Nursing and Midwifery

UniversityLondon South Bank University
DeanProfessor Louise Barriball
Associate Dean Research and EnterpriseDr Sarah Church

Latest research outputs

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Personal experiences of autism and secure units
Ghosh, S and Chaplin, E (2016). Personal experiences of autism and secure units. Advances in Autism. 2 (3), pp. 147-150.

Journal article

Understanding the ECG. Part 9: Myocardial ischaemia and infarction (part B)
Sampson, M (2016). Understanding the ECG. Part 9: Myocardial ischaemia and infarction (part B). British Journal of Cardiac Nursing. 11 (7), pp. 332-343.

Journal article

Implementation of recommended type 2 diabetes care for people with severe mental illness - a qualitative exploration with healthcare professionals
McBain, HB, Mulligan, K, Lamontagne-Godwin, F, Jones, J, Haddad, M, Flood, C, Thomas, D and Simpson, A (2016). Implementation of recommended type 2 diabetes care for people with severe mental illness - a qualitative exploration with healthcare professionals. BMC Psychiatry. 16 (1), pp. 222-.222.

Journal article

First year nursing students’ experiences of social media during the transition to university: a focus group study
Moorley, CR (2016). First year nursing students’ experiences of social media during the transition to university: a focus group study. Contemporary Nurse.

Journal article

Autism spectrum disorder traits among prisoners
Underwood, L, McCarthy, J, Chaplin, E, Forrester, A, Mills, R and Murphy, D (2016). Autism spectrum disorder traits among prisoners. Advances in Autism. 2 (3), pp. 106-117.

Journal article

Erratum to: ’Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a patient-initiated botulinum toxin treatment model for blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm compared to standard care: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial’.
Wickwar, S, McBain, HB, Newman, SP, Hirani, SP, Hurt, CS, Dunlop, N, Flood, C and Ezra, DG (2016). Erratum to: ’Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a patient-initiated botulinum toxin treatment model for blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm compared to standard care: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial’. Trials. 17 (1), pp. 333-333.

Journal article

Expert nurses' perceptions of the relevance of Carper's patterns of knowing to junior nurses.
Terry, LM, Carr, G and Curzio, J (2016). Expert nurses' perceptions of the relevance of Carper's patterns of knowing to junior nurses. Advances in Nursing Science. 40 (1), pp. 85-102.

Journal article

Understanding the ECG. Part 10: Pacing, drugs and electrolytes
Sampson, M (2016). Understanding the ECG. Part 10: Pacing, drugs and electrolytes. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing. 11 (8), pp. 376-388.

Journal article

Thomas, NM (2016). Editorial. Journal of Renal Care. 42 (3), pp. 135-136.

Journal article

National survey of nurse prescribing in mental health services; a follow-up 6 years on
Dobel-Ober, D and Brimblecombe, N (2016). National survey of nurse prescribing in mental health services; a follow-up 6 years on. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 23 (6-7), pp. 378-386.

Journal article

Cross - national comparisons of attitudes towards suicide and suicidal persons in university students from 12 countries
Eskin, M, Kujan, O, Voracek, M, Shaheen, A, Carta, MG, Sun, J-M, Flood, C, Poyrazli, S, Janghorbani, M, Yoshimasu, K, Mechri, A, Khader, Y, Aidoudi, K, Bakhshi, S, Harlak, H, Ahmead, M, Moro, MF, Nawafleh, H, Phillips, L, Abuderman, A, Tran, US and Tsuno, K (2016). Cross - national comparisons of attitudes towards suicide and suicidal persons in university students from 12 countries. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. 57 (6), pp. 554-563.

Journal article

Supporting student mental health nurses in clinical placement through virtual in-practice support (VIPS): Innovation uptake and the 'VIPS' project.
Hardy, SE, Mushore, M and Goddard, L (2016). Supporting student mental health nurses in clinical placement through virtual in-practice support (VIPS): Innovation uptake and the 'VIPS' project. Nurse Education Today. 46, pp. 133 - 138.

Journal article

Nosey Parkers? Professional curiosity in nursing and social work
Mantell, AR and Jennings, M (2016). Nosey Parkers? Professional curiosity in nursing and social work. Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research NPNR conference 2016. Nottingham 15 - 16 Sep 2016

Conference presentation

Nosey Parkers? Professional Curiosity in Nursing and Social Work
Mantell, AR and Jennings, M (2016). Nosey Parkers? Professional Curiosity in Nursing and Social Work. 22nd International Network for Psychiatric Nursing (NPNR) Research Conference. Nottingham Trent University, UK 15 - 16 Sep 2016

Conference paper

Perspectives on current child health issues
Twycross, AM and Smith, J (2016). Perspectives on current child health issues. Evidence-Based Nursing. 19 (4), pp. 107-109.

Journal article

Brexit: An uncertain journey
McKeever, S (2016). Brexit: An uncertain journey. Evidence-Based Nursing. 19 (4), pp. 97 - 98.

Journal article

Commentary on 'Autism, mental health and offending behaviour: a mother's quest for healthcare'
Chaplin, E and McCarthy, J (2016). Commentary on 'Autism, mental health and offending behaviour: a mother's quest for healthcare'. Advances in Autism. 2 (4), pp. 215-216.

Journal article

Cognitive-behavior therapy for problem gambling: a critique of current treatments and proposed new unified approach
Tolchard, B (2016). Cognitive-behavior therapy for problem gambling: a critique of current treatments and proposed new unified approach. Journal of Mental Health. 26 (3), pp. 283-290.

Journal article

What works to encourage student nurses to adopt healthier lifestyles? Findings from an intervention study.
Wills, JD and Kelly, M (2016). What works to encourage student nurses to adopt healthier lifestyles? Findings from an intervention study. Nurse Education Today. 48, pp. 180-184.

Journal article

The New England 4G framework for the treatment of a common health concerns: a gambling case analysis.
Tolchard, B and Stuhlmiller, CM (2016). The New England 4G framework for the treatment of a common health concerns: a gambling case analysis. Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health. 6 (1), p. 10.

Journal article

A review of the evidence linking Zika virus to the developmental abnormalities that lead to microcephaly in view of recent cases of birth defects in Africa
Icheku, V (2016). A review of the evidence linking Zika virus to the developmental abnormalities that lead to microcephaly in view of recent cases of birth defects in Africa. Journal of MPE Molecular Pathological Epidemiology. 1 (1), pp. 1-4.

Journal article

Realising Dignity in Care Home Practice: An Action Research Project
Baillie, LJ, Gallagher, A, Curtis, K and Dunn, M (2016). Realising Dignity in Care Home Practice: An Action Research Project. International journal of older people nursing. 12 (2), p. e12128.

Journal article

The Experience of Older People in the Shared Decision-Making Process in Advanced Kidney Care
Thomas, NM (2016). The Experience of Older People in the Shared Decision-Making Process in Advanced Kidney Care. BioMed Research International. 2016.

Journal article

Innovation and sustainability in a large-scale healthcare improvement collaborative – seven propositions for achieving system-wide innovation and sustainability
Malby, R, Amoo, N and Mervyn, K (2016). Innovation and sustainability in a large-scale healthcare improvement collaborative – seven propositions for achieving system-wide innovation and sustainability. International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management. 5 (2), pp. 149 - 179.

Journal article

The condom imperative in anal sex – one size may not fit all: A qualitative descriptive study of men who have sex with men (MSM).
Nevillie, S, Adams, J, Moorley, CR and Jackson, D (2016). The condom imperative in anal sex – one size may not fit all: A qualitative descriptive study of men who have sex with men (MSM). Journal of Clinical Nursing. 25 (23-24), pp. 3589-3596.

Journal article

Being Responsive: Promoting LGBTI Health and Well-being.
Moorley, CR, Nevillie, S and Johnson, J (2016). Being Responsive: Promoting LGBTI Health and Well-being. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 25 (23-24), pp. 3413-3414.

Journal article

A comparative study focusing on the clinical decision making processes of nurse practitioners versus medical doctors using scenarios within a secondary care environment
Thompson, T, Barratt, J and Moorley, CR (2016). A comparative study focusing on the clinical decision making processes of nurse practitioners versus medical doctors using scenarios within a secondary care environment. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 73 (5), pp. 1097-1110.

Journal article

Social anxiety in adult males with autism spectrum disorders
Spain, D, Happe, F, Johnston, P, Campbell, M, Sin, J, Daly, E, Ecker, C, Ansom, M, Chaplin, E, Glaser, K, Mendez, A, Lovell, K, Murphy, DG and MRC Aims Consortium (2016). Social anxiety in adult males with autism spectrum disorders. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 32, pp. 13-23.

Journal article

Mining routinely collected acute data to reveal non-linear relationships between nurse staffing levels and outcomes
Leary, A, Cook, R, Jones, S, Smith, S, Maxwell, E, Punshon, G and Radford, M (2016). Mining routinely collected acute data to reveal non-linear relationships between nurse staffing levels and outcomes. BMJ Open. 6 (12).

Journal article

Intensive care discharge summaries for general practice staff: a focus group study
Bench, S, Cornish, J and Xyrichis, A (2016). Intensive care discharge summaries for general practice staff: a focus group study. British Journal of General Practice. 66 (653), pp. e904-e912.

Journal article

A systematic literature review comparing the psychological care needs of patients with mesothelioma and advanced lung cancer
Ball, H, Moore, S and Leary, A (2016). A systematic literature review comparing the psychological care needs of patients with mesothelioma and advanced lung cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 25, pp. 62-67.

Journal article

The Importance of Romantic Love to People with Learning Disabilities
Bates, C, Terry, LM and Popple, K (2016). The Importance of Romantic Love to People with Learning Disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 45 (1), pp. 64-72.

Journal article

Working in partnership with patients and carers
Baillie, LJ (2016). Working in partnership with patients and carers. Nursing Standard. 31 (15), pp. 42-45.

Journal article

Handy guide to the Care Certificate
Johnson, R and Buzzi, G (2016). Handy guide to the Care Certificate. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 10 (12), pp. 602-605.

Journal article

Have you seen the Evidence-Based Nursing blog? Evidence-Based Nursing blogs: highlighting contemporary issues in nursing.
Twycross, AM and Smith, J (2016). Have you seen the Evidence-Based Nursing blog? Evidence-Based Nursing blogs: highlighting contemporary issues in nursing. Evidence-Based Nursing. 20 (1), pp. 29-32.

Journal article

Understanding the ECG Part 2: ECG basics
McGrath, A and Sampson, M (2016). Understanding the ECG Part 2: ECG basics. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing. 10 (12), pp. 588-594.

Journal article

Promoting care giving interventions through the Dance of Caring Persons (after Pross et al,)
Hardy, SE and White, X (2016). Promoting care giving interventions through the Dance of Caring Persons (after Pross et al,). Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing. 3 (1), pp. 1-4.

Journal article

Improving the physical health assessment of people with serious mental illness
Bardi, J and Moorley, CR (2016). Improving the physical health assessment of people with serious mental illness. Primary Health Care. 26 (10), pp. 28-33.

Journal article

Understanding the ECG part 1: anatomy and physiology
Sampson, M. and McGrath, A. (2015). Understanding the ECG part 1: anatomy and physiology. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing. 10 (11), pp. 548-554.

Journal article

Hub and spoke model for nursing student placements in the UK
Harrison-White, K and King, E. (2015). Hub and spoke model for nursing student placements in the UK. Nursing children and young people. 27 (2), pp. 24-29.

Journal article

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Abu, Victor

Adebola, Victoria

Adenuga, Omotayo

Ali, Salma

Ali, Sulekha

Alldis, Jon

Allen-Ashcroft, Rachel

Almalkawi, Ibraheim

Ambrose Willson, Sarah

Andersen-Lawrence, Zoe

Antonioli, Eleonora

Bakhtiar, Zahra

Baldwin, Ruby

Baldwin, Sharin

Baldwin, Shelia

Bardi, Josephine NwaAmaka

Barrett, Katherine

Barriball, Louise

Bean, Kerry

Bedford, Lesley

Bench, Suzanne

Bennett, Neomi

Bichard, Elizabeth

Blair, Jim

Blake, Diane

Breen, Margaret

Brimblecombe, Neil

Bruton, Mollie

Burcombe, Paul

Buzzi, Gilberto

Caldwell, Christine

Candy, Chris

Cardoso Teixeira, Maria Joao

Carr, Graham

Carvalho Da Silva, Ivo Filipe

Cass, James

Cedar, Sh

Chandran, Usha

Chaplin, Eddie

Cherry, Helen

Chinnathambi, Manivarnan

Chowthi-Williams, Annette

Church, Sarah

Collins, Daniela

Corea, Tanya

Corincigh, Giselle

Coventon, Rianne

Craggs, Alice

Crosse, Karen

Crouch, Nicola

Crussell, Jane

Cull, Joanne

Culloty, Anna Marie

Dady, Eleanor

Daly, Nigel

Dawson, Tamzin

Dawson-Malcolm, Lady-Marie

De George, Isabella

Deegan, Maura

Delree, Jo

Der, Aniko

Dimitrov, Aleksandar

Duff, Paddy

Emelonye, Abigail Uchenna

Esegbona-Adeigbe, Sarah

Essam, Linda

Esteves Sadoc Pereira, Ines

Fathema, Shahi

Ferreira Meneses, Joana

Fletcher, Hannah

Flood, Chris

Forbes, Anna

Francis, Gary

Francis, Renee

Frith, Kate

Garnell, Sonia

Gladstone, Nicholas

Graham, Audley

Guinan-Browne, Innes

Haines, Amanda

Hall-Jackson, Megan

Halpin, Yvonne

Hamilton, Donald

Hanley, Jen

Harkus, Kate

Harris, Julia

Harris, Myles

Harvey, Kimberley

Harvey, Krystynne Miriam Natasha

Haworth, Jessica

Healy, Raymond

Hesman, Amanda

Hewitt, Catherine

Hibberts, Fiona

Hickey, Georgina

Higgins, Shanlee Helen

Hockey, Duncan

Hoddinott, Phill

Holliday, Adam

Holliday, Tom

Hopping, Jane

Horgan, Marie

Hughes, Samantha

Hughes, Valance

Humphrey, Alysia

Hunter, Amy

Hussain, Shaila

Icheku, Vincent

Irwin, Alison

Jacob, Susan

James, Alison

Jennett, Louise

Jewell, Jessica

Johnson, Richard

Johnstone, Jacqueline

Jones, Isabella

Jones, Peter

Joshua, Beverly

Kadir, Tina

Kang, Mi-Young

Karavasopoulou, Athina

Keep, Jane

Kemp, Philip

Kennedy, Christopher

King, Elizabeth

Kirby, Sonia

Kirton, Charlotte

Koranteng, Charles

Kovalyova, Oleksandra

Kyei-Baffour, Nana

Kyte Hilborn, Mia

Lamport, Rosemary

Lea, Sarah

Leary, Alison

Lenaghan, Dom

Leonard, Elizabeth

Lindsay, Mark

Lipshaw, Milli

Lonappan, Deepti

Lord, Katie

Lyons, Anna

Maddex, Susan

Mahoney, Rose

Malby, Rebecca

Manktelow, Amanda

Manlow, Abigail

Mansfield-Sturgess, Simon

Mantell, Andy

Mariaki, Julie

Marshall-Tate, Karina

Masara, Tafadzwa

Mauger, Andrea

McBrearty, Anne

McCarthy, Jane

McCullagh, Lynn

McDonnell, Rob

McFadden, Freya

McGrath, Anthony

McInerney, Morena

McKeever, Stephen

Mclernon, Siobhan

Mercaldi, Rebecca

Mills, Rhiana

Mitchell -Worsfold, Liza

Mitra, Udita

Mohamied, Fatimah

Moorley, Calvin

Muchaneta, Chido

Munn-Mace, Geraldine

Murphy, Rosie

Mushore, Manyara

Myers, Rebecca

Nadaf, Claire

Nash, Liz

Newham, Roger

Newland, Rita

Ng'ambi-Nyirenda, Queen

Noakes, Amy

Norridge, Matthew

O'donoghue, Marie

Oakley, Helen

Ogundipe, Avanelle

Okorie, Ikechukwu Alexander

Olatunde, Ola

Oliveira, Joao

Ovayolu, Derya

Oyatabang, Lillian

Pardilla, Anelle

Parocki, Natalie

Parsons, Grace

Patel, Priti

Paul, Clare

Peacham, Beth

Perks, Emma

Picton, Rachel Beth

Pretious, Michael

Price, David

Price, Jessica

Puthenpurakal, Alwin

Putterman, Avery

Quilty, Sandra

Ramage, Colin

Ramesar, Rosabell

Reid, Amie

Rogers, Hayley

Sackey, Ege

Sampson, Michael

Sanders, Karen

Sankar, Mynesha

Saunder, Lorna

Seignior, Helen

Selwyn, Nicola

Sharma, Swasti

Sharman, Joshua

Siddu, Charlii

Simpson, Gabrielle

Skardon, Beverley

Smiddy, Jane

Smith, Martin

Sobrany, Sheila

Sohal, Ravinder

Soriano Navarro, Tania

Steptoe, Michelle

Stracey, Rebecca Diane

Stronach, Lynsey

Swain, Alexandra

Szczepanska, Sue

Tackie, Liz

Tamminen-Jackson, Jean

Taylor, Jen

Thomas, Anu

Thomas, Benjamin

Thomas, Nicki

Thorley, Cathy

Todd, Reegan

Trasolini, Andrew

Tunmore, Robert

Turnbull, Louise

Vardavaki, Zoi

Vosa-Baigrie, Jason

Walsh, Adam

Walter, Rosemary

Webley-Brown, Carol

West, Rosetta

Williams, Claudia

Wood, Georgia

Wootton, Marcus

Yazar, Burcak