Physiotherapy, Sports Rehab & Chiropractic

SchoolAllied and Community Health

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What is a scoping review?
Rodger, D., Admani, A. and Thomas, M. What is a scoping review? Evidence-Based Nursing.

Journal article

Barriers and facilitators to the delivery of a biopsychosocial education and exercise programme for patients with chronic low back pain in Ghana. A qualitative study
Ampiah, P.K., Hendrick, P., Moffatt, F. and Ampiah, J.A. (2024). Barriers and facilitators to the delivery of a biopsychosocial education and exercise programme for patients with chronic low back pain in Ghana. A qualitative study. Disability and Rehabilitation.

Journal article

‘Specialist before physiotherapist’: physicians’ and physiotherapists’ beliefs and management of chronic low back pain in Ghana – A qualitative study
Ampiah, Jo., Moffatt, F., Diver, C. and Ampiah, P. (2024). ‘Specialist before physiotherapist’: physicians’ and physiotherapists’ beliefs and management of chronic low back pain in Ghana – A qualitative study. Disability and Rehabilitation.

Journal article

Ethnic Association in Primary Systemic Vasculitis: A Systematic Review
Khasru, M.R., Marzen, T., Islam, M.T., Hossain, K.M., Ahmed, B., Khandaker, M.N., Salek, A.K.M., Khan, M.M., Sakel, M., Akter, N., Ahmed, M.S. and Clegg, D. Ethnic Association in Primary Systemic Vasculitis: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Frontiers in Life Science Research. 4 (2), p. 001–026.

Journal article

Investigating the value of radiomics stemming from DSC quantitative biomarkers in IDH mutation prediction in gliomas
Ioannidis, G, Pigott, L.E., Iv, M, Surlan-Popovic, K, Wintermark, M, Bisdas, S and Marias, K (2023). Investigating the value of radiomics stemming from DSC quantitative biomarkers in IDH mutation prediction in gliomas. Frontiers in Neurology.

Journal article

A Qualitative Investigation of the Psychosocial Impact of Chronic Low Back Pain in Ghana
Ampiah, J., Moffatt, F., Diver, C. and Ampiah, P. K. (2023). A Qualitative Investigation of the Psychosocial Impact of Chronic Low Back Pain in Ghana. BMJ Open. 13 (7).

Journal article

Headache features in people with whiplash associated disorders: A scoping review.
Anarte-Lazo, E, Abichandani, D, Rodriguez-Blanco, C, Bernal-Utrera, C and Falla, D (2023). Headache features in people with whiplash associated disorders: A scoping review. Musculoskeletal science & practice. 66, p. 102802.

Journal article

Higher Education Strategy in Responding to the Generative AI Revolution Decolonising the Standard Response and Action Planning Protocols
Clegg, D., Ahmed-Landeryou, M., Fordyce, K., Abichandani, D. and Hamdaoui, D. (2023). Higher Education Strategy in Responding to the Generative AI Revolution Decolonising the Standard Response and Action Planning Protocols. Annual Equity in Education & Society Conference 2023. London South Bank University, UK 29 - 29 Jun 2023 London South Bank University.

Conference presentation

Evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of home-based urinalysis for albumin-creatinine ratio with smartphone technology: a quality improvement project
Thomas, N., Ewart, C. and Hill, C. (2023). Evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of home-based urinalysis for albumin-creatinine ratio with smartphone technology: a quality improvement project. Journal of Renal Care.

Journal article

Measures of neck muscle strength and their measurement properties in adults with chronic neck pain-a systematic review.
Abichandani, D., Ting, J.T.Y., Cancino, E.E., Althobaiti, S. and Falla, D. (2023). Measures of neck muscle strength and their measurement properties in adults with chronic neck pain-a systematic review. Systematic Reviews. 12 (1), p. 6.

Journal article

The Role of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI perfusion imaging in post treatment surveillance of patients with high grade gliomas
Pigott, L., Mancini, L. and Bisdas, S. (2022). The Role of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI perfusion imaging in post treatment surveillance of patients with high grade gliomas. Siaperas, S, Siapati, E and Chaida, A (ed.) 2nd International Rehabilitation Conference “From Disability to Person and Quality of life”. Athens, Greece 02 - 04 Nov 2022 Beta Medical Publications. pp. 158-165

Conference paper

Understanding how patients' pain beliefs influence chronic low back pain management in Ghana: a grounded theory approach.
Ampiah, J., Moffatt, F., Diver, C. and Ampiah, P.K. (2022). Understanding how patients' pain beliefs influence chronic low back pain management in Ghana: a grounded theory approach. BMJ Open. 12 (12), p. e061062.

Journal article

The role of Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI perfusion imaging in post treatment surveillance of patients with high grade gliomas
Pigott, L., Mancini, L. and Bisdas, S. (2022). The role of Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI perfusion imaging in post treatment surveillance of patients with high grade gliomas. 2nd International Rehabilitation Conference. Athens, Greece 04 - 05 Nov 2022

Conference presentation

Measurement properties of smartphone applications for the measurement of neck range of motion: a systematic review and meta analyses
Abichandani, D. and Elgueta-Cancino, E. (2022). Measurement properties of smartphone applications for the measurement of neck range of motion: a systematic review and meta analyses. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 23 (138).

Journal article

Microscopic changes in the spinal extensor musculature in people with chronic spinal pain: a systematic review.
Purushotham, S, Stephenson, R S, Sanderson, A, Abichandani, D, Greig, C, Gardner, A and Falla, D (2022). Microscopic changes in the spinal extensor musculature in people with chronic spinal pain: a systematic review. The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society.

Journal article

Musculoskeletal Manifestations of COVID-19: A Systematic Search and Review
Khasru, M., Siddiq, M., Marzen, T., Rahman, M., Islam, I., Refaie, S., Ali, M., Uddin, A., Hasan, M., Naz, R., Haseen, F., Islam, S., Clegg, D. and Rasker, J. (2021). Musculoskeletal Manifestations of COVID-19: A Systematic Search and Review. Rheumatology Research Journal. 6 (2), pp. 59-80.

Journal article

Evidence Based Medicine and the Potential for the Inclusion of Non-Biomedical Health Systems
Langweiler, M. (2021). Evidence Based Medicine and the Potential for the Inclusion of Non-Biomedical Health Systems. Frontiers in Sociology.

Journal article

A meta-analysis and systematic review of changes in joint position sense and static standing balance in patients with whiplash-associated disorder
Abichandani, D., Mazaheri, M., Kingman, I., Treleaven, J. and Falla, D. (2021). A meta-analysis and systematic review of changes in joint position sense and static standing balance in patients with whiplash-associated disorder. PLoS ONE.

Journal article

Emerging and New Treatment Options for Knee Osteoarthritis
Siddiq, M., Clegg, D., Jansen L. Tim and Rasker, J. (2021). Emerging and New Treatment Options for Knee Osteoarthritis. Current Rheumatology Reviews. 17, pp. 1-13.

Journal article

The Associations between Asymmetries in Quadriceps Strength and Gait in Unilateral Transtibial Amputees
Sibley, A., Strike, S., Moudy, S.C. and Tillin, N.A. (2021). The Associations between Asymmetries in Quadriceps Strength and Gait in Unilateral Transtibial Amputees. Gait and Posture. 90, pp. 267-273.

Journal article

Lead limb loading during a single-step descent in persons with and without a transtibial amputation in the trailing limb
Moudy, S.C., Tillin, N.A., Sibley, A. and Strike, S (2021). Lead limb loading during a single-step descent in persons with and without a transtibial amputation in the trailing limb. Clinical Biomechanics.

Journal article

Operationalisation of a biopsychosocial approach for the non-pharmacological management of patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review
Ampiah, P.K., Hendrick, P, Moffatt, F. and Ampiah, J. (2020). Operationalisation of a biopsychosocial approach for the non-pharmacological management of patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. Musculoskeletal Care.

Journal article

Can People with Chronic Neck Pain Recognize Their Own Digital Pain Drawing?
Abichandani, D., Barbero, M., Cescon, C., Gallace, A., Punt, D., Sanchis-Sanchez, E. and Falla, D. (2020). Can People with Chronic Neck Pain Recognize Their Own Digital Pain Drawing? Pain Physician. 23, pp. E231-240.

Journal article

The effectiveness of neural mobilization of the sciatic nerve - straight leg raise position and passive static stretching for the range of motion of the knee joint
Pigott, L., Pechlivanidou, N., Machrama, S., Tzimiri, D., Anastasopoulos, K., Papaevanggelou, K., Kotzamanidou, M., Kassimis, K., Agas, K. and Misailidou, V. (2020). The effectiveness of neural mobilization of the sciatic nerve - straight leg raise position and passive static stretching for the range of motion of the knee joint. 1st International Rehabilitation Conference. Athens Feb - Mar 2020

Conference presentation

Foot strike alters ground reaction force and knee load when stepping down during ongoing walking
Moudy, S., Tillin, N., Sibley, A. and Strike, S. (2020). Foot strike alters ground reaction force and knee load when stepping down during ongoing walking. Gait and Posture. 76, pp. 327-333.

Journal article

Chronic Low Back Pain Beliefs and Management Practices in Africa: Time for a Re-think?
Ampiah, J., Moffatt, F., Diver, C. and Ampiah, PK (2019). Chronic Low Back Pain Beliefs and Management Practices in Africa: Time for a Re-think? Musculoskeletal Care. 17 (4), pp. 376-381.

Journal article

The Effects of Long-Term Muscle Disuse on Neuromuscular Function in Unilateral Transtibial Amputees
Sibley, A., Strike, S., Moudy, S. and Tillin, N. (2019). The Effects of Long-Term Muscle Disuse on Neuromuscular Function in Unilateral Transtibial Amputees. Experimental Physiology.

Journal article

Mechanisms to attenuate load in the intact limb of transtibial amputees when performing a unilateral drop landing
Moudy, SC, Tillin, NA, Sibley, AR and Strike, S (2019). Mechanisms to attenuate load in the intact limb of transtibial amputees when performing a unilateral drop landing. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 36 (1), pp. 1-9.

Journal article

Patients’ Satisfaction with In-patient Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Services at a Tertiary Facility in Ghana
Ampiah, P.K., Ahenkorah, J. and Karikari, M. (2018). Patients’ Satisfaction with In-patient Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Services at a Tertiary Facility in Ghana. Journal of Patient Experience.

Journal article

Effect of Lower Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Muscle Strengthening on Pain and Function in Patients with Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain
Abichandani, D. and Vora, K. (2017). Effect of Lower Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Muscle Strengthening on Pain and Function in Patients with Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain. International Journal of Science and Research . 6 (9), pp. 528-534.

Journal article

Assessment of Anaerobic Power and Balance among Elite Indian Under-19 Football Players
Abichandani, D. and Hule, V. (2017). Assessment of Anaerobic Power and Balance among Elite Indian Under-19 Football Players. International Journal of Science and Research. 6 (9).

Journal article

Comparison of Upper Limb Proprioception in Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain Patients with Age-Sex Matched Healthy Normals
Abichandani, D. and Parkar, B. (2017). Comparison of Upper Limb Proprioception in Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain Patients with Age-Sex Matched Healthy Normals. International Journal of Science and Research. 6 (3), pp. 1423 - 1428.

Journal article

Comparison of Knee Joint Position Sense, Balance and Physical Function in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis and Age-Sex Matched Normals
Abichandani, D. and Jetpurwala, H. (2017). Comparison of Knee Joint Position Sense, Balance and Physical Function in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis and Age-Sex Matched Normals. International Journal of Science and Research . 6 (3).

Journal article

Comparison of Knee Proprioception during the Three Trimesters of Pregnancy
Abichandani, D. and Gupta, V. (2016). Comparison of Knee Proprioception during the Three Trimesters of Pregnancy. International Journal of Science and Research. 5 (4), pp. 223-227.

Journal article

Awareness of Various Aspects of Physiotherapy among Medical Residents
Abichandani, D. and Vidhi Radia (2015). Awareness of Various Aspects of Physiotherapy among Medical Residents. International Journal of Science and Research. 4 (10), pp. 1460-1465.

Journal article

Psychological Problems in Parents of Children with Spina Bifida
Abichandani, D. and Shah, R. (2015). Psychological Problems in Parents of Children with Spina Bifida. International Journal of Science and Research. 4 (9).

Journal article

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Abichandani, Deepa

Addo, Olecia

Ahmed, Sumaya

Ampiah, Josephine

Bracken, Mollie

Bright, Lauren

Budd, Sarah

Cope, Jordan

Crowley Jr, Robert

Daoukas, Stavros

Grodon, Jack

Hill, Carolyn

Kahraman, Ayfer

Kenton, Emma

Mac Mahon, Kris

McDermott, Ian

Oldham, James

Orme, Emily

Perren, Tobias

Pickford, Rashida

Pigott, Laura

Sibley, Amy

Sidhanee, Abu

Solly, Petina

Spreckley, Mark

Spriggs, Mark

Thomas, Mark

Tye, Sophie

Walia, Marcus

Young, Ken