Marketing, Tourism, Events and Hospitality


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Mission statement effectiveness: investigating managers' sensemaking role
Toh, S.-Y., Tehseen, S., Mahmoud, A. B., Cheok, J., Grigoriou, N. and Opute, J. (2021). Mission statement effectiveness: investigating managers' sensemaking role. Corporate Communications. APA 7th Edition.

Journal article

How can we help novice child protection social workers to see situations like experienced practitioners? A randomised controlled trial evaluation of the ShadowBox™ method using pre-recorded video feedback
Whittaker, A., Moser, K., Harvey, D. and Brand, M. (2021). How can we help novice child protection social workers to see situations like experienced practitioners? A randomised controlled trial evaluation of the ShadowBox™ method using pre-recorded video feedback. Naturalistic Decision Making and Resilience Engineering Symposium 2021. Toulouse, France 20 - 24 Jun 2021 Naturalistic Decision Making.

Conference paper

Social mindfulness and prosociality vary across the globe
Van Doesum, N.J., Murphy, R.O., Gallucci, M., Aharonov-Majar, E., Athenstaedt, U., Au, W.T., Bai, L., Böhm, R., Bovina, I., Buchan, N.R., Chen, X-P., Dumont, K.B., Engelmann, J.B., Eriksson, K., Euh, H., Fiedler, S., Friesen, J., Gächter, S., Garcia, C., González, R., Graf, S., Growiec, K., Guimond, S., Hřebíčková, M., Immer-Bernold, E., Joireman, J., Karagonlar, G., Kawakami, K., Kiyonari, T., Kou, Y., Kuhlman, D. M., Kyrtsis, A-A., Lay, S., Leonardelli, G.J., Li, N.P., Li, Y., Maciejovsky, B., Manesi, Z., Mashuri, A., Mok, A., Moser, K., Moták, L., Netedu, A., Pammi, C., Platow, M.J., Raczka-Winkler, K., Reinders Folmer, C.P., Reyna, C., Romano, A., Shalvi, S., Simão, C., Stivers, A.W., Strimling, P., Tsirbas, Y., Utz, S., van der Meij, L., Waldzus, S., Wang, Y., Weber, B., Weisel, O., Wildschut, T., Winter, F., Wu, J., Yong, J.C. and Van Lange, P.A.M. (2021). Social mindfulness and prosociality vary across the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 118 (35), p. e2023846118.

Journal article

Voice In Non-Traditional Employment Relationships: A Review And Future Research Directions
Oyetunde, K., Prouska, R. and McKearney, A. (2021). Voice In Non-Traditional Employment Relationships: A Review And Future Research Directions. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Journal article

A Variant Q-Sorting Methodology for Building Diagnostic Trees
Sabbaghan, S., Chua, C. and Gardner, L. (2021). A Variant Q-Sorting Methodology for Building Diagnostic Trees. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

Journal article

Sexual citizenship: rhetoric or reality for Rural Gay Men in Ireland and England?
McKearney, A. (2021). Sexual citizenship: rhetoric or reality for Rural Gay Men in Ireland and England? Citizenship Studies. 25 (5), pp. 678-693.

Journal article

Investigating Undercurrents of Stationarity and Growth With Long-Term Panel Data
Dunn, S., Graham, C., Nenycz-Thiel, M. and Tanusondjaja, A. (2021). Investigating Undercurrents of Stationarity and Growth With Long-Term Panel Data. International Journal of Market Research.

Journal article

Sexism and Project Studies: The Case of Construction and Engineering Organizations
Hajikazemi, S. and Locatelli, G. (2021). Sexism and Project Studies: The Case of Construction and Engineering Organizations. European Academy of Management. Montreal 16 - 18 Jun 2021

Conference paper

Marketing research faces two challenges and a world of opportunity with long-term panel data
Dunn, S., Graham, C., Nenycz-Thiel, M. and Tanusondjaja, A. (2021). Marketing research faces two challenges and a world of opportunity with long-term panel data. SSRN Elsevier.

Technical report

The unbearable lightness of buying
Dawes, J., Graham, C., Trinh, G. and Sharp, B. (2021). The unbearable lightness of buying. Journal of Marketing Management. 38 (7-8), pp. 683-708.

Journal article

Digital Loyalty Programmes: Pull Strategies in B2B Channel Marketing
Marjan, A., Graham, C., Bruce, M. and Mitchell, A. (2021). Digital Loyalty Programmes: Pull Strategies in B2B Channel Marketing. Advances in Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and E-Services.

Journal article

Benford's laws tests on S&P500 daily closing values and the corresponding daily log-returns both point to huge non-conformity
Ausloos, M, Ficcadenti, V, Dhesi, G and Shakeel, M (2021). Benford's laws tests on S&P500 daily closing values and the corresponding daily log-returns both point to huge non-conformity. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 574, pp. 125969-125969.

Journal article

Towards Consumer 4.0 Insights and Opportunities under the Marketing 4.0 Scenario
Martinez-Ruiz, M. P. and Moser, K Martinez-Ruiz, M. P., Gomez-Suárez, M., Jiménez-Zarco, A. and Izquierdo-Yusta, A. (ed.) (2021). Towards Consumer 4.0 Insights and Opportunities under the Marketing 4.0 Scenario. Frontiers Media.


Why do students dislike research methods modules and what to do about it?
Czarnecka, B. and Massaro, M. (2021). Why do students dislike research methods modules and what to do about it? in: Teaching marketing Edward Elgar.

Book chapter

Migration as a Creative Practice: An Interdisciplinar Exploration of Migration
Opute, J. and Rigby, Michael; Hack-Polay, Dieu (2021). Migration as a Creative Practice: An Interdisciplinar Exploration of Migration. in: Hack-Polay, D.; Mahmoud, A.B.; Rydzik, A.; Rahman, M.; Igwe, P.A.; Bosworth, G. (ed.) Migrant Workers and their Experience of Work-Life-Pressures Emerald. pp. Pages 83-99

Book chapter

The Generation Z Audience for In-App Advertising
Graham, C., Young, F. and Marjan, A. (2021). The Generation Z Audience for In-App Advertising. Journal of Indian Business Research.

Journal article

How persistent are duplication of purchase partitions
Anesbury, Z., Bennett, D. and Kennedy, R. (2021). How persistent are duplication of purchase partitions. Journal of Consumer Behaviour: an international research review.

Journal article

Teaching Marketing Science
Bennett, D. (2021). Teaching Marketing Science. in: Brennan, R. and Vos, L. (ed.) Elgar Guides to Teaching: Teaching Marketing UK Elgar.

Book chapter

The Employment Situation of Migrant Workers and Their Experience of Work Life Pressures
Rigby, M, Hack Polay, D and Opute, J (2021). The Employment Situation of Migrant Workers and Their Experience of Work Life Pressures. in: Hack Polay, D (ed.) Migration Practice as Creative Practice: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Migration United States , Pensylvania Emerald. pp. 106-129

Book chapter

Enhancing inclusion and personal and professional development in Business education and learning using LEGO® Serious PlayTM.
Chapain, C., Tran, M.K., Evans, L and Tavoulari, A. Enhancing inclusion and personal and professional development in Business education and learning using LEGO® Serious PlayTM. Virtual education conference . Birmingham - Birmingham Business School 17 - 17 Sep 2020

Conference presentation

A rising tide lifts all boats: the role of share and category changes in managing organic sales growth
Tanusondjaja, A., Graham, C., Dunn, S., Nenycz-Thiel, M. and McColl, Bruce (2021). A rising tide lifts all boats: the role of share and category changes in managing organic sales growth. Journal of Strategic Marketing.

Journal article

How values of individualism and collectivism influence impulsive buying and money budgeting: the mediating role of acculturation to global consumer culture
Czarnecka, B., Schivinski, Bruno and Keles, Serap (2020). How values of individualism and collectivism influence impulsive buying and money budgeting: the mediating role of acculturation to global consumer culture. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 19 (5), pp. 505-522.

Journal article

The Adoption and Adaption of Open Innovation: Empirical Evidence from the Biotechnology Industry
Kunz, R. (2020). The Adoption and Adaption of Open Innovation: Empirical Evidence from the Biotechnology Industry. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

The Poor in a World of Brands: An Empirical Analysis of Market Growth at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BOP)
Hamada, M. (2020). The Poor in a World of Brands: An Empirical Analysis of Market Growth at the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BOP). PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

The Impact of Business Process Management Values on Enterprise Content Management Workflow Systems Performance
Abougrad, H. (2020). The Impact of Business Process Management Values on Enterprise Content Management Workflow Systems Performance. Prof Doc Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

Prof Doc Thesis

Emancipatory Ethical Social Media Campaigns: Fostering Relationship Harmony and Peace
Ghouri, A. M., Akhtar, P., Vachkova, M., Shahbaz, M., Tiwari, A.K. and Palihawadana, D. (2020). Emancipatory Ethical Social Media Campaigns: Fostering Relationship Harmony and Peace. Journal of Business Ethics. 164 (2), pp. 287-300.

Journal article

Leading sustainable schools in the era of Education 4.0: Identifying school leadership competencies in Malaysian secondary schools
Tai, M.K., Omar, A.K., Khalip, M., Ghouri, A. M. and Khan, N.R. (2020). Leading sustainable schools in the era of Education 4.0: Identifying school leadership competencies in Malaysian secondary schools. International Journal of Educational Management.

Journal article

An empirical study of real-time information-receiving using industry 4.0 technologies in downstream operations
Ghouri, A., Mani, V., Jiao, Z., Venkatesh, V.G., Shi, Y. and Kamble, S.S. (2020). An empirical study of real-time information-receiving using industry 4.0 technologies in downstream operations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Journal article

Enhancing business performance through green human resource management practices: an empirical evidence from Malaysian manufacturing industry
Ghouri, A. M., Mani, V., Khan, M.R., Khan, N.R. and Srivastava, A.P. (2020). Enhancing business performance through green human resource management practices: an empirical evidence from Malaysian manufacturing industry. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Journal article

Market(ing) Wisdom Differences between Family and Non-Family Firms: An Empirical Study on Small and Medium Enterprises
Ghouri, A. M., Khan, N.R. and Venkatesh, V.G. (2020). Market(ing) Wisdom Differences between Family and Non-Family Firms: An Empirical Study on Small and Medium Enterprises. Journal of Enterprising Culture.

Journal article

How small brands grow. Dirichlet analysis of the small brand syndrome
Franke, K. (2020). How small brands grow. Dirichlet analysis of the small brand syndrome. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

The mechanism behind employee agreeableness and group performance ratings: a Pakistani study
Altaf, S., Iqbal, M.Z., van Prooijen, J-W. and Ikramullah, M. (2020). The mechanism behind employee agreeableness and group performance ratings: a Pakistani study. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 70 (4).

Journal article

The Intercultural Skills Graduates and Businesses in Europe Need Today
Halila, F., Pillalamarri, K., Bell, R., Ali, S., Moser, K., Prouska, R., Tungtakanpoung, M., Godts, I., Mulier, L., Saraç, M. and Bektaş, O. (2020). The Intercultural Skills Graduates and Businesses in Europe Need Today. European Commission, Erasmus+ proejct.

Project report

The Growth of Cyber Entrepreneurship in the Food Industry: Virtual Community Engagement in the COVID-19 Era
Tajvidi, R. and Tajvidi, M. (2020). The Growth of Cyber Entrepreneurship in the Food Industry: Virtual Community Engagement in the COVID-19 Era. British Food Journal.

Journal article

Chapter 7: When an orchestra misses its harmony (or how I learnt to work with my supervisors)
Tran, M.K (2020). Chapter 7: When an orchestra misses its harmony (or how I learnt to work with my supervisors). in: Townsend, K.; Saunders, M.N.K.; Loudoun, R.; Morrison, E. A. (ed.) How to Keep your Doctorate on Track Insights from Students’ and Supervisors’ Experiences Edward Elgar. pp. 43-51

Book chapter

Entrepreneurship and marketing in the film industry
Kerrigan, F., Ngan, E. and Shannon, R. (2020). Entrepreneurship and marketing in the film industry. in: Fillis, I. and Telford, N. (ed.) Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Marketing Edward Elgar. pp. 305–319

Book chapter

Changing landscapes: Gay men in the west and northwest of Ireland
Aidan McKearney (2020). Changing landscapes: Gay men in the west and northwest of Ireland. Sexualities. 25 (5-6).

Journal article

Making Tomorrow a More Resilient Place: On Black Swans in The Project-Based Firm
Hajikazemi, S. and Walton, A.J. (2020). Making Tomorrow a More Resilient Place: On Black Swans in The Project-Based Firm. European Academy of Management. Dublin 04 - 06 Dec 2020

Conference paper

HRM in Africa Understanding New Scenarios and Challenges in an Emerging Economy
Opute, J.E. (2020). HRM in Africa Understanding New Scenarios and Challenges in an Emerging Economy. Palgrave Macmillan.


The extension of collective agreements in France, Portugal and Spain
García Calavia, M.A. and Rigby, M. (2020). The extension of collective agreements in France, Portugal and Spain. Transfer:European Review of Labour and Research. 26 (4), p. 2020.

Journal article

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Abougrad, Hisham

Aston, Helen

Bennett, Dag

Brewster, Chris

Burghelea, Meda

Capper, David

Czarnecka, Barbara

Elfeituri, Hatem

Franke, Katrin

Ghouri, Arsalan

Graham, Charles

Hamada, May Nagy Ahmed

Henfrey, Cathy

Isaacs, Edward

Khan, Kamran

Khanh, Mika

Kissell, Kathryn

Kunz, Rafaela

Maple, Peter

Marjan, Ammarah

Mcgonagle-Daly, Tere Denison

Morris, Miriam

Murdock, Alex

Ngan, Emily

O'Rourke, Grace

Olaniyan, Nancy

Parvin, Asma

Peleg, Anita

Rigby, Mike

Summerfield, Abigail

Tajvidi, Rana

Zhang, Wenjing

Zina, Uwais