Open Research at LSBU | A repository of internationally recognised and world-leading research generated by our staff and students

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Deep Learning Stack LSTM Based MPPT Control of Dual Stage 100 kWp Grid-Tied Solar PV System
Umair Y., Ahmet A.K. and Ali, Z. (2024). Deep Learning Stack LSTM Based MPPT Control of Dual Stage 100 kWp Grid-Tied Solar PV System. IEEE Access. 12, pp. 77555-77574.
The "housewife as expert": re-thinking the experiential expertise and welfare activism of housewives' associations in England, 1960-1980
Beaumont, C. (2024). The "housewife as expert": re-thinking the experiential expertise and welfare activism of housewives' associations in England, 1960-1980. in: Everyday Welfare in Modern British History: experiences, expertise and activism Palgrave Macmillan.
Everyday Welfare in Modern British History: experiences, expertise and activism
Beaumont, C., Colpus, E. and Davidson, R. (ed.) (2024). Everyday Welfare in Modern British History: experiences, expertise and activism. Baskingstoke UK Palgrave Macmillan.
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Norwegian Food Sector using different approaches
Iordan, C-M., Mehta, S., Strand, A.V., Owonikoko, A., Evans, J., Foster, A. and Rossetti, A. (2024). Greenhouse gas emissions in the Norwegian Food Sector using different approaches. 5th Global Food Security Conference Towards equitable, sustainable and resilient food systems. KU Leuven, Belgium 09 - 12 Apr 2024
Exploring User Experience and Effectiveness of an Innovative Leanbuild UK Software: Usability Study Post Development Stage
Momoh, J., Muktari M. M., Emmanuel I. D., Namadi S. A., Ifeatu C. E. and Samuel I. H. (2024). Exploring User Experience and Effectiveness of an Innovative Leanbuild UK Software: Usability Study Post Development Stage. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC32) (pp. 672–683). Auckland, New Zealand 07 Jun - 01 Jul 2024

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