Arts and Creative Industries

UniversityLondon South Bank University
DeanDr Natalie Garrett Brown
Dr Jenny Owen
Associate Dean Research and EnterpriseDr Elena Marchevska

Latest research outputs

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Dane Law live at Boundaries Festival
Parkinson, A. (2022). Dane Law live at Boundaries Festival. The Firestation, Sunderland, SR1 3HA 17 - 18 Jun 2022


Female Editors - a New Frontier
Brown, L. (2022). Female Editors - a New Frontier. Online

Digital or visual media

Dane Law - Summer's End (Lift Me Up)
Parkinson, A. (2022). Dane Law - Summer's End (Lift Me Up). Los Angeles, California Astral Plane Recordings.


Dane Law live at Iklectik
Parkinson, A. (2022). Dane Law live at Iklectik.


It Takes Two to Tandem: Tandem Analysis as a Novel Method for the Critical Analysis of Games
Summerley, R. (2022). It Takes Two to Tandem: Tandem Analysis as a Novel Method for the Critical Analysis of Games. Game Analysis Perspectives Conference. IT University of Copenhagen 20 - 24 Apr 2022

Conference presentation

Moving and Mapping: exploring embodied approaches to urban design and planning 2021
Meehan, E., Garrett Brown, N., Voris, A. and Kipp, C. (2022). Moving and Mapping: exploring embodied approaches to urban design and planning 2021. in: Whybrow, N. (ed.) Urban Sensographies Routledge.

Book chapter

Recognising and addressing unconscious bias and structural inequalities
Brown, L., Davies, R. and Oyebanjo, F. (2022). Recognising and addressing unconscious bias and structural inequalities. Alphaville : Journal of Film and Screen Media.

Journal article

De Valk, M. and Ville-Matias H. (2022). Permacomputing. Counter-N.

Journal article

A Trend Towards Omni-Platform Retailing And Shopping Behaviours: Case Study Of Vietnamese Digital Retail Landscape In The Covid-19 Period
Nguyen, L.T.T., Bruce, M. and Luong, N. (2022). A Trend Towards Omni-Platform Retailing And Shopping Behaviours: Case Study Of Vietnamese Digital Retail Landscape In The Covid-19 Period. International Conference on Business and Finance. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 27 - 28 Sep 2021 Labour Publishing House.

Conference paper

There Are Other Worlds: Maternal knowledge beyond borders
Marchevska, E. (2022). There Are Other Worlds: Maternal knowledge beyond borders. in: Underwood-Lee, E. and Šimić, L. (ed.) Mothering Performance: Maternal Action London Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). pp. 67-80

Book chapter

Live Coding: A User's Manual
Cox, G., Blackwell, A, Cocker, E, McLean, A and Magnusson, T (2022). Live Coding: A User's Manual. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press.


liquid memories ~to read with water
Roush, P. (2022). liquid memories ~to read with water. London, UK msdm publications.


Applying Flow Theory to Omnichannel Consumer Behaviour: A Systematic Literature Review
Nguyen, L.T.T., Graham, C., Luong, N. and Tran, M.K. (2022). Applying Flow Theory to Omnichannel Consumer Behaviour: A Systematic Literature Review. The 3rd International Conference on Marketing in the Connected Age (MICA). Da Nang City, Vietnam 01 - 01 Oct 2022 The Danang University of Economics.

Conference paper

The Serbs in Western Political and Media Discourse: Othering, Demonisation and Tutelage
Hammond, P. (2022). The Serbs in Western Political and Media Discourse: Othering, Demonisation and Tutelage. in: Journalism and Foreign Policy: How the US and UK Media Cover Official Enemies Routledge.

Book chapter

[re]locate (binaural mix): Racism and the Sonic Representation of Stephen Lawrence's Story
Aziz, T. (2022). [re]locate (binaural mix): Racism and the Sonic Representation of Stephen Lawrence's Story. Immersive Audio Conference - Everyday is Spatial. University of Gloucestershire 16 - 16 Jun 2022 University of Gloucester.

Conference presentation

Stanislavski training and mindfulness – being in the moment
Ingleson, D. (2022). Stanislavski training and mindfulness – being in the moment. Stanislavski Studies. 10 (2), pp. 161-176.

Journal article

Decolonising Cinematography Education: Experimenting with Lighting Ratios and Textures for Black and Asian Skin Tones
Sung, Y. (2022). Decolonising Cinematography Education: Experimenting with Lighting Ratios and Textures for Black and Asian Skin Tones . Film Education Journal. 5 (2), pp. 114-135.

Journal article

A Pattern Language for the LIMITS Community
Schuler, D., De Valk, M., Urvashi, S. and Rose, S. (2022). A Pattern Language for the LIMITS Community. LIMITS Workshop on Computing within Limits. 21 - 22 Jun 2022

Conference paper

Working together: Uniting screen educators and industry to support gender equality inside the academy and beyond
Brown, L. (2022). Working together: Uniting screen educators and industry to support gender equality inside the academy and beyond. Non Traditional Research Outcomes. (40), p. Models of creative arts leadership.

Journal article

A Peer Reviewed Newspaper About_ Rendering Research
Cox, G. (2022). A Peer Reviewed Newspaper About_ Rendering Research. Digital Aesthetics Research Centre / Center for Digital Æstetikforskning.


Ways of Machine Seeing as a Problem of Invisual Literacy
Cox, G. (2022). Ways of Machine Seeing as a Problem of Invisual Literacy. in: Dewdney, A. and Sluis, K. (ed.) The Networked Image in Post Digital Culture London Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group). pp. 102-113

Book chapter

Spaces of Women’s Cinema: Space, Place and Genre in Contemporary Women’s Filmmaking, by Sue Thornham
Valente, Donatella (2022). Spaces of Women’s Cinema: Space, Place and Genre in Contemporary Women’s Filmmaking, by Sue Thornham. On the Cultural Circulation of Contemporary European Crime Cinema.

Journal article

DEEP FLOW: an embodied materiality of dance, technology, and bodily experience
Ginslov, J. (2022). DEEP FLOW: an embodied materiality of dance, technology, and bodily experience. Body, Space & Technology. 21 (1).

Journal article

The Nightclub
Rietveld, H. (2022). The Nightclub. in: Stahl, Geoff and Parcival, J. Mark (ed.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music, Space and Place Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 22 pages

Book chapter

Reading intersections of race, class and gender in fiction by black British women writers.
Scafe, S. (2022). Reading intersections of race, class and gender in fiction by black British women writers. in: The Race and Gender Reader Routledge. pp. 1-19

Book chapter

Creative acts of citizenship: Performance of activist citizenship by migrant artists
Marchevska, E. (2022). Creative acts of citizenship: Performance of activist citizenship by migrant artists. in: Czajka, A. and O'Brien, A. (ed.) Art, Migration and the Production of Democratic Citizenship Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Book chapter

Deferred Heritage: digital renderings of sites of future knowledge production.
Brown, A. (2022). Deferred Heritage: digital renderings of sites of future knowledge production. in: Melhuish, C. and Benesch, H. (ed.) Co-curating the City: Universities and Urban Heritage Past and Future London UCL Press.

Book chapter

Diagramming Aesthetic Programming
Cox, G. and Soon, W. (2021). Diagramming Aesthetic Programming. Dipoli Gallery, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland 14 Feb 2022


Women in Film: The Changing Landscape
Brown, L. (2021). Women in Film: The Changing Landscape. online

Digital or visual media


Digital or visual media

Baron, G. (2021). Post-Euphoria. London Semi Precious.


Torn, Folded, Curled
paula roush Torn, Folded, Curled. Beirut, Lebanon and London, UK

Digital or visual media

Orphan Editions
paula roush Orphan Editions .

Digital or visual media

msdm publications
paula roush msdm publications. London

Digital or visual media

Media Making Out of the Classroom – Best Practice in a Pandemic
Brown, L. (2021). Media Making Out of the Classroom – Best Practice in a Pandemic. The Media Education Association

Digital or visual media

Cox, G. and Lund, J. Time.Now. in: Thylstrup, N.B., Agostinho, D, Ring, A., D’Ignazio, C. and Veel, K. (ed.) Uncertain Archives: Critical Keywords for Big Data MIT Press. pp. 523-531

Book chapter

Deep Flow: a tentacular worlding of dance, biosensor technology, lived experience and embodied materials of the human and non-humankind
Ginslov, J. (2021). Deep Flow: a tentacular worlding of dance, biosensor technology, lived experience and embodied materials of the human and non-humankind. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Arts and Creative Industries

PhD Thesis

The Art and Care of Curating Online
Dekker, A. (2021). The Art and Care of Curating Online. in: Barranha, H. and Henriques, J.S. (ed.) Art, Museums and Digital Cultures. Rethinking Change Institute of Art History, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, in association with maat - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology. pp. 42–51

Book chapter

Foundations for Esports Curricula in Higher Education
Michael James Scott, Rory Summerley, Nicolas Besombes, Cornelia Connolly, Joey Gawrysiak, Tzipora Halevi, Seth E. Jenny, Michael Miljanovic, Melissa Stange, Toni Taipalus, J. Patrick Williams, Scott, M.J., Summerley, R., Besombes, N., Connolly, C., Gawrysiak, J., Halevi, T., Jenny, S.E., Miljanovic, M., Stange, M., Taipalus, T. and Williams, J.P. (2021). Foundations for Esports Curricula in Higher Education. Proceedings of the 2021 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. pp. 27-55.

Journal article

The Evidence Chamber: Playful Science Communication and Research Through Digital Storytelling
Barnard, D., Doran, H., McAlister, J., Briscoe, R., Hackman, L. and Nic Daeid, N. (2021). The Evidence Chamber: Playful Science Communication and Research Through Digital Storytelling. Frontiers in Communication. 6.

Journal article

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Ahmed, Aaqil

Alexander, Daniel

Anikina, Alexandra

Ashford, Abigail

Atkinson, Ian

Aziz, Tahera

Barnard, Dan

Barnett-Herrin, Portia

Baron, Guy

Brook, Nilly

Brown, Adam

Brown, Dylan

Brown, Lucy

Campos Valverde, Raquel

Carbone, Marco

Carta-Manias, Rita

Caruso, Michele

Chapman, Barbara

Christodoulou, Chris

Collins, Emil

Condron, Aiden

Conway, Alison

Cox, Geoff

Czuper, Tamas

De Oliveira Domingos, Mateus Jose Tansley

De Valk, Marloes

Deacon, Alex

Defrin, Carolyn

Dekker, Annet

Dewdney, Andrew

Domizio, Ricardo

Driscoll, Jack

Evans, Alice

Fashola, Ronke

Fearon, Sandra

Filotrani, Laura Jane

Foster, Gill

Galbusera, Nicola

Garrett Brown, Natalie

Ginslov, Jeannette

Haegele, Levin

Hammond, Philip

Hawkins, Matthew

Horridge, Pat

Ingleson, Dawn

Jackson, Lizzie

Jackson, Wayne Steven

Jankuniene, Gintare

Jarvisalo, Sonja Annika

Jones, Janet

Kaufman-Russell, Claire Liza

Kearsey, Rob

Kibirige, Nelly

Kimmich, Morgane

Kolioulis, Alessio

Kolokythopoulou, Georgia

Lawton, Dominic

Leach, Jimmy

Lee, Jon

Lemon, Andy

Leon, Joshua

Leung, Jason

Levene, David Jack

Liebmann, Sam

Luppa, Iris

Magor, Joshua

Mahdi, Rime

Maleve, Nicolas

Mallaby, Benjamin

Marangoni, Stefania

Maraschin, Donatella

Marchevska, Elena

Martin, Russell

Massey, Alice

McFaul, Jessica

Mcsweeney, Alex

Mehandzhiyska, Lozana Rossenova

Miller, David

Millington, Lydia

Minchell, Benjamin

Monteiro Peker, Cloe

Mueller, Micael

Newman, Cheryl

Nguyen, Luu Thanh Tan

Nilles, Kristina

Owen, Jenny

Pandya, Chanda

Papasotiriou, Christina

Parkinson, Adam

Pastor, Eugenie

Patel, Gayatri

Pearl, Claire

Pedrick, Aled

Phillips, Lance

Powell, Helen

Pulejkova, Kristina

Radclyffe-Thomas, Babette

Randell, Justin

Rietveld, Hillegonda

Rogers, Aaron

Roush, Paula

Scafe, Suzanne

Sinnett, Paul

Sluis, Katrina

Smyth, Aoife

Sonzogni, Annalisa

Soon, Winnie

Stappard, Taratoa

Stein, Emily

Summerley, Rory

Sung, Yu-Lun

Taft, Ali

Tarrant, Patrick

Taylor, Maryam

Tedone, Gaia

Terrill, Simon

Thomas, Aurelien

Trigoni, Mirsini

Valente, Donatella

Van Den Beukel, Karlien

Waschke, Marko

Weinel, Jonathan

Wilkinson, Jodie

Wookey, Sara

Wright, David

Young, Victoria Caroline

Zouli, Ioanna