The Use of Calorimetry to Study Reaction Kinetics

Investigation into Fire Safety Surveying Procedures

A Whole-Cell Biosensor for Monitoring Pesticide Pollution

The Formalisation of the Internal Structure of Events in Language Texts

Low-protein media for specialised mammalian cells

From VDM to ABC (A Pragmatic Approach to Formal Software Development)

Interpretation and Sensitivity of Thermal Stability Measurements

An Object-Oriented Approach Towards a Collaborative Environment for Computer-Aided Engineering (C.A.E.)

Refrigeration Systems Design using an Analogue input/output Computer Interface.

Characterisation of Colloids by Electric Birefringence.

Development of a Predictive Model of the Performance of Domestic Gas Ovens Using Computational Fluid Dynamics

A Unified Systems Development Paradigm Which Synthesises Object-Oriented Methodologies and VDM

Purification and Partial Characterization of Extensin Peroxidase

Identitätsdefinitionen beim Übergang vom Hochschulstudium ins Berufsleben: Wohnformen und private Räume

An environmentally-friendly route to nitramines and nitrate esters via nitrodesilylation chemistry using dinitrogen pentoxide