Business and Enterprise


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WeChat Adoption among Older Adults and Urban-Rural Differences in China
Lu, Q., Rong, B., Meng, X., Luo, X., Chen, Q., Xi, G. and Yang, H. (2024). WeChat Adoption among Older Adults and Urban-Rural Differences in China. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

Journal article

Post-entry internationalization of born globals: The role of dynamic capabilities in accelerating growth
Yang, H. and Stoian, M-C. (2024). Post-entry internationalization of born globals: The role of dynamic capabilities in accelerating growth. International Business Review.

Journal article

Dynamic Capabilities and MNE Global Strategy: A Systematic Literature Review-Based Novel Conceptual Framework
Pitelis, C. N., Teece, D. J. and Yang, H. (2023). Dynamic Capabilities and MNE Global Strategy: A Systematic Literature Review-Based Novel Conceptual Framework. Journal of Management Studies.

Journal article

Factors Influencing The Quality Of Direct Employee Voice Mechanisms In Small And Medium Enterprises: A Case Study Of Nigeria
Iloekwe, U. (2022). Factors Influencing The Quality Of Direct Employee Voice Mechanisms In Small And Medium Enterprises: A Case Study Of Nigeria. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

Contributions to financial econometrics and quantitative finance:PhD in three parts:Part 1: Liquidity transmission mechanism: Evidence from pre, during and post 2007 subprime crisis.Part 2: Benford's law tests on S&P 500 minute data.Part 3: Model and applications: IFBM-GARCH
Syed, B. (2022). Contributions to financial econometrics and quantitative finance:PhD in three parts:Part 1: Liquidity transmission mechanism: Evidence from pre, during and post 2007 subprime crisis.Part 2: Benford's law tests on S&P 500 minute data.Part 3: Model and applications: IFBM-GARCH. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

International entrepreneurial SMEs in the muslim world: The role of religion in the GCC countries
Younis, H., Dimitratos, P. and Elbanna, S. (2022). International entrepreneurial SMEs in the muslim world: The role of religion in the GCC countries. International Business Review. 31 (5), p. 102023.

Journal article

Teaching in times of crisis: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education
Younis, H. and Elbanna, S. (2022). Teaching in times of crisis: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. 60 (4), pp. 451-462.

Journal article

CSR motivators of local firms in a developing country- The case of Quang Ninh province, Vietnam
Nguyen, H. and Tran, H (2021). CSR motivators of local firms in a developing country- The case of Quang Ninh province, Vietnam. Journal of International Economics and Management. 20 (3), pp. 75-95.

Journal article

Do Pakistani Corporate Governance Reforms restore the relationship of Trust on Banking sector through Good Governance and Disclosure Practices
Muhammad, A. (2021). Do Pakistani Corporate Governance Reforms restore the relationship of Trust on Banking sector through Good Governance and Disclosure Practices. International Journal of Disclosure and Governance.

Journal article

How do SMEs decide on international market entry?
Younis, H. and Elbanna, S. (2021). How do SMEs decide on international market entry? Journal of International Management. p. 100902.

Journal article

Opening Pandora’s Box: How Does Peer Assessment Affect EFL Students’ Writing Quality?
Meletiadou, E. (2021). Opening Pandora’s Box: How Does Peer Assessment Affect EFL Students’ Writing Quality? Languages. 6 (3), p. e115.

Journal article

Significant yet anonymous: a study on older consumers’ portrayal as models in UK print advertisements
Frimpong, J. (2020). Significant yet anonymous: a study on older consumers’ portrayal as models in UK print advertisements. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Sustainable Entrepreneurship within the context of a developing economy
Nguyen, H., Costanzo, L and Karatas-Ozkan, M (2020). Stakeholders’ Perceptions of Sustainable Entrepreneurship within the context of a developing economy. Journal of Small Business Management. pp. 1-40.

Journal article

An Identity for Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials
Mehbali, M. (2020). An Identity for Generalized Bernoulli Polynomials. Journal of Integer Sequences. Vol. 23 (2020) (20.11.2), pp. 1 - 25.

Journal article

Ensuring sustainability in supply chains: A competence model for purchasing professionals
Schulze, H. (2020). Ensuring sustainability in supply chains: A competence model for purchasing professionals. PhD Thesis London South Bank University

PhD Thesis

Do bookmaker loyalty-programmes cause problem gambling?
Marjan, A., Graham, C., Bruce, M. and Mitchell, A. (2020). Do bookmaker loyalty-programmes cause problem gambling? London London South Bank University.

Working paper

Labour Involvement as a Participatory Mechanism in Developing Economies: Contrasting the European Model
Opute, J. and Koch, K. (2020). Labour Involvement as a Participatory Mechanism in Developing Economies: Contrasting the European Model. E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies . 9 (1), pp. 52-75.

Journal article

International Managers and Cultural Barriers: An Empirical Study in the Garment and Textile Industry in Bangladesh
Khan, M. A. (2019). International Managers and Cultural Barriers: An Empirical Study in the Garment and Textile Industry in Bangladesh. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

Different Perspectives on Strategizing - Theory and Practical Use of Strategy Tools
Schneemann, P. (2019). Different Perspectives on Strategizing - Theory and Practical Use of Strategy Tools. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

The Role of Munificence-Hostility on Decision-making Logic of Internationalizing SMEs: A Comparative Study
Younis, H. and Elbanna, S. (2019). The Role of Munificence-Hostility on Decision-making Logic of Internationalizing SMEs: A Comparative Study. British Academy of Management - BAM 2019. Aston, United Kingdom 03 - 05 Sep 2019 British Academy of Management.

Conference paper

Fragmented Democracy and Employee Participation in Nigeria
Opute, J. (2019). Fragmented Democracy and Employee Participation in Nigeria. in: Koch, K. (ed.) International Comparative Employee Relations: The role of culture and language Edward Elgar.

Book chapter

An Investigation into Variations of Brownian Motion: Towards a Deeper Understanding of Financial Asset Pricing
Shakeel, M. (2019). An Investigation into Variations of Brownian Motion: Towards a Deeper Understanding of Financial Asset Pricing. PhD Thesis

PhD Thesis

Pre-partying amongst students in the UK: Measuring motivations and consumption levels across different educational contexts
Howard, A, Albery, IP, Frings, D, Spada, MM and Moss, A (2019). Pre-partying amongst students in the UK: Measuring motivations and consumption levels across different educational contexts. Substance Use and Misuse. 54 (9), pp. 1519-1529.

Journal article

Normalization of deviance in the construction industry, a managerial perspective
Hajikazemi, S., Ahola, T, Aaltonen, K, Aarseth, W and Andersen, B (2019). Normalization of deviance in the construction industry, a managerial perspective. EURAM 2019: Exploring the future of management. Lisbon, Portugal 26 - 28 Jun 2019

Conference paper

Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management: A Comparative Analysis of Cultural Barriers in Chinese Companies
Xi, J (2017). Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management: A Comparative Analysis of Cultural Barriers in Chinese Companies. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

The organizational and geographical boundaries of the firm: strategic and policy issues for labour and governments
Ietto-Gillies, G (2014). The organizational and geographical boundaries of the firm: strategic and policy issues for labour and governments. European Trade Union Institute.

Project report

The Role Of Organizational Culture And Commitment On Job Embeddedness And Stay Intention In Hong Kong
Fong, V (2017). The Role Of Organizational Culture And Commitment On Job Embeddedness And Stay Intention In Hong Kong. Prof Doc Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

Prof Doc Thesis

Overcoming barriers against interaction on innovation capabilities within and between smes
Hajikazemi, S., Ekambaram, A, Røstad, CC and Henriksen, B (2018). Overcoming barriers against interaction on innovation capabilities within and between smes. Moon, Ilkyeong, Lee, Gyu M, Park, Jinwoo, Kiritsis, Dimitris and Cieminski, Gregor von (ed.) IFIP WG 5.7 International Conference. Seoul, Korea 26 - 30 Aug 2018 Springer.

Conference paper

Mission Effectiveness and Social Entrepreneurship: Theoretical insights and case-study evidence from three Christian charities in England
Jardine, C (2017). Mission Effectiveness and Social Entrepreneurship: Theoretical insights and case-study evidence from three Christian charities in England. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Business

PhD Thesis

Strengthening Student Engagement with Quantitative Subjects in a Business Faculty
Warwick, J and Howard, A (2014). Strengthening Student Engagement with Quantitative Subjects in a Business Faculty. e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching. 8 (1), pp. 32-44.

Journal article

Student Self-Assessment of Quantitative Skills: A Pilot Study of Accounting Students
Warwick, J and Howard, A (2015). Student Self-Assessment of Quantitative Skills: A Pilot Study of Accounting Students. e-Journal of Business Education and Scholarship of Teaching. 9 (2), pp. 1-12.

Journal article

Exploring the curriculum gap: Some thoughts on management accounting education and curriculum design
Howard, A and Warwick, J (2013). Exploring the curriculum gap: Some thoughts on management accounting education and curriculum design. MSOR Connections. 13, pp. 51-60.

Journal article

A note on structuring employability skills for accounting students
Warwick, J and Howard, A (2015). A note on structuring employability skills for accounting students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 5 (10), pp. 165-174.

Journal article

Maths Support provision through embedded classes at LSBU
Mehbali, M. and Roberts, L. (2017). Maths Support provision through embedded classes at LSBU. MSOR Connections. 16 (1), pp. 3 - 14.

Journal article

Dealing with mathematical anxiety: Should one size fit all?
Warwick, J (2017). Dealing with mathematical anxiety: Should one size fit all? Mathematics Enthusiast. 14 (1-3), pp. 161-174.

Journal article

The organizational and geographical boundaries of the firm: Focus on labour as a major stakeholder
Ietto-Gillies, G. (2017). The organizational and geographical boundaries of the firm: Focus on labour as a major stakeholder. Critical Perspectives on International Business. 13 (1), pp. 72-92.

Journal article

Path-and Place-dependence of entrepreneurial ventures at times of war and conflict
Cheung, C and Kwong, C (2017). Path-and Place-dependence of entrepreneurial ventures at times of war and conflict. International Small Business Journal.

Journal article

Analyzing electrical installation labor productivity through work sampling
Hajikazemi, S., Andersen, B and Langlo, JA (2017). Analyzing electrical installation labor productivity through work sampling. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 66 (4), pp. 539-553.

Journal article

Downfall in the Oil Price; Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction Industry
Hajikazemi, S., Olsson, N, Ekambaram, A, Andersen, B and Langlo, JA (2017). Downfall in the Oil Price; Challenges and Opportunities for the Construction Industry. 9th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organization. Goteborg, Sweden 12 - 14 Jun 2017

Conference paper

Value Co-creation through Early Warning Signs in a Project Setting
Hajikazemi, S., Razmdoost, K and Smyth, H (2017). Value Co-creation through Early Warning Signs in a Project Setting. European Academy of Management (EURAM). Glasgow, Scotland 21 - 24 Jun 2017

Conference paper

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Ajeyomi, Ademola

Bao, Tianzi

Buontempo, Michele

Chaouche, Fatima

El Tannir, Mohamad

Elliott, Geoffrey

Ennami, Firdaous

Eslamipoor, Reza

Fakhri, Mimi

Frimpong, Joel Eldad Annoh

Howard, Anna

Ietto-Gillies, Grazia

Iloekwe, Uzoamaka Eunice

Koch, Karl

Meletiadou, Eleni

Muhammad, Atta

Nami, Nazanin

Schneemann, Philipp Peter

Schulze, Heike Petra

Scognamiglio, Fulvio

Shakeel, Muhammad Bilal

Snaith, Jim

Syed, Babar Jawaid

Tallent, Greg

Yang, Hongyi