Allied Health

SchoolAllied and Community Health
HeadMrs Rachel Picton

Latest research outputs

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12 kinds of Chinese medicine injections for acute cerebral infarction: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Yu, D, Liao, X, Robinson, N, Cui, R, Zhao, J and Zhao, H (2019). 12 kinds of Chinese medicine injections for acute cerebral infarction: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis. European Journal of Integrative Medicine. 27, pp. 75-80.

Journal article

7 days of doxycycline
Rees, S. (2020). 7 days of doxycycline. Journal of Prescribing Practice. 2 (5), p. 216.

Journal article

7 Days of Haloperidol
Rees, S. (2020). 7 Days of Haloperidol. Journal of Prescribing Practice. 2 (9).

Journal article

7 days of hydroxychloroquine
Rees, S. (2020). 7 days of hydroxychloroquine . Journal of Prescribing Practice. 2 (6), p. 268.

Journal article

7 days of mercaptopurine
Rees, S. (2020). 7 days of mercaptopurine. Journal of Prescribing Practice. 2 (1).

Journal article

A Double Masked Randomised Crossover Trial of two Silicone Hydrogel Multifocal Contact Lenses
Ashleigh, C (2017). A Double Masked Randomised Crossover Trial of two Silicone Hydrogel Multifocal Contact Lenses. Prof Doc Thesis London South Bank University School of Health and Social Care

Prof Doc Thesis

A Fisher-eye lens on social work reform
McGrath-Brookes, M., Hanley, J. and Higgins, M. (2020). A Fisher-eye lens on social work reform. Journal of Social Work. 21 (5), pp. 1261-1277.

Journal article

A good response to growth hormone therapy - why?
Davies, K. (2014). A good response to growth hormone therapy - why? 2014 IMAGE meeting. Prague, Czech Republic Oct 2014

Conference presentation

A randomised control trial of corneal vs. scleral rigid gas permeable contact lenses for ectatic corneal disorders
Levit, A (2019). A randomised control trial of corneal vs. scleral rigid gas permeable contact lenses for ectatic corneal disorders. Prof Doc Thesis London South Bank University School of Health and Social Care

Prof Doc Thesis

A Survey of Therapeutic Radiographers' Knowledge, Practices, and Barriers in Delivering Health Behaviour Advice to Cancer Patients.
Pallin, N., Beeken, Rebecca J, Jones, Kathy Pritchard, Woznitza, Nick and Fisher, Abigail (2020). A Survey of Therapeutic Radiographers' Knowledge, Practices, and Barriers in Delivering Health Behaviour Advice to Cancer Patients. Journal of cancer education : the official journal of the American Association for Cancer Education.

Journal article

A systematic review and meta-analysis of cannabis-based medicines, cannabinoids and endocannabinoid system modulators tested for antinociceptive effects in animal models of injury-related or pathological persistent pain
Soliman, N., Haroutounian, H., Hohmann, A., Krane, E., Liao, J., Macleod, M., Segelcke, D., Sena, C., Thomas, J., Vollert, J., Wever, K., Alaverdyan, H., Barakat, A., Barthlow, T., Harris Bozer, A. L., Davidson, A., Diaz-delCastillo, M., Dolgorukova, A., Ferdousi, M., Healy, C., Hong, S., Hopkins, M., James, A., Leake, H. B., Malewicz, N., Mansfield, M., Mardon, A., Mattimoe, D., McLoone, D. P., Noes-Holt, G., Pogatzki-Zahn, E. M., Power, E., Pradier, B., Romanos-Sirakis, E., Segelcke, A., Vinagre, R., Yanes, J. A., Zhang, J., Zhang, X. J., Finn, D. and Rice, A. S. C. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of cannabis-based medicines, cannabinoids and endocannabinoid system modulators tested for antinociceptive effects in animal models of injury-related or pathological persistent pain. Pain. 162 (1), pp. S26-S44.

Journal article

A systematic review of experimental and clinical acupuncture in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.
Franconi, G, Manni, L, Schröder, S, Marchetti, P and Robinson, N. (2013). A systematic review of experimental and clinical acupuncture in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (eCAM). 2013, p. 516916.

Journal article

A systematic review of gait perturbation paradigms for improving reactive stepping responses and falls risk among healthy older adults.
McCrum, C, Gerards, MHG, Karamanidis, K, Zijlstra, W and Meijer, K (2017). A systematic review of gait perturbation paradigms for improving reactive stepping responses and falls risk among healthy older adults. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity. 14, p. 3.

Journal article

A systematic review of parenting interventions used by social workers to support vulnerable children
Vseteckova, J., Boyle, S. and Higgins, M. (2021). A systematic review of parenting interventions used by social workers to support vulnerable children. Journal of Social Work.

Journal article

A systematic review of the relationship between generic and specific metacognitive beliefs and emotion dysregulation: A metacognitive model of emotion dysregulation
Mansueto, G., Jarach, A., Caselli, G., Ruggiero, G., Sassaroli, S., Nikčević, A., Spada, M. and Palmieri, S. (2024). A systematic review of the relationship between generic and specific metacognitive beliefs and emotion dysregulation: A metacognitive model of emotion dysregulation. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 31 (1).

Journal article

A thematic analysis of the prevention of future deaths reports in healthcare from HM coroners in England and Wales 2016–2019
Leary, Alison, Bushe, David, Oldman, Crystal, Lawler, Jessica and Punshon, G. (2021). A thematic analysis of the prevention of future deaths reports in healthcare from HM coroners in England and Wales 2016–2019. Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management. 26 (1), pp. 14-21.

Journal article

Acupuncture & moxibustion for osteoarthritis of the knee: a component analysis approach
Appleyard, I (2018). Acupuncture & moxibustion for osteoarthritis of the knee: a component analysis approach. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Health and Social Care

PhD Thesis

Acupuncture For The Treatment Of Phantom Limb Syndrome
Paterson, E (2016). Acupuncture For The Treatment Of Phantom Limb Syndrome. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Health and Social Care

PhD Thesis

Acupuncture for the treatment of phantom limb syndrome in lower limb amputees: a randomised controlled feasibility study
Trevelyan, EG, Turner, WA, Summerfield-Mann, L and Robinson, N. (2015). Acupuncture for the treatment of phantom limb syndrome in lower limb amputees: a randomised controlled feasibility study. Trials. 16, p. 158.

Journal article

Acupuncture for treating polycystic ovary syndrome: guidance for future randomized controlled trials
Wu, Y, Robinson, N, Hardiman, P, Taw, MB, Zhou, J, Wang, FF and Qu, F (2016). Acupuncture for treating polycystic ovary syndrome: guidance for future randomized controlled trials. Journal of Zhejiang University: Science B. 17 (3), pp. 169 - 180.

Journal article

Adopting Review, Reflect and Re-focus [Triple R] sessions to support pre-registration therapeutic radiography students post clinical placement
Stewart-Lord, A., Walker, C. and Williams, R. (2021). Adopting Review, Reflect and Re-focus [Triple R] sessions to support pre-registration therapeutic radiography students post clinical placement. Radiography.

Journal article

Advanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing
Llahana, S., Follin, C., Yedinak, C., Grossman, A., Davies, K. and Keil, M. (ed.) (2019). Advanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing. Springer.


Advancing Nursing Practice: The Emergence of the Role of Advanced Practice Nurse in Saudi Arabia
Hibbert, D, Aboshaiqah, A, Senko, K, Forestall, D, Harb, A, Yousuf, S, Kelley, P, Brennan, P, Serrant, L and Leary, A (2017). Advancing Nursing Practice: The Emergence of the Role of Advanced Practice Nurse in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi Medicine. 37 (1), pp. 522-528.

Journal article

Allied Health Professional (AHP) Transformation Project – Radiography results from a regional UK survey
Stewart-Lord, A (2018). Allied Health Professional (AHP) Transformation Project – Radiography results from a regional UK survey. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 49 (3), p. S15.

Journal article

An examination of Advanced Clinical Practice: Qualitative insights from therapeutic radiography advanced and consultant practitioners based in England.
Khine, R N M and Stewart-Lord, A (2021). An examination of Advanced Clinical Practice: Qualitative insights from therapeutic radiography advanced and consultant practitioners based in England. Technical innovations & patient support in radiation oncology. 17, pp. 97-101.

Journal article

An examination of the development of standards, protocols and standard operating procedures in forensic radiography
Viner, M. (2020). An examination of the development of standards, protocols and standard operating procedures in forensic radiography. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Allied and Community Health

PhD Thesis

An exploration of the return to work experiences of individuals who are managing a traumatic hand injury and the development of a return to work intervention.
Fitzpatrick, N (2015). An exploration of the return to work experiences of individuals who are managing a traumatic hand injury and the development of a return to work intervention. PhD Thesis London South Bank University School of Health and Social Care

PhD Thesis

An introduction to ethical theory for healthcare assistants
Rodger, D and Blackshaw, B (2017). An introduction to ethical theory for healthcare assistants. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. 11 (11), pp. 556-561.

Journal article

Association between psychosocial factors and mental health symptoms to cervical spine pain with or without radiculopathy on health outcomes: systematic review protocol
Mansfield, M., Spahr, N., Smith, T., Stubbs, B., Haig, L. and Thacker, M. (2020). Association between psychosocial factors and mental health symptoms to cervical spine pain with or without radiculopathy on health outcomes: systematic review protocol. PAIN Reports. 6 (1), p. e870.

Journal article

Audit of Adrenal Function tests
Davies, K and Bryan, S (2017). Audit of Adrenal Function tests. 2017 IMAGE meeting. Toulouse, France Oct 2017

Conference presentation

Rees, S. (2021). AZT / ABACAVIR. Journal of Prescribing Practice. 3 (4), pp. 132-132.

Journal article

Beyond Geographical boundaries: the covert role of mobile phone in maintaining power and coercive control in the domestic abuse of women
Havard, T. (2019). Beyond Geographical boundaries: the covert role of mobile phone in maintaining power and coercive control in the domestic abuse of women. European Conference of Domestic Violence. University of Porto, Porto, Portugal 05 - 09 Sep 2017

Conference presentation

Beyond infanticide: How psychological accounts of persons justify harming infants
Rodger, D, Blackshaw, B and Miller, C (2018). Beyond infanticide: How psychological accounts of persons justify harming infants. The New Bioethics.

Journal article

Biological basis of child health 13: structure and functions of the skin, and common children's skin conditions.
Davies, K. and Hewitt, C. (2021). Biological basis of child health 13: structure and functions of the skin, and common children's skin conditions. Nursing children and young people.

Journal article

Biological basis of child health 15: understanding the renal system and common renal conditions in children
Davies, K., Bradley, S and Crawford, D (2022). Biological basis of child health 15: understanding the renal system and common renal conditions in children. Nursing children and young people.

Journal article

Biological basis of child health 1: understanding the cell and genetics
Davies, K and Meimaridou, E (2020). Biological basis of child health 1: understanding the cell and genetics. Nursing children and young people. 32 (3), pp. 25-34.

Journal article

Biological basis of child health 2: introduction to fertilisation, prenatal development and birth
Crawford, D, Noakes, A and Davies, K (2020). Biological basis of child health 2: introduction to fertilisation, prenatal development and birth. Nursing children and young people. 32 (3), pp. 35-43.

Journal article

Biological basis of child health 5: development of the respiratory system and elements of respiratory assessment.
Crawford, D. and Davies, K. (2020). Biological basis of child health 5: development of the respiratory system and elements of respiratory assessment. Nursing children and young people. August.

Journal article

Biological basis of child health 7: growth, development and the reproductive system.
Davies, Kate (2020). Biological basis of child health 7: growth, development and the reproductive system. Nursing children and young people.

Journal article

Biological basis of child health 8: development of the gastrointestinal system and associated childhood conditions.
Edge, D. and Davies, K. (2020). Biological basis of child health 8: development of the gastrointestinal system and associated childhood conditions. Nursing children and young people.

Journal article

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Appleyard, Ian

Bacon, Ingrid

Baillie, Lesley

Balian, Sarah

Barrett, Rosalie

Batt, Rebecca

Booth, Sarah

Caselli, Gabriele

Darbar, Ulpee

Eakin, Pamela

Eaton, Andrew

Haig, Lesley

Harrison, Simon

Higgins, Martyn

Huang, Wei Dong

Jennings, Marian

Khaw, Jiann

Laming, Rachel

Lazarou, Panayiota

Ley, Chit Moy

Mahoney, Christine

Mansfield, Michael

Pallin, Nickola

Parker, Marie

Patel, Tina

Rogers, Heather

Shorten, Anna

Smith, Toby

Thacker, Michael

Vawda, Shahedah

Viner, Mark Donald