Finance, Economics, Accounting and Analytics


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Modified Brownian Motion Approach to Modelling Returns Distribution
Dhesi, G, Shakeel, MB and Xiao, L (2016). Modified Brownian Motion Approach to Modelling Returns Distribution. Wilmott. 82, pp. 74-77.

Journal article

Exploring the Curriculum gap: An analysis of Management Accounting topics and skills
Howard, A and Warwick, J (2016). Exploring the Curriculum gap: An analysis of Management Accounting topics and skills. Chartered Association of Business Schools Learning, Teaching and Student Experience. York 28 - 29 Apr 2015

Conference paper

Finite size effects in the averaged eigenvalue density of Wigner random-sign real symmetric matrices
Dhesi, G and Ausloos, M (2016). Finite size effects in the averaged eigenvalue density of Wigner random-sign real symmetric matrices. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 93 (6).

Journal article

Early Global Trotters and their Entrepreneurial Employment Practices. A Case Study of the Colonial Hong Kong Government, 1845–1850.
Cai, QQ, Cheung, C and Kwong, C (2016). Early Global Trotters and their Entrepreneurial Employment Practices. A Case Study of the Colonial Hong Kong Government, 1845–1850. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 8 (3), pp. 378-384.

Journal article

Constructing a historical case for the teaching of business and management subjects – public and private multinational enterprises in colonial Hong Kong
Cheung, C (2016). Constructing a historical case for the teaching of business and management subjects – public and private multinational enterprises in colonial Hong Kong. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 8 (3), pp. 355-377.

Journal article

Exploitative Learning and Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition of a Family Business in Hong Kong during and after the Second World War
Cheung, C (2016). Exploitative Learning and Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition of a Family Business in Hong Kong during and after the Second World War. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 8 (3), pp. 321-334.

Journal article

The Prevalence of Mathematical Anxiety in a Business School: A Comparative Study Across Subject Areas
Howard, A and Warwick, J (2016). The Prevalence of Mathematical Anxiety in a Business School: A Comparative Study Across Subject Areas. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies. 3 (2), pp. 4-25.

Journal article

Understanding Chinese entrepreneurship from a historical perspective: What can we Learn from our Entrepreneurship heritage and How? [Editorial]
Cheung, C, Zheng, V, Kwong, C and Wong, SL (2016). Understanding Chinese entrepreneurship from a historical perspective: What can we Learn from our Entrepreneurship heritage and How? [Editorial]. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 8 (3), pp. 298-303.

Journal article

Bank Size, Risk-taking and Capital Regulation in Bangladesh
Rahman, M.M., Zheng, C. and Ashraf, B. (2015). Bank Size, Risk-taking and Capital Regulation in Bangladesh. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics. 8 (15), pp. 95-114.

Journal article

Shareholder protection, creditor rights and bank dividend policies
Ashraf, B.N. and Zheng, C. (2015). Shareholder protection, creditor rights and bank dividend policies. China Finance Review International. 5 (2).

Journal article

Regulatory hypothesis and bank dividend payouts: Empirical evidence from Italian banking sector
Ashraf, B., Arshad, S., Rahman, M.M., Kamal, M.A. and Khan, K. (2015). Regulatory hypothesis and bank dividend payouts: Empirical evidence from Italian banking sector. Journal of Financial Engineering. 2 (1).

Journal article

Signatures of systems with non-exchangeable lifetimes: some implications in the analysis of financial risk
Cerqueti, R and Spizzichino, F. (2015). Signatures of systems with non-exchangeable lifetimes: some implications in the analysis of financial risk. in: Kitzos, C (ed.) Springer Proceedingsin Mathematics & Statistics Springer.

Book chapter

Approximating Markov Chains for Bootstrapping and Simulation
Cerqueti, R., Falbo, P., Guastaroba, G. and Pelizzari, C. (2015). Approximating Markov Chains for Bootstrapping and Simulation. in: Steland, A (ed.) Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications,Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Switzerland Springer.

Book chapter

The impact of innovation on companies’ performance: an entropy-based analysis of the STAR market segment of the Italian Stock Exchange
Bartolacci, F., Castellano, N.G. and Cerqueti, R. (2015). The impact of innovation on companies’ performance: an entropy-based analysis of the STAR market segment of the Italian Stock Exchange. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 27 (1), pp. 102-123.

Journal article

Patent Valuation under Spatial Point Processes with Delayed and Decreasing Jump Intensity
Cerqueti, R. and Ventura, M. (2015). Patent Valuation under Spatial Point Processes with Delayed and Decreasing Jump Intensity. The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics. 15 (2).

Journal article

Risk and uncertainty in the patent race: a probabilistic model
Cerqueti, R and Ventura, M (2015). Risk and uncertainty in the patent race: a probabilistic model. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics. 26 (1), pp. 39-62.

Journal article

On the coexistence of innovators and imitators
Cerqueti, R., Tramontana, F. and Ventura, M. (2015). On the coexistence of innovators and imitators. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 90 (B), pp. 487-496.

Journal article

A review of aggregation techniques for agent-based models: understanding the presence of long-term memory
Cerqueti, R. and Rotundo, G. (2015). A review of aggregation techniques for agent-based models: understanding the presence of long-term memory. Quality & Quantity. 49 (4), pp. 1693-1717.

Journal article

Evidence of economic regularities and disparities of Italian regions from aggregated tax income size data
Cerqueti, R. and Ausloos, M. (2015). Evidence of economic regularities and disparities of Italian regions from aggregated tax income size data. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 421, pp. 187-207.

Journal article

Corruptibility and tax evasion
Cerqueti, R. and Coppier, R. (2015). Corruptibility and tax evasion. European Journal of Law and Economics. 39 (2), pp. 355-373.

Journal article

Approximating multivariate Markov chains for bootstrapping through contiguous partitions
Cerqueti, R., Falbo, P., Guastaroba, G. and Pelizzari, C. (2015). Approximating multivariate Markov chains for bootstrapping through contiguous partitions. OR Spectrum. 37 (3), pp. 803-841.

Journal article

Socio-economical analysis of Italy: The case of hagiotoponym cities
Cerqueti, R. and Ausloos, M. (2015). Socio-economical analysis of Italy: The case of hagiotoponym cities. The Social Science Journal. 52 (4), pp. 561-564.

Journal article

Cross ranking of cities and regions: population versus income
Cerqueti, R. and Ausloos, M. (2015). Cross ranking of cities and regions: population versus income. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2015 (7), pp. P07002-P07002.

Journal article

Effect of religious rules on time of conception in Romania from 1905 to 2001
Herteliu, C., Ileanu, B.V., Ausloos, M. and Rotundo, G. (2015). Effect of religious rules on time of conception in Romania from 1905 to 2001. Human Reproduction. 30 (9), pp. 2202-2214.

Journal article

Teaching mathematical modelling: demonstrating enrichment and elaboration
Warwick, J (2015). Teaching mathematical modelling: demonstrating enrichment and elaboration. International Journal of Mathematics Learning and Teaching. 2015 (20 Jan).

Journal article

The Dependence Structure in Credit Risk between Money and Derivatives Markets: A Time-Varying Conditional Copula Approach
Wu, W. and McMillan. D. (2014). The Dependence Structure in Credit Risk between Money and Derivatives Markets: A Time-Varying Conditional Copula Approach. Managerial Finance. 40 (8), pp. 758-769.

Journal article

Non-Parametric Estimation of Copula Parameters: Testing for Time-Varying Correlation
Gong, J., Wu, W., McMillan. D and Shi, D. (2014). Non-Parametric Estimation of Copula Parameters: Testing for Time-Varying Correlation. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics. 19 (1), pp. 93-106.

Journal article

National culture and dividend policy: International evidence from banking
Zheng, C. and Ashraf, B.N. (2014). National culture and dividend policy: International evidence from banking. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. 3, pp. 22-40.

Journal article

A disutility-based drift control for exchange rates
Castellano, R, Cerqueti, R and D'Ecclesia, R. L (2014). A disutility-based drift control for exchange rates. Optimization. 63 (2), pp. 255-269.

Journal article

A quantitative view on policymakers’ goal, institutions and tax evasion
Bovi, M and Cerqueti, R (2014). A quantitative view on policymakers’ goal, institutions and tax evasion. Quality & Quantity. 48 (3), pp. 1493-1510.

Journal article

Mean–Variance portfolio selection in presence of infrequently traded stocks
Castellano, R and Cerqueti, R (2014). Mean–Variance portfolio selection in presence of infrequently traded stocks. European Journal of Operational Research. 234 (2), pp. 442-449.

Journal article

Exhaustion of resources: a marked temporal process framework
Cerqueti, R (2014). Exhaustion of resources: a marked temporal process framework. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 28 (4), pp. 1023-1033.

Journal article

Symmetries of systems with spatially bounded domains
Cerqueti, R and Sarnari, F (2014). Symmetries of systems with spatially bounded domains. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 6 (1), pp. 11-25.

Journal article

Benford’s law predicted digit distribution of aggregated income taxes: the surprising conformity of Italian cities and regions
Mir, T. A, Ausloos, M and Cerqueti, R (2014). Benford’s law predicted digit distribution of aggregated income taxes: the surprising conformity of Italian cities and regions. The European Physical Journal B. 87 (11).

Journal article

Starting and growing a venture at a time of economic crisis - practical legal and policy considerations
Cheung, C. (2014). Starting and growing a venture at a time of economic crisis - practical legal and policy considerations. Journal of General Management. 40 (1), pp. 97-105.

Journal article

Dynamic Linkages in Credit Risk: Modeling the Time-Varying Correlation between the Money and Derivatives Markets over the Crisis Period
Wu, W. and McMillan, D. (2013). Dynamic Linkages in Credit Risk: Modeling the Time-Varying Correlation between the Money and Derivatives Markets over the Crisis Period. Journal of Risk. 16 (2), p. 51–59.

Journal article

New results on the convergence of random matrices
Cerqueti, R and Costantini, M (2013). New results on the convergence of random matrices. Statistics. 47 (4), pp. 663-671.

Journal article

Roots and effects of financial misperception in a stochastic dominance framework
Castellano, R and Cerqueti, R (2013). Roots and effects of financial misperception in a stochastic dominance framework. Quality & Quantity. 47 (6), pp. 3371-3389.

Journal article

Extension of dependence properties to semi-copulas and applications to the mean–variance model
Cerqueti, R and Spizzichino, F (2013). Extension of dependence properties to semi-copulas and applications to the mean–variance model. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 220, pp. 99-108.

Journal article

A Tabu Search heuristic procedure in Markov chain bootstrapping
Cerqueti, R, Falbo, P, Guastaroba, G and Pelizzari, C (2013). A Tabu Search heuristic procedure in Markov chain bootstrapping. European Journal of Operational Research. 227 (2), pp. 367-384.

Journal article

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Abd El-Rahman, Noha

Adomako, Joe

Ahmed, Yara

Aladesanmi, Olalekan

Aly, Rasha

Anderl, Christina Athena

Anderl, Christina

Aryal, Rishiram

Ashraf, Badar

Bilal, Haider

Cheung, Cherry

D'Silva, Kenneth

Dang, Quang Dong

Dhesi, Gurjeet

Di Paolo, Alessio

Djomo, Pierre

Dubey, Manu

Duckworth, Craig Andrew

Ebrahimabadi, Rouhollah

Ficcadenti, Valerio

Forgan, John

Ganiyu, Ibrahim

Kassai, Kasra

Khan, Shahbano Aurang Zaib

Korkos, Ioannis

Kugara, Gift

Kumar, Shashi

Lee, Vijay

Lisson, Muriel Claire

Madji, Thamila

Missalie, Joshua

Mistry, Usha

Ni, Serene

Odje, Nyerho Odje

Osadiya, Taye

Osunsami, Bim

Pingue, Ivor

Postoyeva, Maria

Robertson, Matthew

Tran, Vy

Warwick, Jon

Winter, Mark

Wu, Liping

Wu, Weiou

Xiao, Ling