Arts and Creative Industries

UniversityLondon South Bank University
DeanDr Natalie Garrett Brown
Dr Jenny Owen
Associate Dean Research and EnterpriseDr Elena Marchevska

Latest research outputs

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Sound and Cinema: Past, Present and Future
Brown, L. (2020). Sound and Cinema: Past, Present and Future. London 22 Jan - 13 Feb 2020


Innovative Digital Infrastructures: The Issue of Sustainability
Dekker, A., J. Oomen, H. van Lente, G. Wijers, G. Mul, M. Ras, V. van Saaze and C. Rasterhoff (2020). Innovative Digital Infrastructures: The Issue of Sustainability. Stedelijk Studies.

Journal article

Art Museum attendance and the public realm: The agency of visitor information in Tate's organisational practices of making the art museum's audiences
Young, V. (2020). Art Museum attendance and the public realm: The agency of visitor information in Tate's organisational practices of making the art museum's audiences. PhD Thesis

PhD Thesis

Curating the Networked Image: Circulation, Commodification, Computation
Tedone, G. (2020). Curating the Networked Image: Circulation, Commodification, Computation. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Arts and Creative Industries

PhD Thesis

You don't have to be poor to be an artist: Rejecting the old ways of the London Art market, many artists are starting their own alternative business models
Carta-Manias, R. (2020). You don't have to be poor to be an artist: Rejecting the old ways of the London Art market, many artists are starting their own alternative business models. Masters Thesis London South Bank University School of Arts and Creative Industries

Masters Thesis

Audience-generated traces: audience experience in performance documentation
Kolokythopoulou, G. (2020). Audience-generated traces: audience experience in performance documentation. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Arts and Creative Industries

PhD Thesis

Virtual gardening: Identifying problems and potential directions for 'ecological awareness' through soil management and plant recognition gaming
Lelièvre, E., Summerley, R., Rubino, G. and Phillips, T. (2020). Virtual gardening: Identifying problems and potential directions for 'ecological awareness' through soil management and plant recognition gaming. Environmental Media. 1 (2), pp. 185-207.

Journal article

Nomadic Making; enacting difference through collaborative performance practice (2020)
Garrett Brown, N. (2020). Nomadic Making; enacting difference through collaborative performance practice (2020). Journal of Choreographic Practices, Intellect Publishers. 11 (1), pp. 149-161.

Journal article

War Games: Memory, Militarism and the Subject of Play
Hammond, P. and Pötzsch, H. (ed.) (2020). War Games: Memory, Militarism and the Subject of Play. New York Bloomsbury Academic.


Husband and Wife
Hawkins, M. (2020). Husband and Wife. London South Bank University.


Visualising Rave Music in Virtual Reality: Symbolic and interactive approaches
Weinel, J. (2020). Visualising Rave Music in Virtual Reality: Symbolic and interactive approaches. EVA London 2020. London 06 - 06 Jul 2020 BCS Learning & Development.

Conference paper

Mind the Gap!
Foster, G. (2020). Mind the Gap! London South Bank University.


Covid-19, domestic abuse and what universities can do for students
Magill, Christine, Gajparia, J., Havard, T., Shepherd, R. and Kibirige, N. (2020). Covid-19, domestic abuse and what universities can do for students. Wonkhe.

Journal article

Home Work 2020
Terrill, S. Alexander, D. (ed.) (2020). Home Work 2020. London Ottoby Press.


With Monochrome Eyes
Lovelace, T. and Alexander, D. (2020). With Monochrome Eyes. London Ottoby Press.


Crowd Theory - portfolio
Terrill, S. (2020). Crowd Theory - portfolio. London South Bank University.


Diffractive Dramaturgy: A Performance Practice for Complicated Times
Lee, J. (2020). Diffractive Dramaturgy: A Performance Practice for Complicated Times. Performance Research: a journal of the performing arts. 25 (5), pp. 114-121.

Journal article

Interview with Elena Marchevska
Marchevska, E., Šimić, L. and Underwood-Lee, E. (2020). Interview with Elena Marchevska.

Journal article

Exhibition-ism: Temporal Togetherness
Bal, M Cox, G. and Lund, J. (ed.) (2020). Exhibition-ism: Temporal Togetherness . Berlin Sternberg Press.


Co-existence of Times: A conversation with John Akomfrah
Løgstrup, J and Akomfrah, J Cox, G. and Lund, J (ed.) (2020). Co-existence of Times: A conversation with John Akomfrah . Berlin Sternberg Press.


Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies
Cox, G. and Soon, W (2020). Aesthetic Programming: A Handbook of Software Studies. London Open Humanities Press.


Post-Political Communication and Sustainability
Hammond, P. (2020). Post-Political Communication and Sustainability. in: Weder, F., Krainer, L. and Karmasin, M. (ed.) The Sustainability Communication Reader Dordrecht Springer.

Book chapter

Phil Mullan, Beyond Confrontation: Globalists, Nationalists and Their Discontents
Hammond, P. (2020). Phil Mullan, Beyond Confrontation: Globalists, Nationalists and Their Discontents. Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Journal article

Reading the Light Right: The Exposure of Asian Skin Tones in Cinematography
Sung, Y (2020). Reading the Light Right: The Exposure of Asian Skin Tones in Cinematography. Frames Cinema Journal. 17.

Journal article

Before and After the Network - Editorial
Cox, G. and Andersen, C. U. (2020). Before and After the Network - Editorial. APRJA. 9 (1), pp. 4-7.

Journal article

The Justice Syndicate: how interactive theatre provides a window into jury decision making and the public understanding of law
Barnard, D. and Meyer, K.D. (2020). The Justice Syndicate: how interactive theatre provides a window into jury decision making and the public understanding of law. Law and Humanities. 14 (2), pp. 212-243.

Journal article

Approaches to understanding and using Katie Mitchell’s Events technique in professional and pedagogical contexts
Barnard, D. (2020). Approaches to understanding and using Katie Mitchell’s Events technique in professional and pedagogical contexts. Stanislavski Studies.

Journal article

Playful approaches to news engagement
Ferrer-Conill, R, Foxman, M, Jones, J, Sihvone, T and Siitonen, M (2020). Playful approaches to news engagement. Convergence: the journal of research into new media technologies. 26 (3), pp. 457-469.

Journal article

Photobooks as sequential archives: Researching photobook publishing through integration of photographic and book art practices
paula roush (2020). Photobooks as sequential archives: Researching photobook publishing through integration of photographic and book art practices. msdm publications.


African-Caribbean women interrogating diaspora/post-diaspora
Scafe, S. and Dunn, L. (2020). African-Caribbean women interrogating diaspora/post-diaspora. African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal. 13 (2), pp. 127-133.

Journal article

The Justice Syndicate: A Practice as Research Project exploring immersion and agency in actorless technologically-enabled interactive performance, juror behaviour and reasonable doubt.
Barnard, D. (2020). The Justice Syndicate: A Practice as Research Project exploring immersion and agency in actorless technologically-enabled interactive performance, juror behaviour and reasonable doubt. London South Bank University.


The Justice Syndicate show structure
Barnard, D. (2020). The Justice Syndicate show structure.


The Justice Syndicate: evidence of performances
Barnard, D. (2020). The Justice Syndicate: evidence of performances.


Reviews and press coverage of The Justice Syndicate
Barnard, D. (2020). Reviews and press coverage of The Justice Syndicate.


The Justice Syndicate: Using iPads to increase the intensity of participation, conduct agency and encourage flow in live interactive performance
Barnard, D. (2020). The Justice Syndicate: Using iPads to increase the intensity of participation, conduct agency and encourage flow in live interactive performance. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media. 16 (1), pp. 68-87.

Journal article

The Contemporary Condition
Cox, G (2020). The Contemporary Condition. Sternberg Press.


Transmediale workshops and publications
Cox, G. (2020). Transmediale workshops and publications. transmediale/darc, aarhus university.


A Peer Reviewed Newspaper About_ Research Networks
Basu, S., Iscen, O.E., Wells, T., Ribas, C., Vasconcellos, G., Holt, R., Seitz, T., Bozzi, N., Kronman, L., Ochigame, R., Pacheco, J.P., Glushneva, I., Bi, W., Grundtmann, N., Lee, W.K., Schlüter, M., Dada, M., Tyzlik-Carver, M., Soon, W., Pold, S., Apprich, C., Neves, J, Cox, G. and Andersen, C.U. (2020). A Peer Reviewed Newspaper About_ Research Networks. Aarhus Aarhus University.


Alchemical Adaptations: Performing Leonora Carrington's The Hearing Trumpet
Lee, J and Sowerby, Georgina (2020). Alchemical Adaptations: Performing Leonora Carrington's The Hearing Trumpet. in: Mann, Michelle (ed.) Living Legacies: Leonora Carrington Vernon press.

Book chapter

Datafication, Fluidity, and Organisational Change: Towards A Universal ‘PSM 3.0’
Jackson, L. (2020). Datafication, Fluidity, and Organisational Change: Towards A Universal ‘PSM 3.0’. in: Medina, M., Savage, P. and Lowe, G.F. (ed.) Universalism in Public Service Media Gothenburg Nordicom.

Book chapter

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Ahmed, Aaqil

Alexander, Daniel

Anikina, Alexandra

Ashford, Abigail

Atkinson, Ian

Aziz, Tahera

Barnard, Dan

Barnett-Herrin, Portia

Baron, Guy

Brook, Nilly

Brown, Adam

Brown, Dylan

Brown, Lucy

Campos Valverde, Raquel

Carbone, Marco

Carta-Manias, Rita

Caruso, Michele

Chapman, Barbara

Christodoulou, Chris

Collins, Emil

Condron, Aiden

Conway, Alison

Cox, Geoff

Czuper, Tamas

De Oliveira Domingos, Mateus Jose Tansley

De Valk, Marloes

Deacon, Alex

Defrin, Carolyn

Dekker, Annet

Dewdney, Andrew

Domizio, Ricardo

Driscoll, Jack

Evans, Alice

Fashola, Ronke

Fearon, Sandra

Filotrani, Laura Jane

Foster, Gill

Galbusera, Nicola

Garrett Brown, Natalie

Ginslov, Jeannette

Haegele, Levin

Hammond, Philip

Hawkins, Matthew

Horridge, Pat

Ingleson, Dawn

Jackson, Lizzie

Jackson, Wayne Steven

Jankuniene, Gintare

Jarvisalo, Sonja Annika

Jones, Janet

Kaufman-Russell, Claire Liza

Kearsey, Rob

Kibirige, Nelly

Kimmich, Morgane

Kolioulis, Alessio

Kolokythopoulou, Georgia

Lawton, Dominic

Leach, Jimmy

Lee, Jon

Lemon, Andy

Leon, Joshua

Leung, Jason

Levene, David Jack

Liebmann, Sam

Luppa, Iris

Magor, Joshua

Mahdi, Rime

Maleve, Nicolas

Mallaby, Benjamin

Marangoni, Stefania

Maraschin, Donatella

Marchevska, Elena

Martin, Russell

Massey, Alice

McFaul, Jessica

Mcsweeney, Alex

Mehandzhiyska, Lozana Rossenova

Miller, David

Millington, Lydia

Minchell, Benjamin

Monteiro Peker, Cloe

Mueller, Micael

Newman, Cheryl

Nguyen, Luu Thanh Tan

Nilles, Kristina

Owen, Jenny

Pandya, Chanda

Papasotiriou, Christina

Parkinson, Adam

Pastor, Eugenie

Patel, Gayatri

Pearl, Claire

Pedrick, Aled

Phillips, Lance

Powell, Helen

Pulejkova, Kristina

Radclyffe-Thomas, Babette

Randell, Justin

Rietveld, Hillegonda

Rogers, Aaron

Roush, Paula

Scafe, Suzanne

Sinnett, Paul

Sluis, Katrina

Smyth, Aoife

Sonzogni, Annalisa

Soon, Winnie

Stappard, Taratoa

Stein, Emily

Summerley, Rory

Sung, Yu-Lun

Taft, Ali

Tarrant, Patrick

Taylor, Maryam

Tedone, Gaia

Terrill, Simon

Thomas, Aurelien

Trigoni, Mirsini

Valente, Donatella

Van Den Beukel, Karlien

Waschke, Marko

Weinel, Jonathan

Wilkinson, Jodie

Wookey, Sara

Wright, David

Young, Victoria Caroline

Zouli, Ioanna