dots in small organic molecules
Bansal, Ashu K, Sajjad, T, Antolini, Francesco, Stroea, Lenuta, Gečys, Paulius, Raciukaitis, Gediminas, André, Pascal, Hirzer, Andreas, Schmidt, Volker and Ortolani, Luca (2018). In situ formation and photo patterning of emissive quantum dots in small organic molecules. Nanoscale. 7 (25), pp. 11163-11172. https://doi.org/10.1039/C5NR01401H

Journal article

pH-Induced transformation of ligated Au 25 to brighter Au 23 nanoclusters
Waszkielewicz, Magdalena, Olesiak-Banska, Joanna, Comby-Zerbino, Clothilde, Bertorelle, Franck, Dagany, Xavier, Bansal, Ashu K, Sajjad, T, Samuel, Ifor DW, Sanader, Zeljka and Rozycka, Miroslawa (2018). pH-Induced transformation of ligated Au 25 to brighter Au 23 nanoclusters. Nanoscale. 10 (24), pp. 11335-11341. https://doi.org/10.1039/C8NR00660A

Journal article

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Abdelreheem, Hossam Hassan Sultan

Abdelreheem, Hossam Sultan

Alajmi, Mahdi

Ali, Adnan

Ali, Zunaib

Alty, Steve

Aminishahsavarani, Arjang

Bairu, Yohannes Mesgna

Ball, Jeremy

Bao, Ya

Besada, Peter Makeen Toghyan

Bobbili, Prabhakara Rao

Brown, Robert Adam

Brown, Robert Adam

Cadenas, Oswaldo

Chaouki, Ridouan

Darroch, Nathan

Dimitriou, Stavros

Dorvashi, Maryam

Duan, Fang

Dudley-Mcevoy, Sandra

Eghbal Behbahani, Shiva

Elshora, Peter Fakhry Fouad Faheem

Erdem, Alican

Furqan, Muhammad

Ghavami, Mohammad

Graves, Jerome

Haghpanahan, Roohollah

Hamza, Ali

Harput, Sevan

Hasnath, Md Abul

Hasnath, Md Abul

Huang, Siming

Huiming, Luo

Ibrahim, Hellema Anaelle Laura

Islam, Afnan

Jamal, Dana

Kaur, Aman

Kenning, Daniel

Khalesi, Banafsheh

Khalesi, Banafsheh

Khalid, Bilal

Khalid, Bilal

Khan, Asif

Kiani, Adnan

Kuka, Ivo

Laus, Luis Paulo

Li, Songyang

Li, Zhiyao

Lokmanis, Igors

Lowry, Gordon

Mahmood, Khalid

Maltby, Thomas

Martins Leao, Anderson

Memon, Saim

Mohanty, Reema

Movafagh, Moein

Movafagh, Moein

Muwanwella, Rajapaksha

Nafiah, Faris Izzuddin Bin

Oladimeji, Muyiwa Olakanmi

Opoku-Brobbey, Michael

Oumar, Ousmane Abdoulaye

Panditharatne, Suhan

Pardo Sanchez, Covadonga

Pickering, Alistair Iain

Ponugubati, Manoj

Ptach, Dominika Izabela

Rana, Soumya

Real, Ricardo Martins

Reehal, Hari

Riaz, Mahreen

Sahbel, Anwar Magdy Mohamed Zaky

Sajjad, Tariq

Saleem, Komal

Sathappan, Nagu

Sattar, Tariq

Selig, Jon

Shams Dilmaghani, Reza

Shirkoohi, Maziar

Siddiqui, Hafeez Ur Rehman

Sohani, Behnaz

Sohani, Behnaz

Taghipour Gorjikolaie, Mehran

Tapping, Kristen

Tee, Cameron

Thapa, Kamal

Toha, Siti

Tokhi, Mohammad Osman

Upadhyaya, Hari

Veloz Jr., David

Venkatachalapathy, Vish

Vilches, Antonio

Virk, Gurvinder Singh

Virk, Gurvinder Singh

Webb, Louie

Wickramarachchi, Wickramarachchi Appuhamilage Dilshan Nip

Xiao, Perry

Zhang, Jian-Guo

Zhang, Xu

Zhao, Zhanfang

Zhou, Linghao